
Qian Meng's Qingchen

She swore in her mind. "We need to celebrate," she whispered. Her eyes gleamed with excitement. "I know just the place!" she shouted. She grabbed Mo Qingchen and led him outside without a goodbye. 

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"Secret," she whispered conspiratorially.

They drove for half an hour before Qian Meng turned off the engine and faced him. "We're here!" she exclaimed. 

He looked around. "Lovely neighborhood."

Qian Meng gasped. "Do you mean it?"

He scanned the parameter of the car. "No, I don't mean it. We are in a filthy, rundown neighborhood."

Qian Meng glanced over and saw a woman who had stuffed herself into a neon pink, leopard print jumpsuit. Mo Qingchen was looking at the woman in question with horror and Qian Meng couldn't help but think that he was exaggerating. 

They weren't in a rundown neighborhood. If she ever brought his snobby ass to an actual bad neighborhood, he would get a rude awakening.
