
Pumpin' Blood

True to his word, Red agreed, rather enthusiastically, may I add, to do the dare.

"You're that type of person that enjoys watching others suffer in misery or in this case, embarrassment, aren't you?" he asked while taking a sip from his Grande Vanilla Milkshake.

"You know it," I reply with my mouth full of tomato-topped pizza. "But I'm not that evil. I only ever feel that way for you. Just you. No one else."

"Wow," he said. He's now done, and I have no idea where he put everything he ate (the pizza, the fries, and the large shake) and how he finished them while here I am, still halfway through my share.

"But if I were you, I'd hurry up. You wouldn't want to miss the chance to see me perform with a band that only ever plays tonight."

Right. The band. At the KTV Bar I mentioned. Limelight.

I've seen it—the band, that is—on some posters around campus but I never really thought they'd play outside of school. It's not only until now that I realize that there is, indeed, a school band composed of Harvard kids who play outside of school in some pubs around here. The one Red mentioned might just be the band and if it really is, I have to go and see them play.

The additional excitement gives me the extra push I need to gobble up the last few slices of my pizza and my milkshake. In about ten minutes, I already finished everything. Never in my life have I ever felt so full, so pumped up, and so ready to see someone do a dare.

Red, on the other hand, simply spent the last few minutes snickering at my Viking-like manner of eating. He acted as though the dare was not scary.

"You look normal," I said. "Shouldn't you be a scared at least?"

"You're really excited to see me ruin my reputation, aren't you?" he said. I need not reply. All just grabbed my bag, stood up, and rushed straight towards the door as if to say, "I am. Now let's get going."

And so, at the moment, just as I've spontaneously planned to, we are now standing in the front steps of the ever bright and ever inviting Limelight Stage + Studios. The neon-colored label mounted on the bricked walls of the building seemed to say, "Now hurry up, go in."

The music from the inside is mildly audible, the people inside look like they're having the best time, and most of all, Red is already shaking hands and happily chatting with the man dressed in black from head to toe, whom I assume is the bouncer.

From the outside, everything seems fine and dandy, like there's nothing wrong with what we're doing. However, something is wrong. Moreover, this is exactly why I, on the other hand, stay in place as I look at the neon signs and the people while deep in thought of this wrong thing.

For starters, I never thought I'd be back in a KTV Bar after what happened to me three years ago. Never did I imagine that it would be my idea in the first place to be here when three years ago, I remember vowing to myself and to the universe that I will come nowhere near such a place. I never thought I'd be doing this out of my own will and no one else's. More so, I never thought I would even be doing it with a boy I liked in a way I've never liked one before.

Therefore, I am presented with a question that I must face as soon as I possibly could: To push through or to not push through? That is the question.

After all, none of this is a part of the original plan until half an hour ago. This isn't what we talked about until when this then seemingly bright idea popped in my head and even made me perform a miracle by finishing one whole pizza on my own – an act, which I swear upon the stars, the sun, and the moon that I have never before done.

"Come on," he said. "We have to get this done because we still have to get back to the game."

Right. The baseball game. I almost forgot, and now that he reminded me, I check my phone; it's already 30 minutes past seven. The game must have already started at Fenway and yet, here we are, miles away.

I was still thinking when Red grabbed my hand, and walked me in. He was once again making my heart beat a thousand times per minute.

"Wait," I unexpectedly shout. He stops and looks back at me with his brows raised.

"You don't have to do this. If you want, we can just head back to Fenway and watch the game just like we originally planned to. It would be a win-win situation; you won't have to embarrass yourself like you think I'm making you and I get to watch my first baseball game on time."

"But we're already here," he replied. "And I actually want to do this. Also, baseball games can drag on for nine, ten, or even twelve hours. We'll only be here for half an hour to see the band; don't worry. This was your idea, remember?"

He's right. I only nod my head. He gives a reassuring smile. What could go wrong with this little endeavor? Push through it is. We walk and claw our way through the crowd towards the front-end of the pub where the stage was. In performance was a band of two boys and a girl playing a song I've never heard of. The view is great because I could see the singer sing and her bandmates play with so much passion. The only downside is that we're standing right in front of the gigantic floor speakers, which practically make it a hundred times louder than it would have been if we were in the back. It's also probably why I feel like my eardrums are on the verge of explosion.

"Stay here," Red said as he let go of my sweaty hand. "Don't move, okay? I'll be back as soon as possible."

I feel like he's treating me like his little sister, and as the obedient kid that I am, I stay put, and only ever craning my head to look around. The blinking bright lights shone like diamonds but the people didn't seem to care when the spotlight hovered over them. The dancing scene was so inviting since everyone looked seemed to be on cloud nine with ear-reaching smiles.

As fun as it looks from where I stand, I don't want to move and go there and dance elbow-to-elbow in the fear that Red might actually end up reprimanding me. Another reason is my fear of possibly getting trampled by those boneless dance masters. I mean, how can they even survive in this packed area? I cannot bring myself to do a simple cha-cha even if I want to.

