

He hands over the birth chart to the astrologer.

After checking for half an hour he replies. I had never seen the couple's​ name compatibility ranking this high. But I don't trust on name compatibility. Because there are few couples who are not living a happy life even though their name comparability is high and there are few who live so happily even with fewer rankings of name compatibility. So, I don't believe in compatibility, I only believe in prophecy. After examining these two horoscopes, I can definitely tell you that they make a good life partner. Her getting engaged in that family will give them a great fortune. And I personally know that he has a good inner spirit. Tina's father is so happy after hearing from astrologer. He shares this with all his family members and shows them the details and photos of the boy.

Tina's brother (Suan) hears from his father that she accepted the proposal. But he wanted to confirm it himself. So, he makes a phone call to Tina and asks her "What made you accept the proposal?"

Then Tina replies "As a girl, what is important for me is to get a perfect life partner with good heart and soul. Who stays loyal to me, trust me and share both happiness and sadness until the end. I don't want to miss him if he is the one."

"How do you know that he is the one?"

"Of course, I don't know. But the situations are so favourable on his side. So I wanna try to get close and know all about him. I'll accept for​ engagement only if I like his attitude and personality."

"Have you seen his picture?"


"I got a picture of him. Dad showed me his photos this afternoon."

"How does he look like?"

"Haha... So eager to know!?... I'll send you the pic."



She opens her WeChat to look at the pictures sent by his brother. Tina goes to Cherish, Chelsey and show the pic to them.

"How is he?"

Tina didn't tell them that she is going to be engaged soon.

"He is good looking. Who is he? Are your parents looking for your marital relationship?" Cherish says. Hearing that Chelsey jumps from the bed and looks at the picture.

"Hey, who is he? Are your parents really looking for alliance?"

"Yes," Tina answers them.

"What?... When are you going to marry him? When did all these happen?"

"Last time when I go home."

"What did you say? Did you agree with this alliance?"

Tina says "Yes."

"Don't you lie to us!!! Do you think we are mad to believe what all you say." Chelsey speaks.

"Ok, don't believe. You'll get to know when the time comes."

"What!!! is it true Tina?" Cherish believe her words and take them seriously.

"Believe me or not, I'm telling you the truth."

But, Cherish and Chelsey can't accept what they are hearing. They are wondering why she accepted for the marriage proposal. They ask her and hear what she says. Tina explains to them that this is her Destination written in her Fate. They ask her to think again and again. Because she can't take a backward step after complete acceptance. They remind her about all her dreams. They try to change her mind.

"When are you going to get engaged?" They question her.

Tina answers "If everything goes well, I may get married in not more than 7 months.

Cherish: "What?!!! It's so quick. What about your studies? Are you going to continue them after getting married?"

Tina: "I don't know. Maybe or may not be. Depends on their decision."

Cherish: "Oh... no... Convince them to complete graduation after getting​ married."

Tina: "Yaa... I'll try."

Cherish: "I had seen a senior sister attending school for her exams just 2 days after getting married. Why can't you come?"

Tina: "I didn't talk to them yet. Let's see how it is going to be."

They already feel like missing her.

They ask "Have you talked to him? Have you got his number?"

Tina: "I got his photo just a few minutes back. I don't know his biodata yet."

They chat for so long and after finishing their talk she goes to her room and they continue with their work.

The boy name is 'Uges'. He got post graduated in a university. Worked in a bank for a few months and returns to take over the responsibilities of the family business.

Uges parents show him the photos​ and details of Tina. He wanted to settle down in business before he gets married so, he kept cancelling the alliance for all these days. This time their parents are so positive with this alliance and explain to him that " Tina is your sister-in-law. Tina's father is closely related to us. You know how your uncle is. He raised you when you were a kid."

"Yes, I know. But I never expected that he has a daughter."

Uges is so interested​ in the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law. He has a fantasy of being in a love relationship with sister-in-law. But he never knew that he has a sister-in-law. That fantasy made him accept this alliance. He looks at the picture and biodata given by his father. But it has no phone contacts. He wanted to contact her and know her opinion by himself. He tries to find her on Facebook, but can't find her. Tina has her account named in a tricky way. So he couldn't find her on Facebook. He checks for Suan Facebook account. And look for Suan relatives and there he finds Tina's account. Poor 'Uges'. Her account is in privacy. So he couldn't able to send her friend request. He clicks on the follow button and keeps waiting for her to watch.

Tina comes back to dorms after school. She goes to have supper with her friends and return to her room. She gets a facebook notification after switching on her wi-fi. Tina opens her account and sees uges following her. She thought it's somebody. But looking at his picture gave her a familiar feeling. So she opens his account and sees it's nobody but her fiance. She thinks why is he following me, why can't he send me a friend request!!.
