

as the car drove smoothly by the outskirts of city H Jenny looked at rose said " umm...ms" hesitate to talk more she Sank back on her sit rubbing her fingers together feeling guilty. hearing her rose looked at her "hm what it it ?" she said.

"ms. your mother called this afternoon and tell you to visit home for dinner as she has very urgent things to talk about and to tell you to call her back " Jenny said. she knew what mrs.carson, Rose's mother wants to talk about it's about the blind dates she have arranged for her she has been doing this since 3 years now as far as Jenny can remember she has been working with rose from 5 years now and mrs. Carson will always ask her for ms. rose schedule in secret so she can arrange the dates according to it behind her daughter's back but it all in vein as she never have gone to the blind dates. rose knew that Jenny shared her schedule in secret to her mother because of the constant callng and texting,nagging at the end Jenny reluctantly agreed and from then on she will always sneakily tell her mother when she is free. even though rose knew she never said anything cause she believes if she doesn't say anything other party won't know that she knew and she can pretend not to hear anything and bypass those hurdels . thinking about it rose knew what her mother's motive is so she just nod and said " ok. I see I will call her later then ." hearing it Jenny sighed a huff of relief because mrs. Carson strictly told her to make her daughter to come home if not she knew she would have to be scold to death by Rose's mother . jenny have been working with rose from a long but except for Kush Rogers, her best friend jenny never saw her talked to any guy so she thought at first maybe rose is not into guys but girls but to her dismay she have never seen her talk or even look at any girls let alone romantically involved but whenever she saw a girl with their seductive features looking at their friends partner a look of disgust can be seen on her face promptly . even Rose's mother once told her that her daughter was very bubbly when she was in her teens and had lots of friends but suddenly she stopped making friends and got ditached from her friend circles and started to be by her own at that time her parents didn't see any thing wrong as rose had her exams coming they thought may be because of exams she have decided to stay away from friends for the time being to not get distracted and it made her parents happy to see their daughter working hard but even after exams she never return to the circle and started being indoors alone . her mother felt that when she will started going to college everything will be like before but to her dismay her daughter never changed back to the joyfull girl she knew . after seeing her daughter like this she felt sad for her so she always asked her friends daughters to spend time with rose but rose always denied that she doesn't feel like it and when her mother pestered her to go outside with them rose became very angry and for the first time she roared to her mother and said " Mom I have never said no to anything but plz I don't need friends I am happy by the way I am right now plz stop asking you friends daughters to hang out with me it's annoying plz just don't let me have my peace I don't want to have anyone I don't need anyone I am alive and fine I don't need your friends daughters to stay by my side to comfort me it's annoying I beg you just just let me be by myself please" after that outburst mrs. Carson knew there was some problem going on in her daughter's life but she didn't knew how to confort her so she just kept quiet and saw her daughter at the guidelines as rose became more alone and aloof . thinking about those things Jenny just sighed and looked at rose and said "ms. I might not be the right person but I hope you go outside sometime and have fun besides work I have been with you for 5 years and known you for 8 years but I have never seen you do anything beside work. you are young and beautiful you should use your time doing things other than job and have fun it's hardly that you ever allow yourself a vacation you should find some time to be to relax umm and ms . after tomorrow there are 2 clients who will be dismissed as their sessions have ended and they are now stable and healthy so you have a week of free time I know you will want to settle other new clients sessions but maybe you should take a break and visit somewhere in that time frame oh also mr.kush have texted me that he will arrived tomorrow in the country and tried to call you to inform but haven't get through and asked you to go to pick him up at the airport at 4 pm " hearing jenny rose faintly smiles she always felt warm and comfortable talking to jenny when she was in her last year in her post doctorate jenny was her senior's assistant and was very fond of her work ethics and management skills and when she first started her job in hospital jenny always helped her to manage her schedule along with her senior and she was very grateful for that but their interactions were very limited as her senior frequently visit different places for seminars and Jenny also went along with him after 3 years work in the hospital for experience and having finished her specialisation she also worked in two other hospitals as bright as she was she also was hard working she worked hard to gain many important connection and her skills to treat patients of mental health was very different but useful her professors and seniors were very proud of her techniques and ability to cure patients and it had earned her respect from all around the city she was a very great psychiatrist and in mere 3 years she have built a great reputation and respect for her work she have been invited to many seminar abroad to give her speech on different kinds of methods and treatment of difficult cases as mental health issues are very different than physical health and the cure is also slow and each individual have different cases and it doesn't have one way treatment but patients also have to give their utmost Trust to them to help them recover it's mutual bonding and many doctors failed to bond with their patients and it became hard to cure them and help them so Rose's method and techniques are greatly valued as she have treated over thousands patients in mere 3 years with very difficult cases with zero fails it gained her great respect among her peers .

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