
Justice Has Been Served!

The way Xie Yuansheng was asking questions, it was as if he wasn't interested in what Xie Weihui was thinking or talking about. He had his own set of questions that he needed answers of. "Who was that man who offered you twenty percent shares?" 

Xie Weihui gave him a side-glance and said, "You want to know that, don't you?" She paused looked at the table in front of her before continuing, "I will tell you once we negotiate some terms and conditions." 

"There are no terms and conditions. It is me who dictates them," said Xie Yuansheng. Then he looked at the guard who was standing on the door and shouted, "Bring her!" 

The guard disappeared. 

Xie Weihui became nervous realizing what he was saying. "Don't you touch my daughter," She shouted on top of her lungs. "She is innocent. She is pregnant and a victim of your abuse. At least now don't torture her."
