
291. Black robes

Noah continued to kill as many blue cultivators as he could as the battle kept going.

They were the easiest targets on the battlefield, he couldn't find isolated red cultivators anymore.

Yet, that didn't discourage Noah, he kept on lowering the number of blue robes to force an opening in the red ones' defenses.

Time passed.

The battles between cultivators could last a lot, they had great reserves of energy and strong bodies, victory couldn't be decided in just a few minutes.

That's why, as the hours passed, Noah found fewer and fewer targets to kill.

His actions had finally aroused the wariness of the Empire, they had begun to fight in an extremely careful way.

'They are not leaving me any opening. Should I just join a battle?'

The army of the Odrea nation had completely overwhelmed the Empire by then, only the red cultivators and a few hundred blue ones were left on the battlefield.
