
The world outside

"Before we go, you need a change of clothes, that dress is neither suited for outside the walls nor the motorcycle" after hearing Raven's words she ran back inside and came back outa while later wearing, black form-fitting jeans, black boots, a green button up and black leather jacket

"Is this outfit suitable?"

"Much more so than the last one, later on, we should find you something with better protection than normal clothes but for now, you're good"

"Aren't you wearing normal clothes?"

"These clothes are infused with my soul power, they are far more protective than they look" after a brief conversation, they left the city, speeding down the road halfway to their destination, Raven suddenly stopped the bike.

Rain pouring heavily onto the grass, lightning striking in the distance, the two saw a young woman standing in the middle of the road, short black hair stopping halfway down her neck black hair and blue eyes, she stared at the two with lazy eyes and a half crazy and half lazy smile as a cigarette hung loosely from her lips, a battered and worn down rice hat blocking the rain, as she held her katana up, resting it across her shoulder, a tube top with a leather jacket, black boots, and form-fitting pants and earrings

"Ohh more idiots leaving the city, how good for me" she had on a slightly sadistic yet lazy grin, clearly displaying her carefree and lazy personality

Raven narrowed his eyes and observed her clearly "Fenrir"

"You've heard of me?"

"I'm from the Mythic forest, of course, I have, the demon wolf, a beast among beast, a killing machine, a hunter from hell" hearing his words she smirked and dropped her cigarette to the floor and stomped it off "Since you know who I am, you know, it's pointless to run, I'll just hunt you down"

"I do, which is why I never intended to, Kalista you have no training yet, stay to the side" she nodded her head in response and ran as far back as she could

"Ready when you are" Fenrir looked at him and smiled, slightly admiring him for his courage as he spoke those words, then her earrings lit up yellow and orange and her sword lit on fire, the heavy rain seemingly not doing anything to the fire

She dashed at him, her katana falling heavily down, expecting to cut through his flesh like butter, instead, it was met with cold, hard metal, Raven's blade danced along with her own, as she slipped to the side and kicked at her, she flew back a few meters and looked at him "Impressive" She then darted out again, this time she unleashed a flurry of slashes, small blades of condensed fire spreading out with each stroke "Hellfire element, you're someone who should have died"

Raven noticed the bizarre fire and couldn't help but comment

"so you know the conditions for having hellfire?" she asked with such a shocked expression that people would think her eyeballs were about to pop out

"Of course, you got Hell to pay but you already sold your soul. it's blasphemy."

their blades clashed one more, numerous cuts on both of their bodies as they backed away

"I see why you're called a beast among beast, I am no match for you, if you didn't suppress yourself I would have long been dead, they put their Katana's away and bowed to each other "What's your name?"

"My name is Raven Kataclysm"

"Wait, The prince Raven Kataclysm?" the girl went wide-eyed when she asked this and got a nod in response

"I'm sorry Prince Raven, I meant no disrespect" she bowed

"I know, it's fine, rise, I enjoyed fighting with you, it's not often that I can go all out like that"

"Prince Ra-"

"Please just call me Raven"

"Very well, Raven, if I'm not, mistaken, you're called Tempest, why?"

"I harness the power of wind, water, and lightning, my powers are like that of a storm in the middle of the ocean" after talking for a bit Raven decided to accompany Fenrir, he packed his bike into the bike compartment of her Eon 5000 All-terrain vehicle and Brought Kalista along with him, introducing the two

"Thanks for the lift, I'm not used to this much excitement" Kalista yawned and rest her head on Raven's chest as she fell asleep

"Does she know that you're half mythic and this is just your human form?"

"I'm not sure but she saw my fangs so she should at the very least know that I'm not entirely human, I should explain to her eventually but it's not needed now and the topic is difficult for me"

Raven gently stroked her hair and Kalista smiled in her sleep, nuzzling into him

"I promised her father I would train her to make her strong and protect her while I did, so that's exactly what I'll do"

"you're a good man Raven Kataclysm, truly the queen's child"

They arrived in a small town shortly thereafter, and Raven woke Kalista up, she smiled and looked at him "thanks for letting me sleep"

"no problem, training doesn't start until next weekend anyway"

They walked around the city for a bit staring in awe that the extremely different culture there

sorry for short chapter I haven't been feeling well, it's back to normal tomorrow

Nova_Katamarucreators' thoughts