
Enhancing Manga

Running towards me was a short, green-haired woman. Although most would mistake her as a child, running at that speed the oversized white shirt she donned was pressed against her body showing off breasts that would be a handful and seductive womanly hips that would draw any man's gaze.

As soon as she was about to reach me she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "Please! Come sign with us!"

[Emergency Quest: Sexually harass Chief Editor]

[Reward: ???]

I grin at the given quest. Then I place both hands on the lady's ass and start kneading it like dough finally concluding by giving her left buttcheek a good, hard smack.



—5 minutes later—

"Thank you very much Minano-san. I appreciate the generous royalty you have provided me with."

"Hmpf, of course we'd give you that much. You have written the greatest manga to come in the whole industry.....pervert"

Sitting across from the Chief Editor with a throbbing, red handprint on my face I smile as best I could and ask, "Uum no hard feelings right? Also no sexual harassment complaints to the police...please?"

Minano sighs, "Unfortunately I need you out of prison to write this manga, so there won't be any lawsuits.....Anyways now that the papers are signed, I must admit we really should be paying you more considering the effects this manga will have not only on GonGon's popularity, but the manga world as a whole."

I heard this and knew what she was saying beforehand, but I couldn't help twitching my eyebrow at the bold statement of underpaying me.

I sigh and then with a devilish smirk, "Well....no worries I'll just take that earlier sensation in lieu of the extra pay" I say while showing a squeezing motion with my hands.

Minano understanding my implication became red and angrily said, "I don't think I hit you in the head hard enough!"

(Note: The gods made it so his body won't damage those who bare him no ill will. Also any other annoying thing that could be asked about the gods took care of it. They wouldn't give him the constitution of Eros only to have him pulverize every girl's pelvis into dust. Oh also what I said about his body is it everything else is normal organic material perhaps a bit denser in order to support the metallic parts.)

I get up laughing and on my way out said, "No worries I'm sure we'll have plenty time later to get physical with each other."

Outraged Minano stands up, "WHA-!"

Hurriedly leaving the building I exit saying "byyye~"

As I leave I text Mihari letting her know that I'll fax her the first five chapters of my new manga(fairy tail) by the end of the week and that i want an assistant or two to help me with it. While it's true that if I spent one day working like I did the past three weeks I could get it all done myself I don't want being a mangaka to be a stressful activity. I'd rather do it casually and in a relaxed state. Assistants would help me with that.

I decide to give my Dad a call on my way home to check up on things.

"Hey Dad it's Daiki how are things going?"

"Daiki? What's up calling out of the blue? It's not like you? I expected the next time I heard from you would be when the hospital contacts me after you try to fight a gang on your own! Hahahahaha..." I can hear other laughter in the background and assume that others are listening in on the conversation.

'Goddamn how much of a violent hothead was that guy!' "No no I don't think you'll be getting calls like that anymore...actually I was just coming back from Shounen GonGon! They're publishing my manga and are going to send me assistants to help with the other one.."

The laughter dies on the other side of the line.

".....are you serious?! How much are they paying you" "Aniki are you seriously a mangaka" "*sob*sob* finally no more dealing with revenge from the heir's actions *violent sobbing*"

I sweat drop at the various reactions from the other line of the phone and explain what I've been doing the past few weeks in order to secure financial independence. Then I moved onto what happened at the publishers excluding the sexual harassment. I didn't think those exploits would serve to demonstrate my maturity...well at least not the type of maturity I'd want to show to my family.

"Oh yeah Dad. I have something serious to talk about."

The other side remains quiet, but I can feel the change in their demeanor.

"What is it Daiki?"

"I need help adopting a little girl."

"....." I swear I almost hear crickets on the other side of the line. At the same time I'm confused at their silence. "Hello?"

"*sigh* I thought with your adventures with Ryouko and Kaname and loss of memories that you may have been cured of your illness, but to think it's hardwired into your being. Listen son being a lolic-"


After hearing me they stay silent for a moment and ask what I mean, so I explain about my meeting with the girl and her current state.

"Are you sure you are up for this my son? Raising a child is not a simple task and demands more attention than you think."

'She's actually been alive for over half a millennium.' Not that I could really tell them that. "Don't worry she's smarter than me and probably wiser too. I can see in her eyes she is no simple child just trust me on this."

"...okay son I'll trust you just remember not to neglect her needs."

With a confident face I boldly declare into the phone. "Don't worry Dad I believe I know more than anyone in this world how to satisfy her needs and bring her happiness."

"...you know when I said needs I didn't mean sexu-"


And with that I hang up on the call and finally reach my apartment.

As I was locking the door someone came out of the apartment next to mine. Leaving the door was a beautiful girl who seemed close to my age with long wavy blonde hair that reached her waist. She was carrying what looked to be like a violin case, however what caught my attention were her red eyes indicating she was crying recently.....and I know why.

I do my best to put on a charming smile and say, "Hello there! My name is Ichijou Daiki! Sorry if we knew each other before, but you see I lost some of my memor-" I didn't get to finish as she only paused for a moment and left in a huff with her instrument.

*sigh* I could help her with Ban's blood, but I can't get that until I complete the quest.... Oh! Maybe I'll get something from the random Reward for the Naruto quest! I receive my rewards and see what I've obtained. It most likely won't be a healing ability considering I'm already getting Bans blood, but it could be a healing consumable!

[Rewards: Fairy Tail Manuscript, Mastery in Singing, Mastery in Piano]

[Recurring Quest: Practice music for 15 minutes.]

[Reward: 1 song]

I sigh at the rewards as I can take the hint that I need to get closer to her before healing her and have her open her heart to me. Don't worry Miyazono Kaori......I won't let cancer take you in this world.
