
Chapter 60

'Lord! The mad sorceress!' Ray muttered from behind the camera as he panned the crowd. 'If she's in the film, I'll cut it.'

'For heaven's sake be quiet,' Natalie whispered, looking worriedly at the microphone. 'And don't get me laughing.'

'Could anything do that?'

Right at the moment, she knew that nothing could. All the same, she had to get into the swing of things. The interview with Kane Mallory went off perfectly. He

had the sort of relaxed air in front of the camera that Kip had, although his eyes strayed frequently to his petite wife who never once looked away from him. It brought a lump to Natalie's throat. That was how she felt about Kip. She had to ignore him, though, because now that the ribbon had been cut and the crowd had begun to move to the hotel for refreshments Annette had claimed Kip and she was obviously waiting with bated breath to be introduced to Kane Mallory and his wife.

As soon as it was dark there were fireworks, .all the guests going but to the front of the hotel to watch, and Natalie went with Ray. They stood looking as the coloured lights flared upwards into the velvet African sky and if it had not been for Kip, Natalie would have been well pleased. Her task was over, mission accomplished. She could go home.

A very familiar hand came to her arm and her skin shivered in recognition before Kip even spoke.

'Can I borrow the boss, Ray?' Natalie thought his voice was as dark as the night and her eyes met his with a flicker of anxiety as he turned her towards him at Ray's laughing agreement.

'My sister is very anxious to meet you again,' he informed Natalie as she hesitated, her whole body awash with panic. She could feel his hands on her body, his lips searching her skin. She wanted to cry out that it was unfair, impossible to live through, and he must have seen the turmoil on her face because his hand tightened, drawing her closer to his side.

'No outrageous scenes, Natalie,' he warned softly. 'Half the people here are looking at you.'

'Of course they're not.' She dropped her silky head, hiding her face.'Why should they be?'

'Would you believe—because you're so damned beautiful?' A rhetorical question, and he wasn't waiting for any answer either. He drew her through the crowds to the inside and straight over to Andrea, whose dark eyes seemed to note everything, just like Kip's. She used the same method of interrogation too, straight out and no hesitation. She wanted to know all about Westwind and Natalie's job.

Kane joined them, his arm coming instantly around Andrea's waist, and Natalie almost had to stifle a cry. She felt lost and lonely, more lonely than she had ever felt in her life. It seemed ages before she could get away, muttering about having to check with her team that everything was finally wrapped up.

Annette caught her before she had reached the sanctuary of Ray's side.

'So you're finished and going?' The pale blue eyes snapped out at her and Natalie looked back with distaste.

'First thing in the morning,' she said curtly, not in any way wanting to chatter to this woman.

'Well, it must have been quite an experience for you. In a way, I suppose, I don't begrudge you it at all. There's a certain magic about Africa, and I knew you'd end up in Kip's bed, even though briefly. He's not a man to be denied.'

Cold shivered over Natalie's skin and she looked back carefully, controlling her voice with a great effort of will. 'I beg your pardon?'

'My dear! You stayed with Kip last night.' 'And where did you get that mad idea from?' Natalie choked.

'Well, Kip of course. He told me. Don't worry, it won't go any further. I'm the soul of discretion and he's been

telling me his secrets since I came out here.' She shrugged easily. 'After all, who else is there in this place? And I did tell you we were always together. I'm not jealous. It's one of those things, a new face.'

Ray came up with some speed, seeing Natalie's tragic expression, an expression she couldn't hide at all. It said everything so very well. A new face to enliven the scene.

Ray took her arm tightly, his grip warming.

'Your broomstick just drew up outside, Annette,' he bit out, turning Natalie away as Annette's face flushed brightly.

'Well, I've never-' she began angrily but Ray had

the last word as he turned. 'I'm sure you have. Every picture tells a story/ He took Natalie off and led her to the foyer where there were few people about. 'Whatever she said,' he warned urgently, 'discount it. I pointed out the possibility of knives when we first encountered her. Kip's crazy about you.'
