
Ancient Chronicles

作者: A_R_Magalan
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An Age feared by all is coming.. The Demon Lord is slowly waking.. The ancient war will soon begin.. Men, Elves, Dwarves, Demons, Orcs, and Dragons... In progress: Book I - TROL SPRING 1. Prologue: The MagalaN, Age of Myths 2. Rumors and Tremors -Mice -Rosalei -Training -Rumors -Tremors 3. Predators and Prey -Contracts -Trades -Flight -Fight 4. Crossroads -Shield Knight -Dragon -Guild 5. Epilogue -Quest Future books Book II - TROL SUMMER Book - The Dwaves undersiege Book - The Elven War Book III - TROL AUTUMN Book - The Never Day Book - The Never Night Book - The Dragon War Book - The Dragon King Book IV - TROL WINTER Book V - The Ancient War

Chapter 1Prologue: The Age of Myths and Legend.

The ice eagle soared high within the storm clouds, west across the shield wall mountain range were it live. He prefer to hunt during snow storms to hide his silvery white ice feathers. His sharp eyes have heat vision to pick out prey that has been trapped by the wind. Ice eagles love to prey on vultures but there's a lot of deaths in the flat land recently that they seldom fly inside their territory any longer. He has'nt eaten for three days now and he need to find a prey.

His attention was drawn by a man with a fire horse trying vainly to reach the top of the mountain. They must be trying to go over the otherside. There is an enormous house of men east beyond the mountain. Ice eagles sometimes prey on them - but they dont taste good. They prey on men only when driven by great hunger. He is not afraid of the fire horse, he can kill it first by hurling ice spear feathers while swooping to the unsuspecting man. But he can  also detect magic and he can gauge their magical strength. This allows him to measure preys, threats and  suitable mates.

This man with the fire horse is a magic creature. Not a magic user but a magic creature like him. Magic users conjure magic, while magic creatures - are magic. And this man is very... very... strong... He cant help but stare. He was fascinated by this man. He never saw a creature like him before.

"Why is he here? With that strength he can stop this storm and clear his way to the ridge of the mountain."

He saw magic users do that in the past when they climb this way.

"Unless.. he is hunting.."

With a jolt the ice eagle quickly climbed higher further away from the man and scanned the surrounding area searching for any threats or anyone that this man might be hunting.

He saw a twelve foot bear further down and no one else. It would not be the man's prey. The ice eagle remembered his hunger. He would have had swoop down and killed the bear and eat it but he was very intrigued by the man that he let it pass.

"Where is the man's prey? Might it be that huge home in the east?"

The ice eagle change its track and heads to the eastern slope.

"If the man's prey is the man's home then there will be deaths and there will be vultures."

"Vultures are the best! better than bear!"

The ice eagle climbed higher above the clouds. He will survey the land east of the mountains.

Then someone whispered in his mind. "Please lend me your help my friend I need your sight..."

The ice eagle jerked in mid flight falling several paces before it regain control and climbed higher. The icy wind stoped and the cloud cleared out. The ice eagle is in panic, he knew the man with the fire horse is the one hailed him. The ice eagle flew higher and faster to the east trying to get away.

"He dispersed the snow storm! He is now after me! I'm his prey!!" He screamed.

A predator is not accustumed of being a prey specially a full grown ice eagle. His wings span by thirty feet. Their feathers are impenetrable and they have  strong  razor sharp claws. ice eagles can conjur a rain of ice spear feathers, freeze a prey with their ice breath and most of all their scream can cross a long distance in case they need help. All full grown ice eagles who hear a fellows' call are bound to come and help or avenge their kind. That is why they are feared. Even dragons thinks twice before engaging a fight with an ice eagle.

The man spoke again, "I am not a foe.. Your leader gave me one of his feathers. Selebran, King of the Shield Wall Mountains - First of your kind.. Please I beg you assist me.. Lend me your sight.. I need to know they are safe.."

The ice eagle furiously contemplated what the man said at the mention of their ancient king's name. No men alive new his name. Selebran flew to the stars more than three thousand years ago.

"This Man must be lying or he would be thousands of years old to meet Selebran! But this also explains his strength in magic. The older you get the more stronger a magic creature becomes!"

The man answered his question by allowing the ice eagle to see through the man's eyes. The man is now riding and galloping at full speed. His Fire Horse is blazing and blowing fire, melting the ice ahead of them. Then he raised his right hand showing his arm guard made of a huge Blue feather. And Selebran was known as the only blue ice eagle.

"Im an immortal. A MagalaN last of my kind.. My kin brought Selebran here with his wife from another realm in return he gave him this feather and a promise -"

"-that we will all be there to fight the final battle." Finished by the ice eagle who was now  at  an awe of whom he is speaking to.

