
3686 was subdued and subdued


When Wang Xian saw that the three of them were about to escape, a smile appeared on his face. He stared at them mockingly and asked, “Can you guys leave?”

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz

As soon as he finished his sentence, the old witch, water demon, Ming shisheng, and demon wings slowly walked out from behind Wang Xian.

They looked at the three old crazy demons, Shi Senlei shimmering and blotting out the sky. Their eyes were filled with mockery!

“A bunch of idiots. You still want to escape? You’d better obediently submit to our Dragon King!”

Monster Wings said lightly!

Not long ago, he had just been suppressed. Now, seeing that these three old monsters of the same level as him were about to be suppressed, he was in a very good mood!


“What? Old Witch, you’re not dead? And you, water demon, Ming Sha Sheng, and monster wings, you’ve submitted to the Dragon King?”
