
Can’t Resist You Anymore

Feng Xinying became aware of the fact that she had spent the afternoon in the same bed and blushed slightly. She got out of his bed and went to her bed. When he had woken up in the afternoon, she hadn't shown him the news because she didn't want to disturb his mental wellbeing. She thought that seeing that kind of news article, he might feel bad because of his aunt Xie weihui. Inside Feng Xinying was happy and satisfied that finally Ru Shishi had been served justice. 

On Monday next Xie Yuansheng was discharged from the hospital and had come back home. Feng Xinying had been running around to make best arrangements for him the entire day. She had taken special permission from the director to attend to him. She asked the director to shoot scenes that did not concern her. Lu Dao had been considerate enough. He had instructed her to come back from Tuesday onwards. 
