
1041. Violent

The seabed trembled as the battle against the invading pack continued. Shockwaves able to shatter the very fabric of the water covered the entire area, and tall tides formed on the surface.

Noah needed three to four attacks to dispatch one head, and his size prevented the Hydras from launching their innate abilities after him.

He moved among the long necks and accelerated whenever he found an opportunity. Meanwhile, his flames and corrosive smoke surrounded both creatures and applied damage over time, other than restricting their movements.

The Hydras found themselves in a dire situation, and their instincts took control of their bodies when they saw Noah destroying the third head.

The hybrids released an angry roar that became an intense sound attack once all eleven remaining heads pointed at the elusive Noah. He was swimming toward his fourth target when the pressure surrounded him and destroyed the layer of dark matter.
