
Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range

"Sorry, but I can't allow you to accompany me, Chu Xin. I'll be blunt but you'll only be a burden."

That was Tatsuya's answer for Chu Xin's question for him. She asked him whether if she could accompany Tatsuya on his travel. She basically asked Tatsuya to adopt her and keep her as someone that would be useful. However, that is far from the truth itself.

Such answer might be too blunt for a little girl that had only experienced such terrifying moment, but Tatsuya knew that fooling her would only lead to atrocious ending. And Tatsuya didn't want that to happen.

Tatsuya had already copied Chu Xin's genetic information throughout the time he spent with her; including the time before she almost got defiled. He can't help but admit that Chu Xin possesses superb and superior veins that even towers over Xia Yuanba's and Xia Qingyue's. Based from the genetic configuration itself, Chu Xin originated from an even more terrifying place.

Since, he had already copied the genetic modification; Tatsuya only needed a safe place without any watchful eyes to advance his profound veins. Unlike the last time whereas he formed his profound veins peacefully without making any earth-shattering sound, this time is completely different. He is not forming the profound veins, but he is advancing it to another level.

His current destination is the mountain range that is nearly located beside the Cyan Forest Town, the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range. It is the mountain range that is currently under the sovereignty of the Scarlet Dragon that was rumored to possess 10th stage of Sky Profound Realm cultivation base.

"So, are you still going to follow me, Chu Xin?"


Tatsuya halted his steps, as he spoke indifferently without any trace of annoyance. Trees could be seen on his left and right, as a towering mountain could be viewed in front of him. He is currently traveling towards the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range in hopes to find a peaceful place that could allow him to advance his profound veins.

Meanwhile, a little girl with short pure-black hair that cascaded till her shoulders could be seen following Tatsuya. Despite her short height and petite body, she possessed a noble air that was comparable to aristocrats of this country. She is the little girl that Tatsuya saved, Chu Xin.

"Sigh, why are you so stubborn?"

"I… don't have any place to go, big brother."

Tatsuya tilted his head towards Chu Xin, as he stared at the little girl while heaving a sigh. Before his gaze, Chu Xin involuntarily averted her gaze from him, as she felt guilty for forcing herself into someone.

"I give up. Then, ride this horse instead of following me with your footsteps."

"But, what about you big brother, you might get exhausted at this rate."

"Well, there should be no 'buts' from now on. You followed me here stubbornly, so this is what you get."

"I can't really call this harsh treatment…"

Chu Xin whispered to herself, as she sensed Tatsuya's kindness. Her guilt for following Tatsuya without his permission, intensified. However, seeing that Tatsuya already accepted herself as his companion, she quickly opted herself to toss aside the guilt, to avoid becoming more burdensome than she is now.

"Then, please excuse myself, big brother Tatsuya."

Chu Xin timidly approached the horse besides Tatsuya, as she tried her best to pretend to know how to ride a horse. Tatsuya shook his head out of amusement, as he used both his arms to assist Chu Xin for climbing into the horse' saddle.

"T-thank you."

"Well, let's go…"

Ignoring the timid Chu Xin, Tatsuya grabbed the rope that confined the horse' mouth, as he slowly advanced a step towards the mountain. Meanwhile, Chu Xin stared at Tatsuya with adoration in her gaze. No one really knew what she was thinking about…

"So this is the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range…"

Chu Xin gasped in astonishment while checking out the sign before her. Keep out, dangerous beasts resides beyond this sign, was the writings contained on the sign. Tatsuya only stared at the peak of the mountain range, as his innate ability, Elemental Sight, allowed him to fully analyze every single thing that was happening within the range.

"Chu Xin, quickly go down from the horse. Right now, stay close to me every time. This place is dangerously enough to harm you in an instant without you realizing it."


Now that Chu Xin had become Tatsuya's responsibility, he decided to protect her and assigned her as his second priority, with himself as the first priority. Although, Chu Xin had become his companion, he is not foolish enough to sacrifice his life for a girl that he had only interacted within a single day.

(Nascent Profound Realm beings will pose no harm to me. However, entities beyond that cultivation realm are threats to our life. If only I had already done recreating Baryon Lance, even a Sky Profound Realm beast can't possibly withstand a photon beam.)

(But, if push comes to shove, I could just use it using my psions reserve. But, I already wasted 10% of my psion reserves from fighting those thieves at the Floating Cloud City.)

Tatsuya inwardly pondered, as he stood still. He can't get careless at this decision, as he knew that Chu Xin's life is at stake here, if he only had himself to consider, he would have long entered this range.

"Sorry big brother for becoming a burden…"

Chu Xin instinctively sensed Tatsuya's current thought, as she bowed for forgiveness. Tatsuya looked at her with surprise, as he felt quite amazed at Chu Xin's womanly intuition.

