
Uzumaki Clans

'The sun slowly lit the room, the birds chirping ringing off the walls of the bedroom, what a way to start the day.' Thought Sasuke, "much better than sleeping on the ground" he reminded himself. As he rose from his bed and started making breakfast. "Mom would be so proud," as he thought of his mother. Sasuke took the eggs from the pan and set them on his plate just in time for the toast to pop out of the toaster. He carried his plate to the table and consumed his food. 'Okay, I need to be at the academy in an hour that leaves me about half an hour to get ready and go.' He thought to himself as he started loading his sink with dirty dishes. Sasuke stepped out of the shower and the changed into a black shirt with the symbol of the Uchiha clan on the back and shoulders, dark blue shorts and black sandals. He threw his back pack over his shoulder and walked out his door, ready to get some of his questions an answers without any eyebrow raises.

Sasuke stood in front of the academy a long with all the other children and parents. He looked over and saw Naruto swinging on a swing that was hanging off of a tree branch, staring at the children and parents longingly. Sasuke moved closer to the area where Naruto was and gave him a nod, "Long time, no see whiskers." Naruto looked up from his longingly gaze, and saw Sasuke standing near him. "Hey, I know you, I am Naruto Uzumaki and I am gonna be hokage someday." He flashed a big grin followed by a thumbs up at Sasuke. Sasuke surprised at the introduction making sure he heard correctly asked "you're an Uzumaki?" Naruto still standing there with a grin and a thumbs up said "Yeah, you better believe it." Sasuke began a slight interrogation, asking if he had family around, or if he knew any other people named Uzumaki. "Nah, I'm an orphan and why would other people have my last name?" Naruto asked confused. Sasuke tilted his head and stated "Naruto, Uzumaki is a part of a clan, you might have family around you should ask sensei about it when we get into the classroom." Naruto stared in shock at the idea of having someone to call family, as his mouth was still hanging open, Iruka stepped outside of the academy letting everyone know class was about to begin.

As Sasuke entered the classroom he saw everyone heading to their seats. "Forehead," "Ino-pig," was heard loudly behind him. As Sauske turned around and saw who entered the classroom he laughed lightly as he was reminded of both his sisters Yuna and Yume. As both Sakura Haruno and Ino Yamanaka heard him laugh they both blushed and quickly and quietly went to their seats. 'Eight year old girls with a crush on me, excellent' Sasuke sarcastically said to himself as he let out a sigh and started to move to his own seat near the window. Sasuke finally settled down in his seat with paper and pencil ready for taking notes on the desk in front of him heard a giant plop next to him. Sasuke looked to his side and noticed that Naruto was sitting next to him. "Whiskers" Sasuke said to him as Naruto was digging through his backpack that was filled with crumpled paper and bent books. "Teme" Naruto shot back at Sasuke as he smiled and continued searching for a useable paper for class. Iruka Umino and Mizuki stood at the front of the classroom waiting for everything and everyone to calm down. As the class quieted Iruka started his lesson, "Ok class were going to now start learning math, specifically addition and subtraction." The whole class started to groan including Sasuke for a whole other reason, 'fuck' Sasuke groaned to himself as he reached into his backpack and pulled out Seals for Dummies part one book. As iruka reached for some chalk to start writing some simple mathematical equations about addition and subtraction, Sasuke elbowed Naruto hard in the side. "Naruto, ask about your clan." Sasuke told him, hoping that this would distract the math lesson he learned ten years ago. Naruto nodded "Iruka sensei, I have a question." Yelled Naruto as he jumped out of his seat.

"Yes, Naruto go ahead and ask it" replied a surprised Iruka as he saw that Naruto was actually being engaging in the classroom. "Iruka sensei, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Uzumaki clan?" Naruto pleaded, hoping that Iruka would know more about it. Iruka looked at Naruto, "you know about the Uzumaki's" he muttered to himself. "Very well Naruto, the Uzumaki clan was a clan feared for their ability to create seals." Iruka said loudly for the benefit of the class. Naruto immediately raised his hand without waiting on being called he asked "Iruka sensei what are seals?" Iruka pondered momentarily while thinking of the best answer. "Seals are what is used when doing fuinjutsu, seals have the ability to protect your things, your home, even put a barrier over an entire village to keep it safe from enemy attacks." Iruka said, "seals even have the ability to teleport you from one place to another, in fact the fourth hokages most feared ability was made using fuinjustsu." Iruka continued the discussion as he was walking around the classroom. "With the ability he slayed hundreds of our enemys in moments to protect your friends, family and this village. It was called the Hiraishin and that's why he was called the Yellow Flash of Konoha. As he used this ability he would teleport in a yellow flash to his enemies and became one of the most feared ninja in the world." Naruto momentarily stunned as he listen about his idol before he asked, "Where are the Uzumaki clan now?" Iruka gave him a sad smile "The clan was devastated and destroyed by a war and now no one knows how many are left or where they are." As Iruka walked back to the white board and started writing a math equation "ok who among you can answer this problem." Naruto just sat there silently for the rest of the school day.

Sasuke was on his way home pondering what he should do with the rest of his day, it was only two in the afternoon after he got released from class. He wanted to get stronger but where to start he wondered? 'I can learn and practice fuinjutsu in the classroom during all discussions but history and anything pertaining jutsus.' He thought about what a ninja is, they are stealthy, quick, and strong. They use their words and actions to deceive the enemy. Sasuke still pondering how he should go about training, 'I can eliminate stealthy and learning to lie better, that's hard to train on your own without a good idea coming to my mind. I guess I'll focus on physical training, endurance, speed and strength.' Sasuke thought, passing by a clothing store Sasuke popped inside and purchased the largest backpack he could find. As he arrived at his home that was becoming more and more comfortable. Sasuke dropped off his school backpack and changed into some swimming trunks, he then brought his new training backpack with him to the lake. He filled the pack with roughly ten pounds of rocks and took off his shirt. He threw his now weighted backpack over his shoulders and attached it snuggly to his back. Sasuke jumped into the cold lake and started swimming from one side to the other. Every time he reached the other side of the lake he got out and started doing reps of pushups and sit-ups. Once he finished the reps he jumped back into the lake to start swimming to the other side. After a few hours of training he dragged his body back to his house so that he could fill his empty stomach. After he was full and the kitchen was cleaned he sat down near his futon and did what Itachi his brother told him to do a long time ago. He meditated, he followed his brother's advice and felt the flow of chakra through his body. The feeling was faint and hard to do but Sasuke kept at until bedtime slowly rolled through and he went to sleep, so he could be prepared to learn more about seals as his class learned what twelve plus thirteen equaled.
