
Hotel Red Dragon (3)

Back in the StarManage building, as soon as Ru Shishi hurriedly left the place, Feng Xinying became very annoyed. The fact that Ru Shishi was eavesdropping was beyond imagination. Hong Gi, her agent, realized the atmosphere and apologized. He said that he would install soundproof walls all around now. "This is the first time we have even had this kind of problem. No one dared to snoop around like this because no one had the time." 

Feng Xinying nodded and left with Zhou Ah Ming. Ru Shishi was beginning to get on her nerves again. 

Zhou Ah Ming said, "Madam, please don't worry about Ru Shishi. We just have to think ten steps ahead of her. She is a very shallow person. Let us concentrate on our things. The more you will focus on her, the more your life will become miserable." He knew what the entertainment world was like. People over here were interested in pulling down others by the meanest of the tricks. 
