
Chapter 10 "Brainstorming"

Tessa POV

I woke up a just roll and roll over my bed its my mannerism whenever i wake up, i look at the ceiling and to my clock its already 9 am, i remember that we have work today, work again i told myself, i sit up on my bed and get my phone i try to find Tae's name in my contacts wheb i find it i try to call him he pick uo after two rings.

"Good Morning Noona." He greeted me with bis deep voice

"Good Morning Tae." I greeted him back "Do you have any plans today?" I asked him and theres silence between the line

"I dont have any, why Noona?" He asked me

"Can you come here in my condo, go to Darcy he knows this place." I told him

"Okay i'll be there ASAP" He said

"Okay see you." I hung up

I got up from my bed and fix my bed, i go directly in the bathroom to take a shower and get dress, i got out from my room and go directly in the kitchen, i saw Jin cooking for breakfast

"Good Morning." I greeted him and he jumped from surprise

"Yahhh!~ You scared me." He said holding his chest with his other hand and the other habd is holding the spatula

"Sorry, you wake up so early." I said and he nodded

"Yeah, We need to go to bussinesseu." He said

"Do you want some coffee?" I asked him and he nodded

I get five cups, i brew some coffee and wait for it, i arrange the things i needed for our coffees

"Where's Hobi and Yoongi?" I asked him

"They're still sleeping" He said and i nodded

"Tae will have his breakfast here." I told him and he nodded

While waiting for the coffee to brew i arrange our tables and i help Jin cooking, when i saw the brewer is pouring coffee to the pot, i come near it and its already finish pouring coffee, i pour coffee into the five mugs, i put some milk and sugar in it, i stir it and put the three coffee on the table, i took the two remaining coffee and i hand the other mug to Jin, we took a sip from it

"You make coffee better than the coffee shop we always go to." Jin said and i almost burn myself from the hot coffee and i hear his windshield laugh

"Did you see Jungkook?" I asked him

"I think he is still sleeping." He said and i nodded "The breakfast is ready." He said

I helped him plate and put it on the table, i turn on our speakers and play some songs, i saw Jungkook walk towards us, he is already up

"Good Morning Tessa and Jin." He greeted us

"Good Morning." We both greeted him

"Im gonna wake Hobi and Yoongi." Jin told us and i nodded

"Sit down." I told him and the doorbell rang

"Im gonna get that." I said and i go to the door

I walk to the door and look at the peep hole, i saw Tae standing on the otberside of the door, i open the door and gesture him to come in

"Is this your house Noona?" He asked while hugging me

"Yes, well kinda." I said and he nodded

"Why do you want me to come here?" He asked me

"I want you to take Jungkook out, i will give you my credit card, go out have some fun, go shopping for the both of you, you decide where you two want to go and eat." I told him

"Really?" His eyes lit up and i smile

"Yes." I said and i grab his hand

"Let's have some breakfast." I told him

I grab Tae's hand and i walk back to the dining area, i saw Jin and Jungkook is already sitted, Hobi and Yoongi is taking their sit and i pointed the other chair gesturing Tae to sit there, i sit on my seat also

"I made some coffee." I told them "You can drink some juice or milk Tae, you dont like coffee." I told him and he nodded

We eat our breakfast and we're finished, I put the dishes in the sink Hobi is cleaning the table and Jungkook is doing the dishes, i go to my room and get my wallet, i go out from my room and find Tae, i saw him in my balcony i walk towards him

"Hey." I said and he looked at me

"Hi Noona." He said

"This is my credit card and some cash." I handed him my credit card and some cash

"I dont know where to go." He told me and he get the card and money from me

"You have your phone, search." I said "Get ready i will tell Jungkook now." I added and he nodded

I walk back inside and to the kitchen and i find no one there, i try looking at the living room Jin and Yoongi are there, i go to Jungkook's room and i knocked and i hear his voice said come in, i open the door and take a peek

"Hi Jungkook." I greeted behind the door

"Hi Tessa, Do you need something?" He asked

"Well, Taehyung want to asked if you can go with him right now and go outside." I said and he think about it for a second

"Sure, i will just change." He said and i nodded

"Thank you, he will meet you in the balcony." I said and close the door

I go in my room and put my wallet down, i get my phone and laptop, its work time, i go out and walk towards the living room and i saw Yoongi, Jin and Hobi there, they already have their laptops, phone and some folders, this is it! I go to the sofa and take a sit, i open my laptop and opened my email, i saw two boys walking towards us

"We will go now Noona." Tae said and i looked at them

"Okay have fun guys!" I said and they nodded

"Bye guys." They both waved at the others

"Byeee!~" The other waved at them and they got out from the room

"So we have our event's place settled." Hobi said and i nodded

"What is our theme, any ideas?" I asked them

"Well, its either Autumn Runway or Christmas Runway." Yoongi said

"Well, Let's release Autumn first on the runway." I said

"We will not have the Christmas Runway on that time?" Jin asked me

"Can we do two themes?" I asked them

"That's kinda hassle for us." Hobi said and we agreed

"We will have Autumn Runway this month and We will have Christmas and New Year Runway at December before Christmas." I told them and they think about it

"We can merge Christmas and New Year because they're both in the same month and almost same category." I told them and they nodded

"That's a good idea, we should have the same flow of the program to Autumn and Christmas Runway so that we dont get rush and no confusion at all." Jin told us and i agreed

"But we can add some new things on our Christmas runway." Yoongi told us

"Yeah we can, some details i guess." Hobi said

"So when will this be we need to settle the date first." I told them

"We're planning on 25th of September to have our Runway." Jin told us and i agreed

"Okay, then our Autumn Clothes are in oir company? Do we have some stocks for the runway? And especially after the runway we will release it after the tomorrow are we fully equipped?" I asked them

