
Land of Beasts

3 days have passed by ever since the incident of dealing with the dragon in the Grand Lake. Everything is now back to normal and things have been more peaceful than ever. Aside from the monster killing from time to time and some power leveling, we do in the Dark Sea whenever it isn't that busy of a time, the extra levels we gain are helping enough as there is a chance our enemies get tougher and tougher.

Aside from those things, nothing much is happening so most of the time, we took any kind of time-consuming work that could pass the time during our time in idle hours. For me, I am trying to earn back all of my masteries in Blacksmithing and Cartography once more. The blacksmithing process is easier since I just needed to have Almira reissue me the apprenticeship to her. The problem was with the Cartography mastery.
