
The two thrones

Arya climbed up to his feet before stretching his arms toward the magnificent creature. It ignored his efforts and went back to eating. He chuckled bitterly before retrieving his hand.

He continued on his path without giving the beast any more mind. As he walked on his path, he saw various animals one would call prehistoric from where he came from.They were not even divided by their time periods. Various felines and canines with long teeth sticking out of their upper jaws lazed about or played...or maybe they were actually fighting. He could not tell.

He came across mammoths of various sizes and species along with prehistoric animals of all types. He even saw a prehistoric kangaroo standing tall at about 2 meters. But of all the beasts, the most numerous and diverse were the dinosaurs.

But this was trumped by the massive quantity and variation of plant life. These seemed to be all prehistoric plants. their numbers and types were greater than all the animals combined. Tall trees towering higher than the eye could see to tiny moss all thrived together.

Arya walked higher and higher up the mountain surface. But it felt like walking on plain land. Hoping he could reach the peak quickly, he increased his pace.

The journey came to an end as Arya reached the peak after another 2 days. Along the way, Arya saw every type of land animal and plant to ever place on the Earth in every time period from every region and climate. He knew for certain that the ones he had not seen were also hidden within deeper than he had explored.

The only things missing were any form of flying creature or oceanic being. The few fishes, fogs and turtles he had seen were all inhabitants of shallow water and could be considered surface dwellers if the term were to be used loosely. But he did not really care for all that.


What would be on the peak of the mountain was not something he could guess. But he didn't expect for the thing he found to be a throne. It was a golden and greenish throne sitting on a massive flat piece of quartz. The plain colorless stone had steps leading up to the throne firmly fixed on its top.

The transparent mass lay on the endless fertile soil covering the mountain. From here, it seemed that the rocky mountain was not rocky at all. He did not understand why it seemed so when he looked form a distance.

Four transparent pillars rose from the four sides of the large square quartz block. They made a thin and flat semitransparent canopy above the throne that provided decent lighting while also granting shade.

The throne itself could also be called plain if not for its gleaming materials. There were to designs or intricate patterns adorning it. Neither were there any precious stones. It was simply a square stool rising up from the quartz bed. It did have a backrest and arm supports though. The entire structure seemed like a single piece with no blemishes of any kind. But it looked to be quite uncomfortable.

Arya looked around and there was nothing in the clear sky to obstruct his vision. Nothing was high enough to reach the mountain peak.

Dropping his he climbed up the steps and walked to the throne before plopping down on it before stretching his arms and feet, letting out a loud yawn.

His figure lacked any decency or charm as he lay lazily on the chair. Feeling a wave of energy wash over him, he sat up. He found that his skin that had become black as coal was turning back to its original brownish hue.

He didn't care much about his skin tone. But it was always more comfortable to be in your own.

That didn't matter much compared to the holographic image that popped up in front of him. It was the image of a planet

It had two different looking halves. One looked dark with red bodies of water and purple streaks or light running across it. There was a single huge mountain or green in the center of the treacherous expanse.

The other half was occupied by greenery and water bodies with rivers and forests everywhere. There was also a huge dark mountain in its center. This was emphasized by its glowing red and violet lines running across it.

The two masses of land were separated by a ring running from top to bottom. Half the ring was water, the other half, fire. In the north most and south most points of the ring, there were two pieces of land. The north was white like ice and the south black and red like fire.

This holographic globe then turned into a ray of light as it buried itself into Arya's head.

He was not ready for that at all. Before he could process what happened, his head hurt as a massive amount of information was transmitted. He was learning all about the planet he'd seen. The most important part of the information was that, this was in fact Earth. Earth had been holding together parts of two dimensions. Hell as one spoke of or the Abyss, was actually another celestial body in another dimension with matching coordinates with Earth in respect to that dimension.

Any real sightings of the abnormal were actually latent energy escaping from the Abyss. The Earth and the Abyss didn't usually interfere much with each other. But the two dimensions where they were located was merging together for some reason. This caused the two celestial bodies to merge together as well. After the initial merge, the spiritual energy of the two celestial bodies divided and sorted the two designated areas for life of both.

Then life restarted for both worlds as a new single world.

The old inhabitants of Earth and the Abyss were spread out in the new world according to where they initially lived. That had happened 1000 years ago.

Arya had no idea why he was transferred so late or why he was transferred here but he continued to scan the information in his head.

The war for supremacy had begun in the world. These battles transcended conventional warfare because of the new form of energy pervading the world. The dimensional energy from the merger spread across the globe and had produced its own energy cycle. This new renewable energy source was not merely used to power gadgets and machinery. This helped make one stronger and gave powerful abilities along with increasing possible life span.

One could absorb this energy from the cycle itself or from taking it from other life forms who had. But the second option corrupted one and caused undesirable side effects.

