

Meanwhile, Akame and Leone separated themselves from Lubbock and Chelsea, both of them killed one target out of the 6 Najenda mentioned, including Honest and Esdeath.

Leone: There's the first one. Since most of the guardsmen are out in the battle, this is pretty easy.

Akame: The map that the survey team gave us was accurate too. We avoided most of the traps.

Leone: Then shall we advance to the throne room?

Akame: Agreed.

Leone: Oh right, what do you think about Billy? He managed to conquest you now, hehe.

Akame: ...He's nice once he stops being angry…

Leone: Hahaha! Once we have done this, I will immediately prepare the wedding day for both of you!

Akame: S-Shut up…

Leone: Oh? A flustered Akame? This is not something you see every day.


Esdeath was still observing the battlefield, however, Run and Wave weren't present in the battlefield, when Esdeath thought about it, she frowned a bit, they joined the rebels and are working alone.

The army in front of her was moving good, and thanks to the flute, Scream, they got enchanted, even if not at the same level of Billy's army, which was around 4500 minions, while the giants were still untouched.

Even though the anti-empire army on that particular area was 10 times bigger than Esdeath's army, they managed only to get a balance.

Esdeath: Teigus here and there, this is just a Teigu battle.

Najenda: Billy, how much time until you will complete your domain?

Billy: An hour, jeez, this place is too big…

Billy was currently surrounding the capital with cracks so he can make a giant black fissure where he can spawn his minions as he pleases, he still has more than 500 trillion that he can use, the only limit is the space remaining.

Najenda: There's no way Esdeath will be satisfied by only moving her pawns! Soon she'll take action herself! In that moment, you go to confront her, you and Susanoo are the only one capable of stand against her, but Susanoo is busy with destroying her army, while you can turn back to life.

Billy: Hm.

Meanwhile, Esdeath was observing the place and nodded.

Esdeath: Good. I've got a grasp of the enemy's movement. I found the points to topple them.

She created an ice horse and a sword, before she hopped on the horse and rode it down, over the wall.

Esdeath: COME FORTH!

Najenda: Go!


Billy summoned his Nexus Sword and rushed at Esdeath, who was heading towards Billy while making a clear job of their army, even if they got flared up from Billy's threat...

Najenda: Avoid any direct fights with Esdeath! Focus on defense and wait until she gets tired! 'If Esdeath is fighting personally, shouldn't the ice warrior's movements become sluggish? In other words…'

Suddenly one of Esdeath's soldiers yelled.

Soldier: The north gate has been breached!!

Esdeath: Tsk, the enemy's movement changed as soon as I entered the battlefield, they've prepared and trained well. 'If that's the case…'

Esdeath continued to rush towards Billy and yelled.

Esdeath: If I eliminate you then the skeletons will disappear! And I will bring victory!

Billy: Heh, you can't kill me!

Billy and Esdeath reached each other and Billy crouched down, before cutting in two the horse that Esdeath was riding, the latter made a flip and landed on her feet, before kicking the ground and attack Billy.

Billy couldn't turn back in time and was pierced from Esdeath, however, before he could die, he brought down the Nexus Sword, but Esdeath stepped back, and surprisingly for her, her rapier was cut in two from the Nexus Sword.

Esdeath: What a disappointment…

The next instant, she saw Billy's halo floating away and take control of a minion, before it changed in Billy and attacked Esdeath again with his Nexus Sword.

Esdeath: So that's how you beaten Budo, you killed him after a battle of attrition. But it won't work with me!

She created a rapier of ice and tried to block the Nexus Sword, but not only did her rapier get destroyed again, it even managed to cut off her right arm.

Esdeath: What…?!

She backed away and looked back at Billy's sword, which didn't had a single drop of blood.

Esdeath: 'Billy may be weaker than me… But he has advantage of number, endurance, and firepower… It will be hard fighting him… No, wait! Maybe his halo is the weak point!'

Esdeath created an arm made of ice and another rapier, before she kicked the ground and reached Billy almost instantly, who tried to slash at her, Esdeath bended her body and attacked the halo on Billy's head…

The moment her rapier touched the halo, a non-lethal Nexus Bolt flowed inside her rapier and entered her body.

Esdeath: AHHH!!!

She got zapped painfully from the Nexus Bolt and backed away while gritting her teeth in pain as she held an hand over her heart.

Billy: I said it before, and I will say it now… You can't kill me.

Esdeath: Heh, but you can't do the same at me, I just need to dodge your sword and kill you until you finish your minions… I wonder, how many times will you turn back to life?

Billy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You want to kill me until I can't turn back to life?! Now I've heard everything! Try to kill me as many times you want! I'll give you an hint to beat me, you need to kill me around 500 trillion of times! And every day it will increase of at least 10'000!

Esdeath's eyes widened in shock as she listened to Billy… No, there must be a method to kill him even without that factor…

Esdeath: Then I'll seal you off!

Esdeath created a giant rock of ice over Billy's head, which crashed at him. The attack then slowly contained Billy, until he couldn't move.

Esdeath: Heh, you make it too easy if you say it like that.

However, she gulped down her words when she saw Billy's Nexus Bolt destroying the ice like nothing. Then Billy walked towards Esdeath while wielding a Nexus Sword.


A really loud sound was heard in the entire capital and around it.

Esdeath: Tch, the signal to pull back for now!?

She looked back at the capital, and saw that it was completely covered in smoke, while she was turned around, Billy took out a gun and shot at her, however she created a shield of ice behind her back.

Esdeath: Damn… The imperial capital is a wreck. Heh, that was impressive, Billy! You managed to hold me back here! Let us meet again soon!

Esdeath created another ice horse and rushed back at the capital with her army.

Meanwhile, Najenda reached Billy.

Najenda: Are you okay, Billy?

Billy: Yeah, even with my abilities, it's hard to beat her.

Najenda: Good job on drawing Esdeath's attention away and taking off one of her arms. During that time, with the aid of the Teigu troops… We were able to completely destroy the opposition's castle gates!

Billy: No, something is wrong…

Soldier: ...Hey… Over there… Some strange looking thing…

Najenda and Billy looked forward, and saw a giant armor standing over the imperial palace.

Najenda: Wha… Oh… Dear… God…

A beam was charged from the chest of the armor, and it shot forward, reducing everything to dust… Susanoo tried to summon his mirror, but unexpectedly the attack was unable to be contained and continued forth, fortunately, every member of the Night Raid that was there dodged it.

But a clear big path stood in the middle of the field made from the beam.

Honest: Bfft! Bwahahahaha! Incredible! Magnificient!! We obliterated thousands of enemy soldiers in just a single blast?! Now you will see what hell truly is, rebel scum!! This is the empire's trump card… The very origin and pinnacle of all… The supreme Teigu, Shikoutazer!

Billy: ...Fuck it! I'll move forward! Hey Snake! Can you manage to keep at least every member of the Night Raid safe?

Najenda: If I couldn't do that then what sort of boss am I? Go destroy the weapon!

Billy: Roger!

Then Billy vanished inside a fissure, right now the crack around the capital is 60% completed.
