

*knock knock*

Rose: hmm?

'who could it be?'

thought Rose when she heard the knock on the door. she approached the door and open it she wanted to say something probably something among the lines of "the shop is not open yet" but before she got a chance of doing it a handsome 18 year old blonde got on his knees and bowed before Rose saying

Handsome boy: THANK YOU!!

Rose: ??? (what?)

<???> (what?)

Bob the guardian golem: ? (punch or not to punch?)

Rose: eehhh...excuse me? but who are you

Adelar: my name is Adelar golden garden!

<oh that noble family that bought the "potion of life">

the boy...no wait he looks like he is 18...akhem the man looked like a warrior even when he was wearing clothes you could see his muscles he was also really big if i would guess i would say 195 cm his hand were rough and hard just from his hand you could see that he train with the sword

Rose: ...?...???....ah! you are probably the one that they wanted to heal!

Adelar: i guessing you are referring to my parents and yes i'm the one that needed to be healed

Rose: well you seem fine so i guess the potion work

Adelar: it didnt just work! i spend 3 years in bed and my physique was not as good as it was before i was crippled but your miraculous potion restored not only the feeling in my legs but also my muscle strength before the accident!

Rose: oh? good to know...by the way what are you doing here alone and where is you chariot?

Adelar: ah...well to be honest i run all the way here...i just wanted to show you my gratitude as soon as possible! please if you ever need help with something then ask right away!

Rose: actually there is a thing

Adelar: anything!

Rose: here come inside

welp the young man didnt comply and entered the shop Rose then sit behind the counter and took out a small but comfortable chair she place it on the opposite part of the counter and signaled the young man to sit down

he didnt say anything and sit he was about to ask Rose about what she want's but decided to dont say anything when Rose took out a nice letter out of nowhere the letter was already opened but the seal on the letter was still recognizable two eastern dragons circling around a orb

when the young man saw this he made a loud GULP

Rose: this letter is encrypted i need you decipher it

the guy had doubt in his eyes but it quickly vanish he took the letter and started to read it

Adelar: i think i already did it

Rose: what!

Adelar: if you connect at the first letter it says "meet me at home"

Rose: oh okay then! new request then find the "home" they are speaking about the letter was given to a wizard named harry he was a teacher

Adelar: (holly shit! THAT harry???) miss Rose how did you obtain this letter?

Rose: he tried to do bad stuff to me so kick his ass and robed him

Adelar was stunned he was just staring blankly at Rose with a face that says "what the f*ck"

Adelar: miss Rose what do you mean by "bad thing's"? (is the legendary wizard harry a pedophile?)

Rose: i dont want to talk about it (to much to explain)

Adelar: (so he did try to r*pe her!) no worry's miss Rose i will find the "home" of that bastard and i will personally help you deliver justice to that trash!!

Rose a little shocked by the reaction of Adelar looked at him in a dumb confused matter and said

Rose: ehh ok...?

the young man clenched his hand into a fist and swore to protect this little cute girl with his life it he had to! after all its because of her he could enjoy walking again!

Rose: also do you know someone that can work here while i go to the next city? i will create a way to deliver the potions and other stuff here i just need someone who would took care of this place

Adelar: eh? i can give you one of the maids in our mansion she would take care of the shop you know work here in the day and clean here after closing

Rose: there is a room with a bed here so she can even live here if she want's

Adelar: okay then but i need to ask miss Rose how will you get to the next city ? do you have a caravan? and who will guard you?

Rose: i travel alone on my horse joergen

Adelar: WHAT!!! miss Rose you cant be serious right!!!

Rose: what's wrong with going alone?

Adelar: it's really dangerous to travel alone and especially dangerous for a little girl like yourself!

Rose: oh that... here come with me

she said while signaling with her arm to tell fallow her he wanted to tell something but decided to keep quiet and fallowed her to the exit

they were now outside of the shop and Rose approached a wall of her shop she then grab it from the bottom and slowly and gently raised her entire shop! she raised it slow not because it was heavy but because there were still things inside and she didnt want to destroy them by making them move or fall when she started to move the shop

after a couple of seconds she placed the shop just where it was and looked at the stupefied young man who just experienced the biggest slap to his face in his life he honestly thought he was dreaming

Rose: still think i cant take care of myself?


ok before i will start to ask for power stones i first want to tell you guys something

1. i dont create character's just to dispose of them later if i decided to give a name to a group of people is because at least one of them will come back to the story! the party that visited the nether with Rose? expect them back at some point. im telling this because i dont want people confused later and write in the comment's "who is he/she?" just because they thought that the person that appeared in a couple of chapters ago was not worth mentioning

of course i will write a short sentence about how Rose remembered this certain character so if she meet's one of the guy's that was with her in the nether she will have a short flashback on him

2. i love this novel and writing this and planing all the thing's that are going to happen is the best fun i ever had! but i need a couple of day's of to re:read my own chapter's and look if i dont forgot something because i'm human and it could happened! and also i need more time to think of what Rose will do next in the mission i planed for her and in what way will she do it ! i have so many ideas and i need to chose one that i think is the best and this is a hard thing to do so dont expect any chapter's for a 10 day's or maybe more i will tell you if i need more time but i dont thing i will need it

3. HOLLY SH*T 300 reader's! are you serious?? i never in my wildest dreams thought that so many people will read this! i honestly thought that it will stop at 100 people but BOI was i wrong! to all that enjoy this novel i swear that i will not disappoint you and write it until the plot (that still need's many chapter to finish so dont worry) will end!

4. *looks right* ... *looks left*... *breathes in* POWERSTONES!!!!!!!!!
