

". . . This skill costs no mana?" Madison asked as her right eye twitched slightly.

"Yup. Now that 6 of the slots are filled, I can give this to 10 more people." Shiro smiled.

"Who are you planning to give them to?" Madison asked curiously.

"Hmm… right now I'm thinking of giving it to everyone in the party. Yin, Lisandra, Chen Yu, Silvia, Estrella, Nimue, Attie, Iziuel, Nan Tian and then one more person. Probably Shiina since she's the best user of the mechs right now." Shiro replied as Madison nodded her head.

"How are the titles even generated? Do you do them or does the system calculate it?"

"The system does. That's why I'm not sure about giving it to Nan Tian just yet since he might become the Divine Court Therapist." Shiro joked as Nan Tian chuckled.
