

Lianne looked about her office and sighed.

"Thank you, Zero," she said, noting that everything was how it was when it had been designed, and things were clean. There was no layer of dust or anything out of place. That might not last for long, though, for Lianne was rather the messy type when she did work.

It was an organised mess, however.

She knew she couldn't be that way at work, though, so she made a mental note to put her things where it should be, rather than the pile that she would undoubtedly create.

"I'll need an assistant that knows how to keep things in order, in the way I like it," Lianne told Zero as she went to the large windows overlooking the city.

Zero went over to stand beside her, quietly listening as she continued.

"I have already identified a few people for that," Lianne said, "But I do not know their true capabilities or whether I would be compatible with them. The list is based on their work performance and what I've observed of their nature so far."
