
Fighting the three headed snake

Seeing Bai Yun run away, the three headed snake was stunned for a moment. Then it hissed sharply and chased after Bai Yun.

Seeing that the snake was chasing after him, Bai Yun cursed. "What the hell are you chasing after me for you stupid snake? I left the lotus for you. You can have it. I won't fight over it." But the snake did not listen and continued chasing after Bai Yun.

What Bai Yun did not know was that snakes had an excellent sense of smell. The three headed snake had smelled the three other lotuses on Bai Yn. That was why it was determined to catch him.

Bai Yun realised that the snake was slowly but surely catching up to him. He could probably escape with soundless motion, but Bai Yun knew that with the snake's sense of smell, it would soon track him down once his qi ran out. So with no other choice, Bai Yun decided to stay and fight.