"Your an Ancient. An immortal! did you come for the men north of this mountain?"

"Yes I must save them.. I need to save them, please lend me your sight my young friend.."

The ice eagle flew faster, he heard the desperation behind those words.

"Call me Seledin, Lord Ancient I give you leave to have my sight."

The Ancient's sense merged with Seledin and he flew over the the Shield Wall Mountain. He felt the Ancient's numbing fear as he flew. That fear turned to shock at what they saw beyond. That shock turned to desperation and as soon as desperation came it was gone replaced by nothing. Cold freezing emptiness. Seledin thought the Ancient released him from his hold but he can still feel the Ancient's gaze..

Then he felt anger..


Seething, boiling rage..

He have'nt notice his wings beating, flapping furiosly increasing his speed. All he felt is a white hot pain burning deep inside his body consuming his very soul.

Fury that is what he is!

Wrath for what was done!

Vengance that will be wrought in complete abandone!

And Seledin screamed! A battlecry no ice eagle have ever cried before. Then came a blinding light followed by a deaffening clap of thunder..

Not all those emotions came from the Ancient. Part of it came from him. A great anguish, realizing he is about to witness the end of the age of legends..


The Witch Hunter System

Dual cultivation isn't a choice; it's a necessity. After being struck by a truck like most lucky protagonists (or unlucky ones), Vaan found himself transmigrated into the body of an orphan in the world of witches and demons. However, they didn't always exist. Demons terrorized the world ever since the Gehenna Realm descended over 300 years ago. but along with them, came mana, giving birth to witches to combat these demons. Since then, the world of men was dominated by witches, establishing the seven witch kingdoms, which safeguards at the forefront of the demon invasion. In order to survive in the matriarchal society of the witch kingdoms, Vaan, like all other men who cannot use magic, had to learn how to service the witches to survive. Nevertheless, it did not come without its own benefits. Years of research have led the world to the discovery of intimacy between men and women could increase the witches' mana absorption. But at the same time, men could absorb some of this mana to improve their physique and lifespan. Thus, since then, an intricate relationship was formed between men and witches in the red-light districts. Love became casual, and dual cultivation is common. As a prodigy in the art of pleasing women, Vaan lived a smooth two years since his transmigration as an orphan. However, everything came crashing down in a heartbeat one day when his life was nearly taken, and Lady Eniwse whom he served went berserk. Even so, that was not the end. With the awakening of the Witch Hunter System, watch how Vaan takes on the world and becomes the lord of witches. ===== Genre: [Mature Content] [R-18] [Smut] [Magic] [Witches] [Demons] [Spirits] [Dragons] [Beasts] [Reincarnation] [Adventure] [Action] [Mystery] [Academy] [Weak-to-Strong] [Scheming MC] [Harem] [System] [Servants] [Slaves] [Smart MC] [Alchemy] [Forging] [Misunderstandings] [Game Elements] [Kingdom-Building] [Overpowered MC] ===== Note: Contains lemons. Hunting witches does not necessarily imply killing witches, if you know what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ===== Feel free to join the discord for novel discussion or grab the novel update role to be notified as soon as new chapters are released in the link below; https://discord.gg/9SUWMPZ ===== My other novels; First novel: Prime Originator (Shared Universe) Second novel: I am a Notorious Boss in the Alternate World (Shared Universe) =====

Pointbreak · 奇幻
881 Chs

What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?

In the most cliched fashion, a giant truck-kun smashed into my World, killing everyone with it. And in the next most cliched event, I was given a second chance in life by the gods to live another life in a world of swords, magic and dragons! It’s literally a dream come true! Be a hero? Who has the time?! Conquer the world? Like hell I’ll do something so troublesome! Diving into dungeons, exploring ancient ruins and meeting all the weirdos of the world? Sign me right up!! I’m only interested in travelling the world to find the most interesting materials I can use to write the best story I can! I’ll show you my creativity and dazzle this new world with the stories I’ll write! I’ll fight with dragons, swim with krakens, wrestle giants, eat all the cakes and bed the beauties! Time to live this life however I want! Eh? A psycho is running around the world saying that they are the hero who will slay the demon lord? Why is there such a crazy person? There’s someone out there threatening the world with nukes? How did they even find out how to make those? Some crazy hobo is going into other people’s houses to smash pots to look for money? That guy really must be crazy. What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy? ----- [Character Creation:] [Gender:] [Male] [Female] >[Futa] *** Notes: Any R-rated scenes will be denoted by a '*' followed by an 'R' with the number of 'R's showing how much of it is R-rated. '*R' would be around 25%, '*RR' would be about 50% and '*RRR' would most likely be the entire chapter. You can join our discord through this link: https://discord.gg/CRrb56c

Draekai · 奇幻
816 Chs