
Wife’s Gone

We reached home together. This would be the first time I'm taking her home. I told Stella that Ray will be coming soon. Since she's going to be busy cooking food, I can chat with Ray in privacy.

Ray came to our house around 7 o'clock. He also brought Neil with him. Three of us went to my room and I locked the door.

" So? What's up?"

" Do you guys know about Adam Harrison?"

" I have heard of him. He's the owner of The Michel's And Son company and Stella also works there." Ray replied.

" Anything else than that?"

" No. What's the matter ?" Neil said looking confused at me.

" Adam was your sister's stalker and he still is. He was in the same high school and same year as Ray and Stella."

" What? Wait.. wait I don't get it. I don't remember seeing him in my high school years." Ray spoke frowning his eyebrows.

" Well that's because he used to look different."

" How do you know all this Theo?"

" I met him yesterday in a party. I went with Stella and the way he behaved in front of us, it was suspicious. Which was why I did a background check on him. Took me few hours to dig into his past." I gave them the file which had the data of his past life.

" Stella spent most of her time with me and our group. We were always together in high school. Then how come we never noticed it?" Ray spoke while looking through the file.

" That's what I thought too. "

" What will you do now?"

" Listen Theo I don't think we should tell my sis about her boss being a stalker. She's been scared and paranoid about these types of stuffs. " Neil said in a worried tone.

" Yeah she will be horrified if she learns the truth. I'll tell her to quit her job and apply somewhere else." I agreed with Neil on this account.

" That's better."

" We should be on our guard. You never know what's gonna happen."

" Seriously Ray? My sis is married! Even if a guy flirts with her, it won't change her love for Theo. You know what? We are overthinking this whole matter. Relax! Even I had stalker. Ray you also have stalker even now. Does that harm us anyway? No!" Neil shouted out in irritation. Of course he was worried about Stella but he wanted to avoid thinking the worst outcome.

" Look Neil, I'm not worried about your sister leaving me for someone else. Adam is a creepy guy. If you had met him you'd say the same thing. I'm only concerned about your sister's safety." I tried to assure him.

" Theo's right. Twisted people like Adam are terrifying. You can't guess what's they're plotting." Ray also added.

" What else he can do? Kidnap my sis? Seriously? Even if that happens I'll fucking beat the shit outta him." We laughed hard hearing his comeback. That's kinda cute though. Little brother trying to protect his sister.

" Don't worry Neil, as long I'm here I'll keep your sis safe and sound."

" Guys, dinner is served!" We heard Stella's voice behind the door and went downstairs to eat dinner.

Next morning, I got dressed for my office. Stella had left and went to the dining table. When I reach there, Neil and Ray were present at the table. Stella was dressed in her office attire.

" You won't be going to work today." I took the seat and told her calmly.

" What? Are we going somewhere?" She asked me, looking puzzled by my words.

" No. You will quit your job and apply somewhere else. I can recommend you to some places which I know. Since you don't wanna work in my office." It's better to tell her everything later on. I knew she will understand and find another job. Besides I'm also supporting her.

" Why so sudden? What's the meaning of all this?" Her tone changed now. She seems rather aggressive.

" I'm telling you to quit because there is some reason for it. Why are you being stubborn?"

" Stubborn? First tell me the reason! Why should I quit?" She yelled at me.

" That's I can't say now."

" And why can't you? Unless you're ashamed to say it out loud!" She spat out with anger.

" What do you mean?"

" You want me to quit my job because you are jealous of my boss. Since the day you met him, you been acting weird. Do you think that I didn't noticed it?"

" You are getting it all wrong Stella!"

" Oh I'm dead sure! Seriously Theo you need to stop being childish. Every time you change your behaviour over things like that."

" That was one time only! You can't accuse me with the things that I've never done." Even I got aggravated hearing her words.

" I'm going to my office and I won't quit my job."

" Stella, listen to me. Quit the job I'll help you to find another one-"

" Of course you can, with all your money and connection. This is the job I got with my own strength, not because of someone's recommendation."

" So what? They took you in because you have qualifications. For the last time I'm telling you, quit that job of yours."

" Stop acting like my dad!"

" Oh! But you like it when I do it in the bedroom."

" GUYS! We are still here! Discuss your private matter after we leave." As Neil spoke up and both of us realised that we were literally shouting at each other, fighting like uncivilised people.

" There's nothing to discuss anymore. I'm leaving. Let's go Neil." Stella dragged Neil and began to walk to the doorway.

" Stella wait!" I called out her name loudly before she walked away from my home, leaving me in misery. She left me alone to repent on my actions. But was I really at a fault ? I just wanted to keep her safe. How did it come to this?

" Woah! That was one hell of a fight. Even I never had a rough convo with her like this." My senses came back, hearing Ray's voice. He was sitting on the chair looking amused.

" Are you putting salt to my wounds?" I'm in no mood for mockery.

" I'm just stating facts. But you know, they say that the more you fight, the more you love."

" I find it hard to believe." Chuckling softly I replied back.

" Have you seen Neil and Stella fighting? Even though they argue like barbarians, in the end they would sort out things."

" That's because they're siblings."

" No, that's because they love each other. Listen Theo, it doesn't matter who says sorry first. So, go there and apologise before it's too late. I mean I'm still on the line okay. I'll be the first one to lead my shoulder if she leaves you. But then I'm also your friend now, so I guess I gotta be the wingman for ya." Ray said with a smirk on his face.

" You bastard."

" Let her anger cool down then meet her at night. She'll forget everything."

" Hmm. She looses her anger quickly. I'll go to her house after my office, in the mean time she will become calm."

" Go my boy! Get your girl back. By the way what's the dad thing you mentioned that time?"

" Uh.... I'll say it later." Like hell I would say it to him. This so embarrassing that I literally said it to her in front of this two. I hope they will forget about it.

~ to be continued

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