
Chapter 34 - Dress for the weather

Bob ship arrived at Drum Island, where there was no end to the snow.

Luna shivered as she wore a thick grey jacket covering her entire body.

"I'm not used to this weather."

She said to Bob.

"You'll be fine, let your body adapt."

"Says the person covered from head to toe!"

Luna replied back.

Bob work some light clothing, but had a fur coat on that kept his body warm. On his face was the mask he created, and on his head was a black hat. His hands were covered by the cloves he wore, and he had black boots to match.

It was safe to say his entire body was warm.

"I prepared for the trip."

Bob looked proud as he said that.

"You could have said, we were going to a cold place."

Bob pointed towards Hassan and Sasha, who were both dressed for the weather.

"Look at them, they prepared. I said, grab everything you need because there's no telling how the weather will turn out. It could be hot or cold. You're the one who assumed we face the cold. Now look at you."

"Bob, while I understand Luna needs to learn what it means to dress for the weather, don't you think we have more pressing matters at hand?"

Jacob said as he was rubbing his hands together.

Bob looked up at the crowd of people with guns pointed at their ship.

"Turn around right now!"

One of the natives to Drum Island yelled.

"Sorry, I can't do that. I have business on this island!"


One of the men shot at the ship, the bullet landed right next to Bob's foot.

"Shoot at my ship one more time! I dare you to!"

Bob shouted angrily as he started at the man who shot at his ship.

"What are you going to do?"

Bob placed his hand on Black Death.

"Hassan, you Sasha and Tiffany take care of those guys. Luna, you handle the rest. Try not to kill them."

Bob said as he activated Grand Blessing.

Grand Blessing increased Bob's speed, but he found out the strangest thing when he brought the boots. The duration of the skill lasted a little bit longer than before, not to mention his speed was greater than before.

Bob predicted that everytime he got an item with movement speed on it, Grand Blessings effect would have a greater effect on him. Not to mention, his normal speed would be greater than before.

For Bob, these men weren't anything much.

Before they could even fire a single shot at him he already swung Black Death.

His movement speed wasn't the only improvement, his attack speed also was greatly improved. Now, his sword seemed like a blur to the average person.

The rifles the men were holding were cut in half.

Bob squatted down as he watched the natives jaws open wide.

"You want to see more?"

Bob asked.

He saw that Sasha, Hassan and Tiffany already took care of the others.


One man spoke up.

A large man stepped forward, he was wearing a white fur-lined green tunic with armor plates covering his arms. On his head was a green hat.

Bob recognized the man as Dalton, the future king of Drum Island.

"Stop! What do you want with us?"

Dalton asked as he noticed the natives of Drum Island were being beat up.

Bob pointed at them.

"Not too much, things were peaceful until we were surrounded for no reason and one of these people shot at us."

Dalton looked at the natives.

"Is that true, you shot at them?"

The natives started mumbling amongst themselves. Dalton sighed and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry if that is the case. They mean no harm, most of them are just nervous is all. We are in a rough patch here so please leave them."

Dalton said.

"Don't worry about it, I wasn't planning on killing them. I'm here looking for someone, maybe you've seen him?"

Bob asked as he described how Ace looked.

"I'm afraid no one of your description has passed through here as of late."

Dalton answered.

'Am I too early?'

Bob wondered if he came to this island before Ace. If so, then Ace would pass through here soon.

"That's fine then, I also have other business here besides him."

Dalton looked at the jolly roger on Bob's ship.

"Are you with them?"

"With who?"



Bob actually forgot about Blackbeard's appearance on Drum Island. However, as soon as Dalton mentioned his name, Bob remembered he arrived on this Island less than a year ago.

It was a small thing in One Piece at the time, and it was in an early chapter or episode, so it was hard to remember the full details of this arc.

It was surprising that Bob still recalled a large majority of information about this world.

Dalton was curious as to who Bob was, he couldn't see his face due to the mask.

Even the other members of his crew were wearing those demon like mask.

Bob could sense Dalton's curiosity.

"Don't worry, we won't harm you people. I see you are looking at our mask, must make you curious. I won't reveal my identity, but you can call me Faceless."

"It's hard to believe in your words without seeing the look on your face, Faceless. However, i'll let you be for now."

Dalton looked at the natives.

"Alright, back to town. They say they mean us no harm, so we'll have to have faith in their words."

Dalton said as he turned and left.

Bob looked at the others.

"Let them go, get what you need and meet me in town. Just follow these people."

Bob said to his crew as he followed Dalton.

Dalton was confused when he saw Bob appear next to him.

"What do you want now?"

"Just hoping for a tour of the place. Also wondering if there are any vacant homes available."

"Why would you want to live here?"

Dalton asked.

"Not live here, just have business to take care of is all."

Dalton looked at Bob and wanted to say something, but held back his words.

"We're not really pirates if that's what you're wondering. Let's just say, we are bounty hunters."

"I was never a fan of hunting pirates, but to each their own."

"You're slightly mistaken. I said bounty hunters, not pirate."

"What's the difference?"

"Not much difference, except we don't only hunt pirates. As long as there is a reward involved, we'll hunt down anyone or anything."

"And, what's a bounty hunter like you doing here? Have something to do with that person you're looking for?"

"Something like that. Tell me, you have anyone in mind you want captured?"

Bob asked Dalton.

Dalton thought about it for a moment, he seemed to be debating with himself.

Bob assumed he wanted to say Wapol, the current king of Drum Island. Yet, those words never escaped his mouth.


"Pity, and here I thought you'd say the king of this island."

Dalton stopped in his tracks and looked at Bob.

"What do you know?"

Bob stopped walking as well and looked at Dalton.

"The real question is, what do you want to know and how much are you willing to offer?"

Bob knew that Wapol wasn't here on Drum Island yet, but he'd be making his return around the same time the Strawhats arrived here looking for a doctor. He could have Dalton prepare for Wapol's return, if Dalton was willing to pay the price.

Bob wasn't too big on changing things in One Piece, but since Wapol and the Strawhats would arrive at the same time. They were bound to clash heads with each other, not to mention they already fought before.

Therefore, even if Bob told Dalton some information, things wouldn't change that much.
