
Trial Dance Sequence

Feng Xinying had entered the set with full costume and the choreographer went to her. He called his assistants to tie her with a rope around her waist. Then he ordered his people to be stationed at their places and keep throwing ropes at Feng Xinying by using the net that was made on the ceiling of the set. The net consisted of wires, pulleys and ropes, all of which had to be synchronized properly for the dance sequence. Since they all had done a lot of practice at the dance studio itself, all that changed here was the environment and the clothes. Rest everything was same. 

Everyone was confident that things would go out very nicely. There was enthusiasm amongst people. The choreographer said "All the best" to the team and went away from there. Feng Xinying was super-confident because the way she had practiced each and every step, she knew everything by heart.  
