
Chapter 80 - The World of Doraemon Part 9

Shirou and Rin are sleeping together in one bed, which is fine because they are already husband and wife. And right now Shirou was waking up faster than even his wife because of the dreams about his past when he met with Zelretch. That changing his way of life forever.

Shirou touching his forehead while smiling, he realize that, if he didn't meet with the old man Zelretch. Maybe right now he will be a stupid and naive person that cannot distinguished what is wrong and what is right.

He then sitting on the bed and drinking the water on the glass he put on the table beside his bed.

After he relieved his thirst, Shirou was seeing the digital clock on the wall. That showing right now is five A.M in the morning. The correct time for him to wake up, so he change his sleeping kimono into a jersey he usually used to jogging in the morning.

It has been a long time since he was doing a jogging, so Shirou thinking this is a correct time to do some jogging.

Because he can feel that his body are feeling a bit stiff. So Shirou thinking that a simple jogging can make his body feel a bit better.

But when Shirou was about to go,

"Shirou, why are you wearing a jersey? And why walking sneakly like that?"

Rin suddenly waking up, and caught Shirou who about to jogging red handedly. And she didn't like it when Shirou want to do something alone without her knowing what he want to do.


"I just want to jogging, Rin. You didn't have to ask me with a suspicious tone like I want to do something mysterious like that."

Shirou knew his fist wife, Tohsaka Rin was someone who didn't like if he try to hide something from her. And that's the reason why sometimes Rin acting harshly to Shirou when he act suspiciously.

Shirou sighing, he realize that his wife act harshly to him was a sign that she loving him. But that doesn't mean Shirou like it when Rin is like that.

"You, jogging after not doing it for about ten month? Can you give me a reason why you jogging right now Shirou. Are it was another reason for you to go helping another person without me, Arturia, Illya, Rider and Sakura knowing?"

Shirou was gulping when he saw the angry expression on his wife faces. About six month ago, he was leaving his five wives to help the civilianz at the conflict zone in the middle east without telling them. As a result all his wife didn't want to talk with him for more than one month, and Shirou was feel really lonely because of that.

"You don't need to worry Rin, I really want to jog and I assure you I will not go anywhere to help people without telling you first. If you don't believe me, how about you are jogging with me, Rin?"

Shirou did not have any other idea beside to ask his first wife to jog with him, to make her trust him. But even he didn't know are his idea will be work or not to convince his wife that he will not going anywhere anytime soon.


Rin was still feel suspicious with her husband, but because she can feel her husband words is sincere. So she decided to trust her husband words this time, beside it has been a long time since she having a good quality time together with Shirou. So she think jogging along her husband can giving her the quality time she want.

"Okay, let's jogging together, bu-but don't expect to me to believe your words just like that! Hmmph!"

Rin who are trying her best to erase her tsundere trait feel really embarassed right now. Because she was answering Shirou question with a big tsundere trait. In front of the people who are not close with her, the tsundere trait isn't active at all. But in front of the people who are dear to her like Shirou the tsundere trait are one hundred percent active.

Seeing Rin answering his question in tsundere mode, making Shirou giggling. It has been a long time since the last time Rin behave like that. So for Shirou seeing Rin act like a tsundere was a very good nostalgia for Shirou. Because lately after spending more than five years in Doraemon world he start to having a stress because of all the thing he do in the Doraemon world. So watching a nostalgic moment was a good thing to make his stress gone.


Rin already finish changing her, seein trough negigle into her personal jersey. And she was ready to go to do some jogging with her husband. She didn't feel worry about the other girl will disturb her good quality moment with Shirou, because Sakura and Rider are still busy in doing their job while Illya is too engross in her research. And Arturia will not waking up no matter what except she sniffing the aroma from Shirou food.

"The red jersey are looking good on you, Rin," Shirou said while giving Rin the nicest smile he can have on his faces. "And the pony tail hair style are really match the situation we are in right now."

"S-Shut up! Don't praising me like that! I don't feel happy at all when you praising me! Hmmph!"

Rin faces become more red, because of Shirou praises her. And to hide her embarassment and happy feeling she even didn't realize she activing her tsundere mode.

Shirou is giggling once more, he never feel bored at all seeing his wife tsundere moment. Because for Shirou, Rin tsundereness was one of the reason why she loving her so much. Of course it doesn't means Shirou want Rin to be in her tsundere mode all the time, because it will be a troublesome thing for Shirou and the other if Rin activing her tsundere trait all the time.


Nobita are cornered by Takeshi 'Giant' Goda and Suneo 'Midget' Honekawa. Because the two of them are feel jealous to Nobita who supposed to be stupid and crybaby suddenly changing into a smart and handsome kid who are good at the sport and study. So right now they want to give Nobita a lesson so Nobita will know his places by showing to him who is the boss in their class.

But Takeshi and Suneo didn't know, how strong Nobita is. After all the training and fighting he experiencing when he doing a job as a vampire hunter with Shirou in America.

"Nobita a pipsqueak idiotic loser like you are dare to act big in front of this Takeshi-Sama! You really need a lesson from Takeshi-Sama to make you know your place!"

Takeshi are grabbing the front part of Nobita t-Shirt and calling him a pipsqueak even though it was clear his height was five centimeters shorters than Nobita who are the tallest boy on his class.

"Giant was right Nobita, you the idiot loser must know your places as the official loser of our class! So stop act mighty like you are the best in study and sport in our class because the seat for that already taken by Dekisugi! You didn't have a right to take the throne from him! So act like loser you have to be or Giant will make you his punching bag!"

The big mouth Suneo are trying make Nobita feel afraid by threatening him. But Nobita face still look calm even after Takeshi and Suneo are threatening him.


"Are you done with you threat?" Asked Nobita. "Because if the two of you are done in threatening me, please leave me alone. I want to go home right now and I don't want anyone to disturb me in my way home."

Without Takeshi or Suneo realizing, Nobita are disappear from their sight and appear about ten meters behind them in only a second.

Suneo and Takeshi jaws are dropped when they seeing what has happen in front of them. Because Nobita was showing a speed that only exist in anime or manga. But because of their stubborness, they believe what Nobita just do was a flux. So they try to chase him as fast as they can.

Weirdly no matter how hard their try they can close they gap between them and Nobita. Suneo and Takeshi are running but Nobita is walking.

So logically the one who running surely can easily catch the one who walking. Sadly the more faster they are running is more harder for Takeshi and Suneo to catch Nobita.

Finally not far from Nobi Residence, the two of them was stop chasing after they lost all their stamina. While Nobita are still walking slowly and steadly in front of Suneo and Takeshi ignoring them who was almost pass out because they losing their stamina and energy.

Read advanced Chapter at Pa. treon.com/Raylight25
