
I Need Him Alive!

Xie Yuansheng went back inside and found that Da Cong was crying hysterically like a woman and Feng Xinying, who had taken a piece of cloth that she found in his baggage that had been rummaged by Xie Yuansheng's men, was tying that cloth around his fingers. She was actually shouting at him, "Keep them still or else they would get damaged further." Da Cong listened to her like a baby wiping his tears with his shirtsleeve. 

Once she had tied the bandage around his fingers, she went to sit back in her chair and looked at Xie Yuansheng who appeared grumpy as hell. She gestured "What" with a straight face. Then she said, "I got to keep him alive until I get the information." 

"Finding the information is going to take a long time Feng Xinying. Let us go to the office and come here at lunchtime." 

"Will he be alive by that time?" she asked. 
