
Go And Get Her Here

The twenty-five year old Fleur was a beautiful witch who had charmed many wizards. Her problem was that she was not only very intelligent, she was mischievous too. She thought that no one in the entire kingdom could match her skills and intellect. For this reason she would ridicule every wizard who tried to act smart with her only to challenge their sharpness and see how they could come out of the situations she created. It was as though she was trying to find someone who was much smarter than her. However, so far no one was able to match her. While most were piqued by her, some liked her a lot. 

An hour later the guards opened the gates and allowed them to enter the palace of Isidorus. For Fleur, it was the first time that she had entered any palace. Her eyes became wide as she glanced at the magnificence around her. They walked down the halls and reached the entrance of the main hall where Isidorus sat to meet other wizards and witches.