Some are perspiring so bad I can clearly see beads of sweat slide down their foreheads even when they're at the dimmer area of the pub. Women were half-naked; some men were topless. Nonetheless, all of them danced and moved ever so enthusiastically, which made me feel similarly weird and sweaty just by looking at them doing what – as Red told me – they call "entertainment on a Friday night." How are they having so much fun with no worries at all when I can barely calm my nerves?

I ignore my own question and instead, focus on other things. In front of me is the stage and them, similarly sweltering from the heat of the pub. The lead singer who was the only girl in the band was dressed in black from head to toe – black ripped jeans, black tank top, and a black leather jacket; she also had black lipstick on.

The other two band members played the drums and the keyboard. They were also dressed in black, but not as extra as the lead singer was or if I may be so bold, my newfound idol. Up close, they had these black tattoos on the side of their necks that looked like letters put closely together. WRC.

The same logo was on their drum stickers and other instruments, while the small banner hanging from the stage wires said "We Real Cool." That must be it. I figured that "WRC" actually stands for We Real Cool. They were already nearing the end of the song they were playing, but the people in the crowd didn't look like they were finished just yet.

"WHAT'S UP, BOSTON?" the lead singer shouted. Her speaking voice was just as strong as her singing voice. She may be in a rock band but I could sense grace and finesse in her manner of moving and speaking, which makes me look up to her all the more.

Everyone was screaming, cheering, and asking for another song, but she enthusiastically went on with her speech. She introduced herself as Nicole; her other two band members were Francis and Max.

"Hey," Red suddenly said when he reappeared.

"Oh my gosh," I tell him. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Come on," he replies with a smile. "It's just your heart, it's alive; it's pumping blood."

I wanted to ask him what he meant, but then the crowds began to cheer again. Instead, I raise my brows as though to ask him, "What do you mean and what are you up to?"

And perfectly right on cue, Nicole says something about the next song being Pumpin' Blood and that a volunteer from the crowd was going to join them. The instrumentals kicked in, and before I knew it, Red was heading upstage with his own microphone.

"Hey heart, on the road again, moving on, forward," Nicole began.

"See the stars, won't break the bones," Red continued.

He was singing. Red was singing. He was actually doing it and boy was he so good. The moment he began, I swear my heart began to beat faster. My jaw dropped. My eyes widened. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs. His voice was cool and suave. Perfect. He could even pass as an actual band member. In my mind, he'd just go up there and perform for the sake of getting the dare done – not actually nail it and impress not only me but the rest of the crowd. But he was actually nailing it. He and Nicole were nailing it. They're taking turns and every time it was his time to sing, I smile even more.

"They're in the car

On the highway

It's so magical, feeling, that no one's got a hold

Your heart can list the all, happiness you know"

He continued singing. There he is onstage, singing my favorite song. If this isn't the best present a friend could give me, I don't know what is. The beats grow louder and faster; the lights dim a bit. When the chorus came, everyone was singing along and rushing towards the stage I almost fell and lost my balance when the others came rushing through me.

This is your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

It's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And the whole wide world is whistling

And it's whistling

As soon as the first chorus ended, Red jumped off the stage and started singing and dancing among us. I can't see what he's exactly doing from where I'm from, but I have an idea that he's probably sweeping a random girl off her feet. I don't mind. I don't care if he goes around dancing with all the girls there are in the scene though because surprisingly, I, myself, am having fun even without him by my side. He was the suave charmer and I was his fan.

Completing the whole euphoria is the instrumentals and the timing of the lights' flicker. I feel like dancing a bit more. And just like that, I raise my arms like crazy and jump like a little kid like I've never done before. Before I knew it, I was screaming my heart out. The second verse was coming in and this time, I won't be just standing around; this time, I'd dance and sing to my heart's content.

Hey heart, on the run again

Drive is strong

I close my hands and wave my hands, singing. I'm singing and humming to the beat of the music. I'm in my own moment when suddenly, someone grabs me by the waist. I open my eyes, and there he was. Red. His eyes sparkled with energy, and although beads of sweat trickled down his face, he looked perfect.

He was pulling me closer towards him for what I assume is a kiss. Closer. A bit more. Just a little more pull, but nope. He wasn't pulling me in for a kiss. He was pulling me towards the stage.

As soon as I realize this, I try to resist him, but gloriously fail. He and Nicole began doing their magic again and I was in a trance. They were singing my favorite song, after all. And just like that, what I once labeled as the impossible became possible.


Stick and stones won't take his course

It's got the ball

And it fits it

It's the best of world's feeling, like nothing can go wrong

You're the saddle of the world, you get to know

I was singing my favorite song onstage with him. Red handed me an extra microphone and as soon as it was time for the chorus, I brought the microphone towards my lips and started singing as though I've been used to doing all this before.

'Cause it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

It's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood
