
Chapter 7

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

After the second half of the school year started again and the workouts were restored, everything went back to the old tracks, except that Harry now had fun in the form of natural Dungeons, which were in his favorite forest. Not every day had time for all five possible attempts, but even so he tried to make the most of the situation.

Moreover, when he had the opportunity, he trained to create and leave his own Dungeon: Illusion. Wanted for this Skill to get the highest level in a short time. He knew he didn't have enough to create a Dungeon: Dojo, but as soon as he gets that chance, he'll be able to practice absolutely anywhere his Martial Art and the Sword Art.

It was in mid-January when he reached level 10 and all the natural Dungeons changed slightly and no longer had level 3 - 5 monsters, but with level 7 - 9. lighter and found he was missing more and more mana in longer battles. Therefore, all Status Points he had invested in INT and WIS.

After reaching the 10th level, he also received Perks Points. He learned that from the tenth level he gets only three Perks Points every five levels. In addition, each tenth level received five Extra Points Status.

Perks: Perks are special advantages that a player can achieve when unlocked through the Perks offer. Some possibilities can also be unlocked in other ways - innate abilities, abilities acquired from rituals. Each option has the maximum number of points that can be invested in it and, when the maximum limit is reached, the player becomes the Master in the industry chosen by the player. Some industries can automatically add points for special tasks.


1. The Element Fire Master - 0/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the element fire. Each point adds a bonus to fire spells.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

2nd Element of Water - 0/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the element of water. Each point adds a bonus to water spells.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

3. Master of the Earth - 0/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the earth element. Each point adds a bonus to earth spells.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

4. Air Element Master - 0/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the air element. Each point adds a bonus to air spells.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

5. Lightning Element Master - 0/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the lightning element. Each point adds a flash spell bonus.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

6. Ice Element Master - 2/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the ice element. Each point adds a bonus to ice spells. Unlocked with Teleportation Skills.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

7. Metamorph - 1/13 - Allows the player to change his shape. With every point, you can change a larger part of your body. Unlocked by Black Blood - Grandma Dorea Black-Potter.

- Possible transformations: Hair length and color.

He didn't get a lot of information about the new abilities, but there was no need to know more. He was glad to hear something about his ancestors, especially his grandmother, even though it was just her name. He remembered the time his aunt had cut his hair, and he had it back in the morning, also realizing that he hadn't had to cut his hair throughout his life and was still the same length.

It also explained that he felt better in the presence of cooler places, and winter didn't bother him and was immune to her effects. In addition, he thought he could create new spells by knowing about his natural ability for the element of ice. In addition, it was cold and he assumed that already existing snow and ice could be used for his spells. While he was using lightning magic, he wasn't going to give it up, but even so, the element of ice lured him much more.

He had three Perks Points and all three of them immediately invested. He put two points in the Ice Lister Master and one in the Lightning Lives Master. He hoped he could get the fifth level very quickly, he wanted to improve the Ice Element to the max.

Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 9

Class: The Gamer

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Magician

Level: 10 - Exp: 1.00%

HP: 1,540

MP: 1,750

STR: 35

VIT: 34 (+ 20% HP)

DEX: 41

INT: 55 (+ 20% CTR)

WIS: 35

LUK: 11

Status Points: 0

Perks Points: 0


Money: 2,880 L, 957 G

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

When Harry arrived at Dojo on Saturday afternoon for training, he discovered that that day would be a one-hour training session for a few senior students to take the day. It didn't bother him too much, because whenever he could go to the woods and clean up a few Dungeons, but Tamara wasn't busy for an hour and a half, Paul was at work, so he couldn't come for her, so she was also busy.

"Hadrian, can you do anything? Or can we come home to you, where would I wait? "Tamara asked, and Harry bit his lower lip slightly. He couldn't invite Tamara, relatives would be troubled, that was clear to him. the way back and forth would take a long time, then he could take her home, teleport to the distance, but as soon as he showed her what he was capable of, he would want to know everything.

Harry looked at Tamar and wondered if she could trust her or not. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he had to entrust someone to himself, maybe he would be able to help him with some things. He recently saw Dudley playing a new MMORPG game where it was possible to create Groups, Raids, and Guilds. In more players, they were able to conquer stronger monsters.

"If you promise not to tell anyone about what I'm going to show you, I'll take you to my favorite place to practice when I'm not here or at school," Harry decided.

"I promise to keep any secrets," Tamara replied, and Harry looked around the street for anyone to see. As soon as he was sure, he walked over to Tamara, grabbed her shoulder, and teleported the two of them into a small waterfall pond.

Harry had arranged it there for his own needs. There were a few small and one big flat stone that made him sit with a table. He also got rid of the big part of the grass and had the perfect training placement from the stuffed clay. He gradually repositioned all sorts of flowers and grouped them into flower beds that separated the training ground from the lawn.

"What-what was that? How did we get here? "Tamara wondered, and Harry put down his jacket in the Inventory.

"Welcome to my sanctuary in the Kvikálkov Forest. You remember how I saved you from the van, then I used this ability for the first time and since then I have been using it a lot. I seem to have a talent for the element of ice, and so my Teleportation Skill has such a form, "Harry explained.

"I knew it! I knew you were the same as Hermione, she refused to believe she had special abilities and she always tried to explain it rationally. How old are you? What can you do? "Tamara asked.

"I'm a little different from the others. Hermione is the Sorceress, and I am the Magician, but to this, I have acquired the ability to play the character. Everything has changed for me and the world around me is controlled by the gaming system or at least what I come into contact with. So far I have not found everything available to me and I have to experiment a lot. One of my gaming skills might allow me to do this, "Harry explained, pulling out a piece of wood from the Inventory before turning it into a Tower figure using the system. He handed it to Tamara to keep it.

"Wow, I would never think of such a thing. How did you turn into a game character? "Tamara asked.

"I'm not quite sure, but it was the next morning after I secretly played one of my cousins, and I was so interested that I wished I was a hero like in the game and could fight the monsters, save the innocent people, find treasures and just everything that belongs to it. It was quite a shock to me when I woke up and their names, jobs, and levels floated over everyone's head. One of my Skills allows me to see more details about everyone I focus on, "Harry explained.

"So, what do you find out about me. I have a second name that only my father knows and never used it, "Tamara said, and Harry looked at her and used Observation.

Name: Tamara Ceridwen Granger - Pupil

Age: 9

Level: 8

HP: 950


Tamara is the daughter of Paul Thomas and Sarah Julia Granger. For she comes from the ancient Wizards and Sorcerers, hopes to wake up her hidden gift in the closest form. She is also an experienced Martial Arts user, mainly Karate, and is one of the candidates for Martial Arts tournaments. Although detached and not very much aware of his peers, Hadrian James Potter gained her attention and later friendship.

Harry read it to her and Tamara stared at him in surprise. It wasn't possible for him to think of something like that, and moreover, it explained that he never had a name problem. Even after the first day, he "remembered" all the names of the students in dojo, which even she could not remember for four months.

"Ceridwen, isn't it the name of the Celtic Goddess of Wisdom?" Harry asked, and Tamara glared at him.

"I don't have the name too much in love because everyone thinks that if I have the same name as her, I have to be wise automatically. Don't you dare tell someone, "she warned him now, and Harry raised his hands over his head to show he wasn't going to argue with her.

"Can you do anything else besides teleporting and changing a piece of wood to a chess piece?" She asked with interest, so Harry stood up and let his magic dagger appear in his hand.

"A Lightning Missile!" He said, sending a miniature lightning arrow from the tip of the dagger against the rock wall into which he had made a smaller hole.

"Lightning Whip!" He activated another of his Magical Skills and attacked the rock wall into which he made one of the many deep notches. Normally the thunderbolt would be grounded and melted away, but these were magical lightning bolts. back to Inventory.

"These are just two Magic Skills I can use this time. Of course, I also have others like Meditation, Magic Aura or Magic Feeling, but because I don't have access to my inheritance or the wizarding world, I only have to come up with experiments. It's not just to come up with something, I have to figure out how to send magic to your goal of changing it to the desired form. Plus, everything costs me magic and I don't have an unlimited amount of it. Using Meditation, I can regenerate 73.15 magic per minute, which is just over 1.2 magic points per second, "said Harry, activating his aura that slowly increased in intensity and intensity with each level of Magic Skill (MD).

"Wow, I thought I just dreamed that last time, but he used this against Donovan too, didn't he?" Harry just nodded.

"I've already played a few games, do you have elixirs, potions, or food to complement your lives and magic?" I also occasionally had the opportunity to tame some animal and make it my pet that helped me fight. You used only two spells, didn't you think of lightning throwing on monsters or figure out how to create a bolt of chain lightning and hit more enemies? He said you had the gift of ice, you could create an ice shield or a wall around you, let your enemies freeze inside the ice column and much more. Also, I haven't seen a game where you can't buy various weapons, armor and magic items and manuals, "Tamara said.

"I only played one RPG game in my life and saw a few, so it's not easy. I see that I decided well when I told you my secret. Maybe I'll figure out how to wake up your gift in you and make you a Witch. If Hermione did it, you can do it, too, "Harry smiled at her, and Tamara blushed slightly. It was true she loved training and Martial Arts, she never even despised the book, but she also liked to play RPG games. he got a lot of possible ideas for a while, and with a dagger, he stood on the edge of a training plaque and activated Magic Aura.

He already knew how to send magic to his dagger, and it was no problem for him. Instead of turning magic into lightning, he imagined his magic freezing and turning into snow and ice. It didn't take long for ice vapor to spread around the dagger blade, turning into snow before turning into warm water.

His next step was to send an icy ray to a certain location to create a two-meter-long column of ice that was wide enough to trap the acromantles or wolves.

As the white ray crashed into the ground a few meters away, an ice column grew from the ground two meters high, but its base was a circle of ice cones at half a meter in height.

A special skill was created through a special act.

You learned to control the ice and give it a clear form, acquired the Magic Skill Ice Pillar Lvl. 1.

Ice Pillar - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - This Magic Skill is great to trap enemies. Everything inside the Ice Pillar freezes and its victim shatters, but the Pillar must be shattered before the time the enemy is trapped inside. If the target is three levels less or more, only half of the HP target will be destroyed. If the target has the same level or more, only 25% of the HP target will be destroyed. Imprisonment in the Ice Pillar can survive if the target has resistance to the Ice Element. With each second level of Skills, the Duration duration increases by 1 second.

- Price - Duration: 75 MP / Pillar - 3s (-5% MP price for Magician, -5% MP for 20 WIS)

- Current Price - Duration: 67.5 MP / Pillar - 3s

"Good, the new Magic Skill is home," Harry said, and repeated it for success, with both pillars abolishing themselves after three seconds of their existence, leaving the circle as wet as possible.

"It doesn't look too complicated, but I saw you have an aura activated?" Tamara asked.

"Actually, I don't have to have an aura active, but it's easier for me to collect magic in the dagger. As you can see, I can use Skills without an active aura, but it is better to have them activated although it takes my magic. At the moment, it costs me 23 magic points per minute of active aura, "he replied and reactivated it to create another MD. As in the first attempt, he has now accumulated magic in a dagger where he turned into an element of ice.

This time, a two-meter-long pillar did not rise into the air as the beam burned to the ground just outside Harry. The base of the spines was re-created, but there were now thirty numbers of thick ice in the shape of a hexagon instead of the pillar. Although it was a block of light blue ice, it was beautiful to see through it.

A special skill was created through a special act.

You have learned to control the ice and give it a clear form, gaining the Magic Skill of the Ice Shield Lvl. 1.

Ice Shield - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - This Magical Skill is great to defend against direct attacks. Many Spells are effective only if they act directly on the person, material shields are such a perfect defense. The Ice Shield can absorb only a certain amount of damage before it shatters and its existence is also limited by time. Each level Skills 10 points to Defense and 1 second to Duration.

- Price - Duration - Defense: 50 MP - 15s - 100 (-5% MP for Magician, -5% MP for 20 WIS)

- Current Price - Duration - Defense: 45 MP - 16s - 110

"Hmm, Ice Shield has interesting states, I just wonder how big the monsters that I normally might have." However, I guess that, as in the description, this shield will be best to defend against direct attacks and spells, "said Harry, explaining both MD Tamara, including their label and effect.

"I'm sorry, but the bus is on my way. If you want, can we then talk to each other to help you? I wonder if you can create Groups and Raids and what effect it will have on other people who don't have your Player ability, "Tamara said.

"You do not have to worry. Give me a moment to replenish the magic and teleport you home, "Harry said, entering Meditation for a few minutes to restore his lost magic.

Teleporting to Tamara's home and back did not take him a minute and stood on a training plaque again. He used to struggle with katana in one hand and dagger in the other, but his katana was not too strong, and by the time he used it, its life had been reduced by twenty points. He had no way to fix it and feared that if he continued to use it, he would irreparably destroy it. Therefore, he wanted to use his talent for the element of ice and create a new weapon.

This time he did not concentrate the ice beam outside, but concentrated it in his left hand, wishing his beloved katana grew up in it but made of very solid ice. He tried it several times before the icy katana ceased to crumble or break, and he managed to create an entire weapon with the required hardness.

A special skill was created through a special act.

You learned to control the ice and give it a clear form, gaining the Magic Skill of the Ice Edge Lvl. 1.

Ice Blade - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - The Ice Blade is very suitable for attacking organic enemies. Not only does the Ice Blade behave like a katana, but there is a chance to cause frostbite and slow down the enemy. Each level of Skills increases damage by 2 - 3mg damage and a 2% chance of frostbite.

- Price - Damage - Frostbite: 60 MP / min - 10 - 15 dmg - 5% (-5% MP price from the title of Magician, -5% MP price for 20 WIS, + 20% dmg for Ice Element Master, + 5% dmg from the title Magician)

- Current Price - Damage - Frostbite: 54 / min - 14.5 - 21.75 - 7%

Now with this new repertoire of three Magical Skills, he could go and try some natural Dungeon. He did not want to attack Akromantula, so he went to one of the Lower Dungeons of the Wolves, where he was only once and so there were still little levels he could train on. Maybe he only got half the exp of them that he was closer to his level, but that didn't bother him.

Even that day, before returning home in the evening, he won three levels for each of the three MDs, with which he was satisfied and intended to use them in every subsequent fight. Also, in combination with Lightning Shoot, he managed to catch small levels in the Ice Pillar and then destroy them with one aim shot. While he had no idea what wolf fangs and claws would be for him, he thought he might work them somehow and use them to decorate his chess pieces.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Ever since Harry had revealed his secrets to Tamara, they had spent time together in the woods at least once a week, and he had figured out how to create a group he had invited her to. They were together in the group during the dojo training, adding the same bonus to the speed of learning Martial Arts, which he had.

Although it wasn't an extra weapon, he got an older baseball bat from Dudley's second room, which was always borrowed by Tamara, and they went to Dungeons together. For there were two, the number of monsters also doubled, which didn't bother him because the monster exps were divided between them.

Tamara has often claimed that his Player's ability is for fraudsters, but she has made full use of it and has come up with many other things. Thanks to her, Harry also won four more MDs. The first of them was Magic Lightning, a classic lightning bolt that was sent out of its dagger and more destructive than the Lightning Shot. Another MD fell under the element of ice - Ice Touch, Ice Age, and Ice Storm.

Magic Lightning - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Magic Flash allows a player to send a single lightning discharge. With each level, damage increases by 4 dmg and the chance of stunning increases by 2%.

- Price - Damage - Stunning: 15 MP - 50 dmg - 2% (-5% MP price for Magician, -5% MP for 20 WIS, + 5% dmg for Lightning Master, + 5% dmg from Magician )

- Current Price - Damage - Stunning: 13.5 MP - 59 dmg - 2%

Icy Touch - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Ice Touch allows the player to freeze and immobilize the target for a period of time during which the target is vulnerable and unable to defend himself. Every fifth level increases the freezing time by 1 second.

- Price - Freezing: 30 MP - 4s (-5% MP for Magician, -5% MP for 20 WIS)

- Current Price - Freezing: 27 MP - 4s

Ice Age - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Ice Age is a surface attack that freezes all enemy targets in a certain range from the player. The higher the level, the greater the circle and length of freezing. Every fifth level increases the circle by 5 meters and increases the freezing length by 2 seconds.

- Prize - Circuit - Freezing: 200 MP - 20m - 10s (-5% MP for Magician, -5% MP for 20 WIS)

- Current Price - Circuit - Freezing: 180 MP - 20m - 10s

Ice Storm - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Ice Storm consists of a huge amount of ice crystals that bombard a certain area of ​​action at great speed. For each level, the damage is increased by 15mg. For every second level, the range is increased by 1 meter. For every five levels, the duration increases by 3 seconds.

- Price - Damage - Circuit - Duration: 350 MP - 200 dmg - 15m - 12s (-5% MP price from title Magician, -5% MP price for 20 WIS, + 20% dmg for Ice Master, + 5% dmg from the title of Magician)

- Current Price - Damage - Circuit - Duration: 315MP - 250 dmg - 15m - 15s

Harry quickly discovered that the Ice Storm combined with the Ice Age had given him a very powerful combination, even though he didn't have to concentrate on one of the MDs after they were created and send one Magic Flash after another to the immobilized targets. He also found that once any monster had two levels less than he, the level difference was multiplied with the damage he caused.

He also knew that he would no longer need other combat skills for a long time, had enough to get them all to the maximum level he didn't know about.

You slept in your bed. HP and MP are fully restored.

Approximately 17 months later - 21 June 1991:

It was a normal Saturday day seventeen months after Harry confided to Tamara and invited her into her activities. That year and five months have changed a lot and not only has Harry and Tamara become stronger, they have also changed a lot.

Thanks to a healthy and regular supply of food and water and regular training, both were at least half a head taller than their peers. They both had a month and a half and a half to their eleventh birthday, but nobody would have trusted them with their age and would have typed them for at least thirteen years. It was also because they wore only the last wastes of childhood fat and Harry got rid of him long ago thanks to the physical training of karate and the sword art.

Tamara had green tapes and the second week of summer holidays was to be rehearsed to get the first grade of the purple tape and get to the imaginary 5th level of Karate, with the white tape being level eight. They both took part in three tournaments. Two individual tournaments divided into boys and girls won with a clear dominance and took gold medals. The mixed tournament was won by Harry, but it was tight and Tamara took the silver medal.

Harry was also able to raise his level by six levels and bring some of his Skills to the maximum level. It was mainly about Magic Skills. He also gained many new Skills when he reached the highest level of Skills.

After reaching the MAX level for Sneaking, a new Shinobi skill opened up to Harry.

Shinobi - Active / Passive - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Advanced Skill Coming and Replacing Skill Sneaking. With each level, a bonus to reduce detection by 1%. Passive bonus reduction detection by 30%.

- Detection Reduction: Active: 31% - Passive: 30%

Other Skills that evolved were Master Isshin-Ryu Karate and Swordmaster, which was from Beginner to Advanced. He had been at the maximum level for a long time and could not move on, but thanks to the deal Master Takumi had access to, Harry had acquired the necessary Skills Books. The third Skill developed was Cooking, which turned into a Cook's Skill.

Master Isshin-Ryu Karate - Advanced - Passive - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Advanced Skill Based Skills Master Isshin-Ryu Karate - Beginner.

- Difficulty levels: Advanced-Expert - Master

- Unlocked difficulty: Beginner-Advanced

Sword Master - Advanced - Passive - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Advanced Skill Based Skills Master Sword - Beginner. Each level increases by 1% dmg Katana.

- Bonus: 30% dmg Katana from Beginner difficulty

- Current Bonus: 31% dmg Katana

- Difficulty levels: Advanced-Expert - Master

- Unlocked difficulty: Beginner-Advanced

- Current Focus on Style: Katana

Cook - Active - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Advanced Skills Cooking Skill. You are now so experienced that you could apply for this place in any kitchen with this Skill.

- Chances of success: 95%

- Bonus: Every 15% HP and MP now add to each meal.

To make matters worse, once he made the entire set of chess pieces and started playing Paul once a month, he won the Chess Chess - Beginner, which he seemed to be unnecessary at the beginning, but even this Skill had a beautiful bonus he didn't want to miss.

Chess - Beginner - Passive - Lvl. 1 - Exp: 00.00% - Chess is the perfect game to plan a strategy in a safe environment.

- Bonus: 1 point to INT and WIS for every fifth level Skills.

Like every other Saturday and this morning, Harry had to mow the lawn in the morning, plant the flower beds, clean it around the house and in the house, or suck or wipe. This included the preparation of breakfast with lunch. His relatives realized how skillful he was from him — without any reference to his Skill — and thus had the task of preparing all meals. Aunt Petunia continued to take care of baking and desserts, but she left most of it to him and spent her free time visiting her neighborhood friends. When she was nowhere to visit she embroidered the canvas in round frames. Harry learned that he was selling these embroideries to various shops or neighbors.

He'd once thought of it as a way to earn money, but since every day he had attended 5 different natural Dungeons almost every day, he had accumulated a fair amount of money. He had over fifteen thousand pounds and over twenty-four thousand galleons. He would have far more pounds, but with such a decent Dungeon benefit he could get the best outfits, shoes, school supplies and more. Every month he also bought various mang collections in his private library, not just the manga that gradually filled his inventory. He has also bought hundreds of books in the form of fantasy stories, textbooks for higher years, various encyclopedias, cookbooks, do-it-yourself books and much more.

When he had done all the tasks with his relatives at home, he quickly accomplished three Daily Tasks in the neighborhood that were a constant supply of exps, money, and various rewards. Not that he needed it, but over the past two years, his reputation in the neighborhood had risen and no one had already said that he was a vandal or a parasitic, and no one believed his relatives when they claimed anything negative about him.

Almost a year ago, he also confided in Paul Granger about his abilities, and when Paul made sure his Teleportation Skill was completely safe, he allowed him to come to Tamar every day before training and then teleport them both to and from training. Normally, he would have a double training session on Saturday to train with his katana, but she was already bad at it and could no longer train with her, so for the last two weeks, he had been going to karate training.

He had been looking for a new katana for some time, but when he found one, he had no chance to buy it and regretted not investing all the Perks Points in the Metamorphagia. Perhaps it would allow him to become an adult and not have this problem.

However, he was just expecting a letter from Hogwarts. Tamara told him that Hermione had already received her and even said she had visited the Diagon Alley where she bought her wand and some books. She couldn't buy textbooks yet because she didn't have a current list of required textbooks. However, Harry was looking forward to Hogwarts for one simple reason, he was going to find spells to repair and improve his katana. He also hoped that it would be in the wizarding world where he encountered the Forge of the Soul which he needed to create the Crystals of the Soul of the Soul.

Harry teleported to Tamara's house where he knew it intimately and noticed Tamara and Paul waiting for him.

"Hey Hadrian, how are you today?" Paul asked.

"I am very well. I see you set up a chessboard for our regular game, "Harry smiled, pulling out his own pieces from the Inventory, which were a combination of wood and wolf fangs. the new elements, the towers had pointed walls, the horse rider had a special lance, and the shooter had a bow made up of two fangs to tie a tiny strand, and the queen was able to create a beautiful crown in which the shattered Stone of Soul had vanished but he could shatter it with Skill Craft for tiny bits, with these bits he also decorated the crown and scepter of the King, which was also from a larger fang and served as a short stick with a spike at the end. the end of the hilt.

All the figures were made of wood, but with the help of a brush and several colors, they dyed their hair and eyes before dipping each of the figures into a colorless varnish to preserve them. A similar set, but without the enhancement of fangs and fragments from the Soul Soul, he gave to Paul for Christmas. He also had a set of figures for Tamar, but with improvements. If he had more material, he could give it to her for Christmas, but because he was short of it, he had to wait and now he was going to give it to her for her eleventh birthday. The best part was that all three sets were made of different wood, so each of them could play against anyone without borrowing someone else's pieces.

"I'm not your opponent today, but Tamara. Since our last match, she has decided to train and challenge you for a game today, "Paul told him, and with a smile he sat down on the bench and set up his set. They threw the dice on who would start and Tamara won the pitch so they pulled first, but it wasn't always an advantage, and Harry showed her in the next twenty minutes why it was.

Before Harry teleported them to Doja, he played another game with Tamara and Paul. Tamaru defeated again, but he reached the heel with Paul. Harry would have won, his intelligence was high, but Paul had more years of experience with his intelligence.

Saturday's training was different from those of the week. Master Takumi insisted on practicing every Saturday what was required of them for future exams and personally supervising that training to show the mistakes and shortcomings that were not much, but everything could always be better and none of them were yet Master so they can relax.

"Tamaro-chan, Hadriane-kun, when you rinse and dress up, I'd like to talk to you in my office," Takumi-sensei told them at the end of the workout.

"Hai, Takumi-sensei," they replied unanimously, and they walked into the changing rooms. They took a fifteen-minute walk to shower, wipe, and change clothes, though Harry was in ten minutes, spending five more minutes drying his hair. Aunt Petunia stared at him suspiciously every time she saw his long haired shoulder blades, which he had always pulled down with a dark green rubber band, to grow his hair at least halfway back, as soon as he entered Hogwarts Express and at that length leave them for the rest of the year.

"Do you know what Takumi-sensei wants?" Hadrian asked as Tamara joined him.

"He guessed, I have no idea," Tamara replied grimly, and Harry gently slammed her shoulder so it didn't hurt her, but made her step back half a foot as he pushed her slightly against her.

"From the moment I defeated you in the afternoon, you're a little overwhelmed," Harry complained.

"What is it going to be, Mr. Players?" Tamara screamed again, but Harry didn't have a chance to answer because Akira-sensei opened the door for them and led them to Master Takumi's office.

"Were you wishing to see us, Master Takumi?" Harry asked both, and Takumi-sensei showed them to sit down.

"Yes. To understand why you are here, I should start by having several kinds of people in the world who either control internal energy or not. There are millions of those around the world who have awakened magical energy within themselves, and you are one of them, Hadriane-kun. Then there are those who follow the teachings of Kung Fu and have awakened the energy of Chi. Thirdly, there are those who follow the teachings of Japanese martial arts and ancient techniques, waking up Chakra.

For you, Hadrian-kun, the path of Chi and Chakry is closed, since you are already actively using magic, and in the two years I have become very strong in Dojo and let me say that you are only magically equal to adult magicians and sorcerers. In six weeks on your eleventh birthday, you will receive letters from the wizarding schools, and the two of you will see each other in the summer holidays if you wish.

However, there is an important decision before Tamarou-chan. Her potential is still locked, and there is an age when it is necessary to wake him up or sleep until the end of her life. Lin-sensei knows how to wake up your potential and turn it into Chi. I control the technique to wake it up and turn it into Chakra. Finally, Hadrian-kun should be able to awaken your potential in the form of magic. I know I should have told you about this earlier, to have more time to make a decision, but if you decided on the last option, you need to undergo a ritual of awakening today. If you decide to go Chakra or Chi, the wake-up must be done by the end of this month, "Master Takumi said, closely following the two children in front of him.

They both came so far in such a short time and knew about their potential. Even though Hadrian was already magic, he could still be a very experienced Martial Arts Master. Magic techniques have been lost in ancient times, but there were certain creatures who had access to these techniques, the problem was their cost. No magician or sorceress would give up their magic blood, there were so many rituals that it might mean their slavery by the end of their days. However, Tamara had even greater potential than Hadrian for one reason, she wasn't awake, so she could choose her way.

"Will you teach Hadrian how to carry out the awakening ritual? I know that Chakra or Chi would help me improve my Martial Arts and become a Master, but the Wizarding World is cut off from the normal world and owe it my life, so I'll follow it there, "Tamara said.

"If you don't want to go with me. I want you to be happy and support you in any decision you make. Being out of reach for some nine or ten months doesn't mean we'll stop being friends, "Harry said.

"It's not just because of that. My ancestors come from the Wizarding World and I would like to reveal the legacy they left behind. In addition, who would train with you, hmm? "She said firmly, and Takumi-sensei looked at her for a long moment before he nodded.

"If this is your decision, then we will do a wake-up ritual. Akira-sensei takes the basic preparations. Hadrian-kun, before we do this, you have to read and remember this scroll, "Master Takumi said, handing him the scroll Harry had taken from him.

Did You Get the Scroll of Magic Skill, Do You Want to Learn the Ritual of Awakening?

Yes No

Harry stared at it indecisively. If he had confirmed it, he would have learned it right away, and there would be no single problem. But if he tries to do it without learning, something might go wrong, but in both cases he would get a new Magic Skill.

"Um, Takumi-sensei, is this the original or a copy that can be destroyed?" I discovered a special ability that allows me to learn different Skills when I come across similar manuals, "Harry asked.

"I've met with such an ability, but never with the Magician. You're really special, aren't you? Just keep going, it's just a copy I wanted to give you anyway, if you ever happened to come across someone else with unexplored potential, "Takumi said, and Harry confirmed that.

You have learned the Magic Skill Ritual of Awakening!

Awakening Ritual - Active - Lvl. MAX - Ritual Awakening is a long forgotten ritual that awakens their potential in uncharted magical children. Many rituals have been banned over the past centuries and are considered to be Black Magic. Although the Awakening Ritual is not forbidden, performing any rituals without the knowledge of the Ministry of Magic is strictly prohibited.

- Price: Temporary loss of 50% CT until it reaches the 11th year of life. (-5% MP price for Magician, -15% MP for 60 WIS)

- Current Price: 40% MP

"Wow, nothing legal as I see. In addition, I will temporarily lose half my magical supplies before Tamara is eleven years old, "Harry said.

"Yes, in the UK, any rituals are illegal without permission from the Ministry of Magic, but you don't have to worry about anything. All three awakening rituals need a special ritual room that is secure and shielded from all the Ministry's sensors, "Takumi explained.

"Hadrian, what exactly will be the state of magic?" Tamara asked, and Harry glanced quickly at the blue numbered strip.

"It would cost me exactly 1670 magic points, but if I subtract the Wisdom bonus and my Magician title, I get 40% magic, which is only 1336 magic points," Harry replied softly, and Tamara nodded. but for Harry it was one of the stronger spells he relied on.

"Takumi-sama, the ritual room is ready," Akira said, and the three of them followed the stone steps into the underground room. Harry looked curiously and noticed a paper card in the center of each wall and ceiling. a tremendous amount of kanji characters he could only read thanks to his Skill of Nations.

"The Fuuinjutsu barrier that no magic can penetrate," Akira-sensei explained, and Harry nodded, not feeling the magic of it, but the same energy controlled by Takumi-sensei. reach, but nobody said anything about using Run to do the same.

"Tamaro-chan, please stand in the middle of the heptagram as the blue circle is. Hadriane-kun, you know your role, "Master Takumi said in a grave voice.

"Hai," there was only a double answer.

Harry stood in a circle above one of the hips of the heptagram. The circle in which he stood was magic, the other five circles were elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Lightning. The sixth and last circle represented the Soul / Life.

"The Awakening Ritual!" Said Harry, activating Magic Skill. Normally he would have to recite specific sentences to summon the five elements and the Soul / Life avatar, but the gaming system arranged for it, and all the sentences were recited in a vague Latin voice. Fire in red, water in blue, earth in green, air in white, lightning in yellow, and soul in purple, his emerald aura emerging from his hands, directly to Tamara, spreading her hands to the sides, as if to come embrace magic and a magical aura of all present colors appeared around it.

