
Fighting the masked men

With that one shout all the masked men immediately became active. The next moment, they all got up and faced Ao Tianzi.

At the same time, the leader of the masked men attacked Ao Tianzi. A powerful attack was sent out by him, and shot through Ao Tianzis's body.

"How rude." Ao Tianzi said, before he shattered and disappeared.

"Someone else Is here" The leader of the masked men said. The group quickly recovered and started to look around for Ao Tianzi. But try as they might, they couldn't find Ao Tiazni.

Suddenly the eyes of the leader of the masked men flew open. "The formation." He shouted. In an instant, the group realised what had happened. The next moment, the group turned around and ran towards the core of the formation to regain control of it.