"Don't mind it. But, remember my condition to yourself accompanying me. Once we arrive at the New Moon City, you will study at the New Moon Profound Palace."

Tatsuya can't possibly take care of Chu Xin for an extended amount of time, as he had more than enough task to accomplish. He could only help Chu Xin with the best of his abilities. He knew that if Chu Xin got spoiled, she might become completely reliant on him, which will be bad for the both of them.

Although, he hadn't adopted her or somewhat, Chu Xin had obviously grown attached to him the moment Tatsuya saved her. It can't be helped because of the mental aspects that were involved in the incident.


(Found a place that would work for me…)

Chu Xin nodded her head in agreement, as she felt more grateful from Tatsuya's consideration of her. While Tatsuya already located a place that would suit his requirements, where he would advance his profound veins.

Time quickly passed, as Tatsuya together with Chu Xin arrived before a gigantic waterfall. Two mountain edges were surrounding the waterfall. It was three hundred meters at height and its crashing water is as loud as thunder rumble. Mist could be found beneath the waterfall, as it endlessly occupied the bottom.

"Wow, this is my first time actually seeing a waterfall!"

"Then, I guess it's a memorable day for you, eh."

"Indeed. It's really a memorable day for me, big brother."

Chu Xin said with a tone filled with earnest emotion, as her gaze at Tatsuya became more intense and kind. Tatsuya ignored her gaze, and only focused his attention on the waterfall. He was inspecting the geological features of the waterfall.

(This place is hidden from people. I'm betting that only lucky individuals would encounter this waterfall. Coincidentally, there's a hidden cave behind the waterfall, but the water current is too tremendous…)

(I guess, I could only decompose the water droplets endlessly till I reach the cave, eh.)

Tatsuya reached a conclusion, as he took a step forward. Chu Xin looked at him with a confused expression, as she only quietly waited for Tatsuya to make his move.

"Chu Xin, grasp my hand."


Chu Xin didn't ask or complained. She completely placed her faith and trust on Tatsuya. Although, Tatsuya had previously rejected her accompaniment, she felt that Tatsuya won't betray or hurt her under any circumstances.


A faint sound appeared within the waterfall, as an unseen energy passed through the water droplets that were falling from the top of the waterfall. Chu Xin unconsciously stared in front of her, as she soon widened her eyes.


She stammered as she observed the phenomenon before her. She saw the water droplets vanish in a certain degree. A cave entered her line of sight, as the water droplets can't advance beyond the cave entrance's height. She sneaked a peak at Tatsuya, as her adoration for him increased.

(Beautiful profound art…)

That was the only thought that entered her mind, as she stared at the ungodly phenomenon happening before her with a shocked expression. Ever since she had been saved by Tatsuya, she had already concluded that the big brother beside her isn't your any ordinary individual. Despite her curiosity, she still chose to keep quiet instead of asking Tatsuya.

"Keep calm and trust me, Chu Xin."

Tatsuya took a step forward, as his profound energy covered his and Chu Xin's feet. His extreme control over the profound energy outclassed even those veterans that have lived for a century.

Although, they were standing on the top of water, they didn't fell on the water itself. Tatsuya had controlled his profound energy to act as their road to walk on. Chu Xin stared with amazement, as she followed Tatsuya towards the cave.

After a few dozen of steps, they found themselves standing on the cave itself, as Tatsuya undid the Decomposition ability that was placed on the water droplets. Soon, the water fall returned to its original state, and crashed down into the surface of the lake.


A rumble that resembled a thunder appeared on the surroundings, as the water fall hid the cave completely, together with Tatsuya and Chu Xin. Darkness descended into the cave, as Chu Xin unconsciously tightened her grip on Tatsuya's hand.

(Eidos Manipulation, Activate.)

Tatsuya touched the wall, as he instantly analyzed its composition. He accessed its Eidos and rewrote its structure for his convenience. It only took an instant, as a torch hanging from the wall appeared. The torch mysteriously lit itself, as it produced enough light to cover the cave.

"I appreciate your consideration of my privacy, Chu Xin."

Tatsuya stared at the gob-smacked Chu Xin, as he let out a thin smile from his face. The latter woke up from her daze, as her ears turned red.

"I have some foods here, and other necessities. I might be asking too much but just relax for now. I'll cultivate…"

Tatsuya handed a bag to Chu Xin, as he sat on the cave floor, without minding the dust and dirt. Likewise, Chu Xin followed up without asking anything. Tatsuya slowly closed his eyes, as he only left a sliver thread of his awareness on the outside.

(Eidos Manipulation, Activate.)

Thus, Tatsuya's profound veins advancement began while Chu Xin only quietly watched. Stillness spontaneously descended on the cave, as only the sound of the torch remained.

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