The whole process took another seven minutes before the colors around Tamara gradually settled on only one of them - red. With that, all the flames were fading, except for the Fire that burned for the longest time, but as soon as he turned off, her aura changed from red to blue, and then she drank into her body.

"Excellent, the ritual was a success. Now, her gift must settle and all the alien magic of her body wane, which happens on her eleventh birthday, "said Takumi-sensei.

Harry looked at Tamara and activated his Observation Skill.

Name: Tamara Ceridwen Granger

Age: 10

Class: The Gamer - H.J.P

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Sorceress

Level: 13 - Exp: 1.00% (800 exp)

HP: 1,890

MP: 1 336/1 730

STR: 25

VIT: 33 (+ 20% HP)

DEX: 31

INT: 30 (+ 10% CTR)

WIS: 20 (-5% Price)

LUK: 9

Status Body:?

Perks Body:?


Money: ?

He did not understand how his Gamer ability had transferred to her, but with a smile on his face he realized that he was no longer alone. Tamara was three levels behind him, but when he showed her and learned everything he had discovered so far, he would be able to catch up with him very quickly. If it counted well, it should have 60 Status Points and 3 Perks Points available.

Congratulation! After performing the Awakening Ritual he successfully summoned six elements and with their help woke up magic inside his friend.

You have earned 1 point for Master of Fire Element!

You have earned 1 point for Master of Water Element!

You have earned 1 point for Master of Earth!

You have earned 1 point for Master of the Air!

You received 1 point to Master of Lightning!

He won other Perks - Master of Soul Element!

You have earned 1 point to Master of Soul Element!

Master Element Soul - Passive - 1/13 - Allows the player to control the magic of the soul element. Each point adds a bonus to the magic affecting the soul.

- Bonus: 5% for each point, maximum bonus 65%.

There were more surprises for him. Until then, he hadn't heard of the Soul element, but he thought that when there were Crystals and Stones of the Soul, there would be souls themselves and the same as magic that could influence them. He had no doubt that it would be forbidden magic and regarded as Black Magic. When all this announcement disappeared, there was another announcement.

Congratulation! You are no longer the Class - The Gamer. If you use the Awakening Ritual on someone who is already 11 years old, you will awaken Gamer's ability.

- Number of possible Gamers (s): 1 Awakened Gamer for every 10 levels

- Current Gamer Number: 2 of 2

Now he had finally explained what had happened. The Awakening Ritual had a side effect for him, and he hoped that Tamara would forgive him, though, with her love of RPG games, he would probably thank him.

"I feel really great!" Tamara said as she finally woke up from a trance.

"I know what you mean. Come on, Paul will be waiting for us and I have to explain a few things to you, "Harry said, seeing Tamara staring incredulously at his head and everyone's heads, only nodding and Harry saying goodbye to Sensei before he came out Stairs to Doja and both of them teleported to Tamara home.



Name: Hadrian James Potter

Age: 10

Class: The Gamer

Title: Elementary School Pupil - Magician

Level: 16 - Exp: 1.00% (1,250 exp)

HP: 2,720

MP: 2 004/3 340

STR: 65

VIT: 64 (+ 30% HP)

DEX: 67

INT: 110 (+ 40% CTR)

WIS: 60 (-15%)

LUK: 19

Status Points: 0 (75)

Perks Points: 0 (0) \ t


Money: 15,680 L, 24,547 G

Harry Potter is the last member of the Potter family. He managed to reveal that he was a Magician, but he was still hidden from his parents' history and the full heritage. Who is able to answer his questions? How much is the truth about what his relatives told him about his parents when he knew they were murdered in a terrorist attack that survived as one?


Shinobi - Active

Master Isshin-Ryu - Advanced - Passive

Sword Master - Advanced - Passive

Cook - Active

Chess - Beginner - Passive

Magic Skills:

Ice Pillar - Active

Ice Shield - Active

Ice Blade - Active

Magic Flash - Active

Ice Touch - Active

Ice Age - Active

Ice Storm - Active

Awakening Ritual - Active


Master of Fire - Passive - 1/13

Master of Water Element - Passive - 1/13

Master of the Earth - Passive - 1/13

Air Element Master - Passive - 1/13

Master of Lightning Elements - Passive - 2/13

Master of Ice Element - Passive - 5/13

Metamorfomag - Active - 1/13

Master Element Soul - Passive - 1/13
