
The 3160 war lasted for 10 days

The war lasted for three days. Three days ago, countless people were talking about it on the universe AI.

However, at the beginning, the Skeleton Island was heading towards the volcano region. They were only guessing and couldn’t be 100% sure.

However, during these three days, the skeleton race and the nine blade race attacked the Dragon Palace.

Compared to the beginning, some knights came to watch the battle.

At this moment, there were many people around the battlefield.

For example, the warriors of the Willow deity dojo.

The other domain level warriors.

When they heard this news, they immediately flew over to the Dragon Palace.

When they saw that the battle was still going on, they were extremely shocked.

“It’s not just the skeleton race, the nine-sword race, and the blood evil race. The blood evil race is a powerful race, and the three races are besieging the Dragon Palace.”
