
Go to a Secluded Place With Us

During lunchtime, the people who had come from overseas were talking about a unit that Feng Conglomerate had that manufactured copper wires. The production was huge, as the market demand had increased. The people proposed a plan in which they wanted to get into mining copper so that they didn't have to depend on the import, which were attracting very large import duties. This in turn was eating their profits. 

Xie Yuansheng was not able to concentrate on what those people were talking about as all his focus was on a photo on his phone of a girl wearing a flowery tiara. He stroked her face on the phone and looked at all the flowers that surrounded her head. The red roses bouquet that she had in her hands that afternoon reflected the red color on her skin and he she looked ethereal. Xie Yuansheng sighed feeling love all the more for her. All of a sudden he remembered who the hell that bouquet had gone to and he sulked. 
