
Kingdom of the Dead's Deep Sea (II)

The merfolk zombies are not that numerous, allowing us to push through and eliminate every single one of them. It's quite chaotic at times especially if they come in groups and in hordes though it's not really a problem with Atlas dealing most of the damage most of the time and since he is not affected by whatever the undead are trying to transmit, he was able to tank every bite with his armor, allowing us to go for the kill.

"Do you think there are deeper in the city, Master?" Lina asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because the more we dwell deeper, the amount of the zombies attacking are getting more numerous and dangerous now."

"We can't be too sure but that isn't too farfetched as the necromancer can bring back the dead as much as he can do as long as he has a corpse to use or the mana to use. By now, the necromancer already knows we are coming. Might be the main reason for the influx of the zombies attacking us right now."
