
It’s happening!

"For the next few days no one is allowed to get out of my sight" Wang Shan strictly said because she did not want to be left alone. If these two companions leave from her presence… wow that's a good idea! Suddenly something popped inside Wang Shan's head as she looked at her little Bao Wang Shan couldn't help but take a quick glance at An'Xuier

There was a sad and disappointed look on An's face. 'What is that I'm seeing? Is that myopia I'm having? She is near yet are my eyes tricking me?' Wang Shan couldn't agree to the truth that she was exactly seeing what expression An Xui'er is about to make next.

Wang Shan rubbed her eyes and looked at An Xui'er without blinking for one last time and she could clearly visualize everything that was going to happen for the next few minutes. Realizing that she had some special talent, Wang Shan kept silent and announced them the good news.
