After breathing in and out for a few minutes, Kea left the airport premises to search for a place to stay temporarily. Breathing in air was her way to calm her nerves when she was angry or nervous.
The recent fight strained a lot of energy from her body as she was still weak from the recent accident and the wound on her forehead was paining cruelly.
But it was not going to stop her search for a roof. Even though it was past midnight, she walked continuously till she found a bench to sit for a moment.
Her legs were starting to give away but still, she stood up and made her way in the darkness. Her vision blurred as she fought with the searing pain.
' I have to be stable..I cannot be weak in a foreign land. I have to walk and find myself a home...'
Kea tried to keep up but failed as she stumbled on a high platform and fell, unable to get up. With that, the world around her moved rapidly as she became unconscious.
That was the first time she met her family after her accident. It was unbelievable that she was still alive. The reality made her eyes well-up with water but she didn't blink, afraid that she might lose her happy state. But it didn't . While enjoying her happiness, the scene before her changed as she saw herself climb down the window and suddenly sit inside a plane. Then again her vision changed and she saw five men approaching her with devilish looks in their eyes. One man grabbed her arm and she struggled to run but the others surrounded her and jumped on her at the same time...
Kea opened her eyes and sat up in an instance, cold sweat dropping from her forehead .
The dream was half a myth but still it felt so real that her heart was beating manically. It took her time to calm herself down but , then only she did notice that she was inside a room.
The room was lit up with the bright sunlight entering from the glass window. The window stretched through the entire wall and was covered on the sides with custard-white curtains. The room was silent , except when a beeping sound was heard every 3 seconds.
" Holy! You're finally awake!" A boyish and cheerful voice spoke , breaking the silence.
Kea was startled to sense somebody else's presence in the room and turned her head towards the direction of voice..
A boy with dark green eyes, ruffled dark-brown hair and flushed-pink cheek was standing at the doorway, looking at her in a caring way. Even though he appeared young, his attire said something else. Wearing a black tuxedo, he looked more mature and handsome.
" You are...?" Kea asked, not at all intimidated by his looks. She was rather surprisingly calm in his presence , while she always keeps her guard up in front of strangers.
"Oh My! Sister doesn't know me. How disheartening!" The man put his right palm over his heart and said with an innocent face, making her giggle.
Wait! Is it just her or the man in-front looks familiar? Realization drew, when suddenly she remembered something.
" Don't tell me you're.." " Yes, I am Ronald Sharp."
Kea's eyes went wide and she looked at the person in complete shock. Seeing her shocked expression, a cheerful chuckle left his lips.
Ronald Sharp was the world renowned model and was on the top-ten, most desirable bachelor's list. The thing that surprised Kea was the fact she was seeing this person in real. Oh how jealous her closest friend, Mia, would be on hearing about the sudden meeting. Not everyone gets to meet him and also on a weekend when he's supposed to be on a runaway.
"So.. What are you doing here?" she asked, finding nothing else to start a conversation.
" Whaaaat?! You're not happy to see me? Soooooo...." He stretched almost to infinity and beyond, making Kea feel like coughing blood at his childishness.
Ronald Sharp was considered to be a cold person. Seeing this side to him, reminded her of her brother.
The sudden memory of her stubborn brother, made her gloomy. Ronald was known to be very sensitive to people emotions and the change in the mood of the other person in the room was not unnoticed.
" Hey, what's with that look?" Kea was snapped back to reality and spoke without deliberating, " You remind me of my little brother back in my city.."
Hearing her words, made him smile brightly, just like a child on receiving his long waited gift.
" Then can I call you sis?" Ronald asked in his softest voice, making Kea look at him in utter surprise, but after settling her emotions, smiled like a flower in it's full bloom.
" Of-course.." She replied , tear filling the back of her eyes, but she controlled her emotions.
" So how come I got the opportunity of meeting and becoming the sister of ' The Ronald Sharp '?"
On being asked, Ronald immediately strolled towards her bed and sat on a chair beside it. Then he explained, " I was returning from my daily schedule and saw you on the ground. Tried to wake you up many times but got no response and so, " he gestured with his eyes around the room , " brought you here."
" Thank-you.." was all that she could say.
" First of-all you don't need to thank me as am your bro and if you really need to, then call me Ron.
Well, by the way what happened to you?"
" I am new in Seyfert City and was looking for a place to stay. But, a sudden series of events exhausted my already tired self and thus I fainted."
"And that..?" Ron pointed at her forehead, where a bandage covered it.
Hey! It's Ananya here.
Here's another chapter and a new character. Our new character is important as he'll play an important role.
Also, sorry for a late update as I was busy with my preparations for Sent-ups, an exam.
I don't know if i'll be able to post for the coming days as my exams start from 16th August and end on 30th August.
Please have patience and pleaseeee do vote, review and comment. :)