"I already checked our stock room yesterday, we have our stocks in our stock room." Yoongi said

"How about in the U.S?" I asked him

"They're delivering it already." He said and i nodded

"Hobi, tell your designing team to get the size of our models on Monday." I told him and he nodded typing on his laptop

"What will be our Runway design?" I asked them

"Well, its Autumn our products are on Orange, Rustic colors and on warm tones." Jin said "Do you like to match thos colors?" He asked us

"Hmm? But not too much, we need to make it darker or lighter so that it wont match the color of the product and they will able to see it." I told them and they nodded

"How about white and brick red?" Yoongi suggested and i imagine it

"That's good, we dont have any brick red colors so our color will stand out if we put that on the Runway." Jin said and i agree

"Because its Autumn, i like to suggest some Plastic Autumn leaves on the side of the runway, a pile or maybe scattered around the floor, just to give us some Autumn vibes you know?" Hobi suggested and i nodded

"And some wind effect." Jin added

"And we can design the sides with Trees with falling leaves they will come out and come in that tree." Yoongi suggested

"You have a lot of ideas tho, i love all of your ideas." I told them

"We can match and design their seats also with our theme more on wooden theme like that." I told them and they agreed

"Finalize everything and write it down then give it to the design theme so that they will know what will they do, and they can computerized the outcome of our ideas on the upcoming event." I told Hobi

"Call or Email Jayson (Our editor) to ready the Autumn Teaser and the Christmas and New Year Teaser and the full video, and dont forget to mention about the information about the upcoming event we will send the info about the other event." I tokd Yoongi and he nodded

"Contact our people to ready the stocks and arrange them, and they need to buy some props for the event, ready the systems we need to use, contact the person who needs to contact." I told Jin and he nodded

I looked at my laptop and write down something on it, its my idea for the Christmas and New Year Runway, i open a new tab and i send an email to our stock team to get the Christmas and New Year stock they need to be here at the last week of October or first week of November, i also send that email to the stock team in the U.S.

"Let's go to the next theme, We will go to the Christmas and New Year Runway." I told them and they stop from what are they doing

"Any suggestions? Or ideas?" I asked them

"Same flow of the Autumn Runway." Jin said and i nodded

"How about the design?" I asked them

"We should go to Red, Green and White colors of the runway." Hobi said

"We should make the chairs like a candy cane colors." Yoongi told us and i nodded

"We shoukd put some pikes of cottonballs as snow on the side of the runway." Jin said

"And some harmless sparks on the side when its New Year Runway." Jin suggested

"We should make a door where they will come out and come in." Hobi said

"And some Christmas and New Year effects on the background for the vibes." Yoongi said

"Well that's good, i will write down the ideas for the Christmas and New Year Runway, write down the informations and send them to our team about the Autumn Runway, we need to have meeting with the team on Tuesday and they will present those on Friday, We will open about the Christmas and New Year Runway to them on October." I told them and they nodded

"Lets work!" I said and we're all typing on our laptop

We typed and work for the upcoming runway event we're making sure that we will send everything to our team and they need to move ASAP, we list down who we will invite on our event and also the paparazzi we list them down the papaeazzi we trust, i ordered some Chinese food for our lunch and some pizza, after lunch we go back to our work we print the papers we need to print, we send every attachment and things to send to others, we ready our powerpoint for the meeting, we have our meeting via Videocall and somethings we need to do, we didnt notice that its already dark, Jin go to the kitchen and cooked for our dinner, he finished his work, i got up and gathered my things we will continue that tomorrow, i put my things inside my room and i go to the living room abd saw Hobi and Yoongi already gathering their things, i stretch my body and i can hear my bones pop, what a relief thats the most precious sounds i want to hear everytime my work is done, i sit on the sofa and open the television, i saw Hobi and Yoongi coming here and they take their sit on the couch, i hear the doorbell rang so i get uo and run towards the door, i looked at the peep hole and i saw Tae and Jungkook, i open the door

"We're back!!!" Tae said and hugged me tightly and i hugged him back

They enter the door and i saw Tae holding a lot of paper bags with different brands, he give the paper bags to Jungkook and he took it

"Where are your paper bags?" I asked him

"Its already in the car." He said and i nodded

"This is your card and we just use half of the money." Tae said and handing me back my card and money

"You can take the money." I tokd him and i get my card

"Thank you Noona." He hugged me again "I gotta go Mum is already worried about me." He said and he waved at me

"Bye Noona, Bye Jungkook." He said

"I hope you enjoy this day." I saod and he nodded

"So much, tell the others i said goodbye." He said and i nodded

He got out from the door and he still manages to waved at us he ran towards the elevator i shake my head and smile at the floor while closing the door i face Jungkook

"He is fun to be with." He told me

"I know, i know you two will get along." I told him

"Thank you by the way." He said and i nodded

"You're welcome." I said " Go to your room we will have our dinner." I told him and he nodded

I saw him go to his room carrying those paper bags, i walked towards the kitchen and i helped Jin in the kitchen, i saw Hobi arranging the table, i plate the food and Yoongi called Jungkook for us to eat, we aeat our dinner all together.

"So how was work?" Jungkook asked us

"Its been a long day." Jin sighed

"My back hurts so bad." I told them

"Work is painful it drained my energy." Hobi said

"I want to sleep." Yoongi said and we laugh at him

"How was your day?" Jin asked Jungkook

"Its fun." He reolied and we nodded

We finished our meal, Yoongi cleaned the table, Jungkook did the dishes and Hobi helped Jungkook by putting the plates in the cupboards, i saw Jin already passed out in his bed and i go inside my room and got o sleep, my back hurts, my eyes hurts from the screen i took a deep breath and close my eyes and went to sleep.