Taking in the energy and making it your own would grant you dominion over the elements as well. Anything and everything could be shaped using the energy.

The Abyss had a similar but much weaker version of the energy in the past. This let the sentient and intelligent creatures of the Abyss adapt more easily to the change. This was opposed to Earthlings who had no such advantage.

Arya stopped scanning his mind. There was a lot of information inside and it gave him a head ache reading through it.

He now understood why he had gotten stronger. But this also brought him apprehension. The amount of energy he had consumed was the sum energy from a rabbit like creature and two unidentified beast, all three which he assumed were from the Abyss. If he had become this strong from only such little supplements, how much stronger must the other creatures be?

The thing that still bothered him most was his lack of encounters in the forest below. Why did he not meet any intelligent Abyssal? Why didn't he even see any more unintelligent Abyssal either for that matter? He felt that something dangerous for him was brewing.

The last thing he knew from the information was about the throne. The throne he sat on was a result of the Earth's spirit. It had used all the remaining energy it had housed that would have other wise been lost during the merger with the Abyss to construct this throne. The information he had gotten was also created and updated by the Earth. The mountain he had seen had seen on Earth's half of the world was a result of the Abyss doing something similar with a throne of its own.

Their purpose was to give the owner the right to command all life belonging to the Earth and the Abyss. By right, it merely means right. I does not explicitly give one the power to control any of the creatures. Nor does it give one the ability to control life and death. But this right helps to command unintelligent creatures and pressures intelligent creatures to follow the owner's will. Of course, if they are much stronger than him, they can ignore it completely.

If he had to guess, an abyssal had appeared near the mountain in the earthling territory. He would have to get the blessing of the Abyss. Why the place was called the Abyss despite not being a deep gulf nor a bottomless chasm was beyond him.

All he knew was that he had been tasked to bring all of Earth under his rule and conquer the Abyss.


Far away from the mountain, within the depths of the abyssal jungle, there was a village.

The various structures making up the village were roughly the same as that of any human village. Here, a red skinned humanoid creature 2 meters tall with three horns and stood wearing leather armor in front of a group of similarly dressed similar creatures.

He wore a tooth necklace symbolizing his status. He lead the group out of the village to hunt. Their group was tasked with bringing back 3 Gremba.

A Gremba was a herbivorous creature unique to the Abyss. They were 3 meters tall and 4 meters long. With a spiky armor plated back protecting them from behind and beneath, the creatures had few weak spots. Their usually docile and somewhat timid nature was also very rare in the Abyss. But, they were heavily hunted due to their nutritious flesh and hard shells. Their high reproduction rate ensures that their numbers will not dwindle easily.

After an hour of searching, they found a herd of Gremba grazing in the forest. The grass struggled to escape from the sharp jaws of death futilely. The green skinned reptilian creatures used their beak like mouths to tear the grass from their roots before munching on them.

The hunters stalked their prey. They had no weapons about them originally. But suddenly, just as one of the gremba had sensed something, the hunters struck. From their hands manifested various tools and weapons. With a spear of fire, in one hand, the leader jumped onto the back of a Gremba and pierced into the spiked shell of the now angered beast.

The spikes seemingly doing nothing to the experienced hunter, he clenched his spear before twisting it. Within its body, the flame spear suddenly grew spikes which then rotated. This caused its flesh to char and shred apart. At the same time, the spears-man penetrated deeper into the burning flesh of the defenseless creature as his comrades took care of another two. His spear penetrated the heart of the beast, killing it instantly.

Unable to bear its weight any longer, the creature's four heavy feet gave out and the body collapsed.

His companions were having a harder time than him and had not yet completed their hunt. Due to his prey's unawares, the leader could end it swiftly. But, by then. the other Gremba were ready.

They tried to escape. But at the same time, their shells gave off a brown glow. This was a manifestation of the energy controlled by the gremba.

The brown glow increased the toughness of the shell by countless times along with giving them added resistance to the elements. As such, the other 12 hunters could not even deal with 2 gremba easily. Their manifested tools and weapons were repelled. These weapons like a water whip, a gleaming metal sword, a stone pillar, a metal net and even another flame spear could not even break through the protective energy of the Gremba let alone the actual reinforced carapace..

Denying them escape and protecting their own lives was all the 12 could do. They stalled the 2 gremba as their leader dealt with the other.

After finishing his kill, the abyssal with the tooth necklace leaped off his dead prey before charging to the other two. This time, his spear morphed into a pair of gauntlets with long claws.

The leader's charge helped him pierce through the brown glow before the claws swiftly penetrate the beast. He tore open the hole he made in the beast, killing it.

Then he rushed to the remaining beast before sliding down beneath it and stabbing his claws deep in to the chest of the beast. He searched for something before his eyes lit up and he clenched.
