
The potion

The next days went pretty normal. I was studying for the classes, so that I continue as awesome as ever, because it was true that I was going more to the average level on the last classes. Hermione passed the days on the library so it was nice to have someone there with me, but she's pretty much like a wall while she's searching, so I talked more with Odin and Ifrit.

Some days later, Hermione raised the hand on the class of history of magic, and asked about the chamber of secrets. The legend talks about Salazar Slytherin and a chamber where he left a monster so that it can kill all the muggle-borns when the heir of Slytherin requires it. Quite unsettling. After that, I separated of the group, and went to the forest once more to train, and while I was on it, talk with Ifrit about the daijuroku.

Rainy- (So, will they know that I killed daikun? (Even if technically was Odin...))

Ifrit- (I don't think so... but maybe, coming back to the forest is not the best thing to do. If Odin could sense me the other day, they maybe sense me on your head, and then they just need to 1+1 to know what happened.)

Rainy- (true... then I need another place to train... if only i could figure out the training room I found the last year...)

Odin- (about that, I might have found a way to open it.)

Rainy- (you have!?)

Odin- (I can see your memories inside here, and i have revised all you did when the door opened. And I think you have to pass in front of the door 3 times at least, while thinking on the training room.)

Rainy- (nice! I'm going right now!)

As I was entering the grounds of Hogwarts, I was oblivious to the fact that there was someone spying me inside the forest. I rushed to the seventh floor and I did what Odin told me. To my surprise the room appeared but was different, it had a desk to study and a lot of books on shelves on the sides of the desk.

Odin- (were you thinking on the training room?)

Rainy- (err, i might have been thinking on all the study I still need to do... but this is awesome!! this room can be whatever I need it to be!!)

Odin- (true, it is a good spot for training and studying. What will you do now?)

Rainy- (isn't it obvious? I'm going to train and study until I have the necessary awesomeness to continue surviving. Who knows if I'm strong enough to obliterate the Slytherin monster? I'm not wasting any chance to train if I don't know that!)

Odin- (just... remember to get out of the room for the classes. You need to be a student to be in Hogwarts. And this room is in Hogwarts.)

Rainy- (don't worry. Part of being awesome is being one of the best students on the school!)

And like that, I begun a schedule of me going to class, then to the training/study room and then to the common room on the curfew. I even had some days when I just made a bed appear on the All-I-Want room and I slept there.

Meanwhile, Hermione, Ron and Harry were thinking of making something to talk to Malfoy, because they thought he was the heir of Slytherin... not that it couldn't be... but I was pretty sure that he didn't have the guts to do something like this. Not on his second year at least. Besides, he has backed down a little after the fight on the Quidditch field. He still antagonizes the trio, but is less a question of blood, and more a question of ''you are Gryffindors and my rivals so i hate you''.

And talking of Quidditch, I didn't go to the first match of Harry this year. I was on the training room, and when I remembered, the match had already finished. It seems that a crazy bludger broke Harry's arm, and the great Gilderoy decided to try to ''fix it''. result? Harry had to spend a night on the hospital wing without bones on the right arm.

Also Colin, the Gryffindor with a camera that was obsessed with Harry, went during the night to give Harry something I think, and was attacked by the Slytherin beast. Of course I used esuna! the next day but the fear about what the beast could do was there. Colin could only say that the last thing he remember is hearing something behind him, and when he looked with his camera, he saw 2 eyes staring at him. After that, the next thing is awaking on the hospital wing. Not that much, but Hermione appreciated the facts and went back to the library.

Some days later I was going to the dungeon, to potions class, and the trio had a face that said ''I have something planed, I hope Snape doesn't kill us'', so during the class I was focusing on what they were going to do, when I saw Harry throw a firework on Goyle's cauldron making a really big mess. I was wondering what the hell was happening on their heads, when I saw Hermione going out of Snape's office with something under her robes. So I asked after the class.

Rainy- hey, what was all that about?

Harry- what do you mean?

Rainy- come on. I saw you throwing the firework! Why were you covering for Hermione? And what was she doing on Snape's office?

Hermione- err, Rainy, don't get mad. WearemakingapotiontoinfiltratetheSlytherincommonroomandtalkwithMalfoy.

Rainy-..... so, you are telling me, that you want to know if Malfoy is or isn't the heir, BY TALKING!?? why the hell would he talk to anyone about this?? is not like all the Slytherin house agree with what is happening!! if he is, and I'm sure he isn't, but if he is, he won't talk about that to anyone!!

Harry- at least we are trying to do something about it! Who do you think the heir is!?

Rainy- isn't it obvious??

Ron- no!

Rainy- it has to be Voldemort!! how can you not see it? I'm sure that if the professors are so agitated is because something happened before! And I'm pretty sure that it could be when Voldemort was attending the school!

Hermione-... actually, the other day Dobby did say that the chamber was opened once before...

Ron- but- but, we said that probably that was Lucius! And now is Draco's moment! Besides, You-Know-Who can't just enter the castle whenever he wants!

Rainy- he's not brave enough to do something like that on his second year! And Voldemort infiltrated the last year too, Ron. He's possibly using a student now, because Gilderoy is too much stupid to serve Voldemort (Gilderoy would be already dead by the hand of the dark lord). But we just need to find the student Voldemort is controlling!

Ron- and couldn't be that Malfoy??

Rainy- I-I- yes, he could. I can't think of why would he be that obvious, but he could be.

Hermione- then, will you help us, Rainy?

sorry about yesterday, but I was thinking how to make this year not a copypaste. because I want to make some things different but the end has to be the same. I don't want to change the canon until the third year, so I have decided to skip some chapters from the book. that way it isn't a copypaste, as I will be doing other things with Rainy on the meanwhile... probably training montage.

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