
Chapter 40: Flameboy Johnny

A great explosion took place, half the size of a nuke. It shook the whole desert.

Sebastian shaw smiled, his fist had connected directly to Superman's face. And not only that, the excess force had been reaccumulated as it hit his own body. He had gained back about 20 percent of the power just by standing beside superman as he released all his energy on him.

As sand and dust fell down, Sebastian started to frown. Superman's shadow was still standing.

"To still keep your body erect after your demise, you have my due regard, and I shall show you my admiration by..." He couldn't continue talking. The dust had settled and Superman just stood there, his head intact, not a single hair was harmed on him.

"How?!" Sebastian couldn't help but to exclaim.

"Just so so, even a science geek like Bruce Banner hits harder. But I do want to hit you back, but you see, I'm afraid of killing" Superman said as he took a step forward.

"I see, indeed your character is of highest regard, to spare even your enemies!" Sebastian said nervously as he took a step back

"I meant everyone on the planet, not you." Superman explained what he meant.

As he took Sebastian by the neck, and threw him into space once again, but this time, much further and at a greater speed.

'That should have done it.'

Superman flew back towards where flameboy and Firestar were fighting, be had left them to fight on their own, on purpose, because he had seen the looks Johnny had given Firestar.

'I might not need wings to fly, yet I'm the best wingman!' Superman thought in self appreciation.

As he landed near them, he found both of them standing above a burnt skeleton.

"Superman, he keeps regenerating, any tips on how we can...?" Johnny said as he dragged his finger across his throat.

"Firestar, you said you were in X-Men right, With your experience you should have some ideas?" Super said, allowing them to think for themselves.

Superman had been doing this for 6-8 years by now, but Johnny was totally new to this and needed to figure out things on his own to grow as a better hero.

"Actually, I was barely allowed to join on mission, this the first time I'm fighting alone for real." she said kind of bashfully.

"Since he is constantly regenerating, hurting him is a waste of time, instead we should...?" Superman said, giving them a hint.

"We hinder him from being able to fight!" Johnny said, excited at the fact that he figured it out.

"How?" Superman asked with a smile.

"I know!" Firestar said, excited as well. "My powers aren't really just flames, I can create microwaves that can burst, explode or melt anything!" She continued as if he had an epiphany.

She put her hand on the ground and forced her energy down, towards the healing skeleton.

The ground melted into lava, consuming the healing man to the throat. She made sure that the melted lava was enough. Then she allowed it to harden into stone.

"We won against Sabertooth!" She shouted she jumped towards Johnny in happiness, their fight had made them closer. A good fight is better than three years of communication.

"You guys were always stronger than him, but his experience was so much greater than yours so he could handle you two until now." Superman said summing it up for them.

"Do you know why most heroes and villains always waste time to speak before a fight?" Superman asked them, he wanted to educate them a bit more.

"I always thought it was stupid, to waste time like that!" Firestar made her own thoughts known.

"It's actually to make up plans, to figure out their abilities then find a way to counter it. This is pivotal for your success in the future, otherwise you'll have people who are way weaker than you, beat you using their tactics. If you can't figure out this part, you can never become great heroes, not only put yourselves in danger, but others as well." Superman said seriously.

Both Johnny and Firestar nodded seriously.

"Actually, Superman, I left the X-Men because I didn't agree with their ideology. My goal was to join the Avengers that's why I was on my way to New York." She said nervously.

When she was in battle, she was in a bad state and couldn't show it, but it seems like she looked up to superman greatly.

"Johnny you want to join as well?" Superman asked Johnny.

"Dude, YES, I thought you'd never ask!" He was waiting for this moment since he had shown superman his abilities in the hospital.

Superman chuckled.

"Firestar, do you have a place to stay in new York?" Superman asked her.

"Actually, about that..." She said with a hint of pink on her face.

Superman just turned towards Johnny.

"Johnny, you have extra room for Firestar in the Baxter building right? Let her stay with you guys for now, I need to go back to headquarters, someone will come for you in a few days." Superman said as he flew away, leaving those two to return on their own.

"Also ask the other three if they want to join!" Superman said to Johnny.

Superman flew away, leaving Johnny to do his work.

Superman flew back towards the Avengers helicarrier. He went directly to Nick Fury's office, but didn't find the man. Using his super hearing, he couldn't hear the director on the aircraft.

In the end he found agent Maria Hill.

"How can I help you Superman", she said as she handled some files.

"I found two potential Avengers! He said piquing her interest.

After staying for a while and telling maria to send someone to invite them, he left. The Avengers needed more members, as a great invasion was nearing earth.

Superman had left the helicarrier, and just as he reached the shores of he found Steve Rogers walking to, what superman assumed was, his apartment.

Superman thought about saying hello but he was stopped by the Sight of a buff person crashing into a parked car, at the end of the street. Spiderman appeared looking towards the buff person, who had a skeleton mask.

Spiderman had fought this masked person through some streets now, he was way stronger than your average goon.

"The bigger you are, the harder you fall!" Spiderman said teasingly as he flexed his biceps, hinting at the buffness of the man that he had punched into a car.

Spiderman jumped down from the wall he was on.

"After dancing for so long, won't you tell me your name" Spiderman said as he walked towards the masked man.

"I'm crossbones, and I'll get you back for this, Spiderman!" He said in anger as he was defeated.

"Did you just threaten me?!" Spiderman said in fear.

"Yes and I'll make sure to hunt you down!" Crossbones said fiercely.

"My weakness, is threats from defeated enemies!" Spiderman shouted dramatically, as he fell down in fear.

"Anything but threats!" He said with terror in his voice, as he webbed up the mouth of Crossbones mask.

As Spiderman webbed up crossbones real good, he found one of Crossbones guns laying near his feet.

"You know..." Spiderman said as he picked up the guns and started spinning it on his hand.

"I'm somewhat of a gunsmen myself!" He said proudly. He did have some experience with guns and swords, and he was good at it if he could say so himself.

"BANG" the gun accidentally went off.

"Oh shi..." Spiderman got the spooks, as he accidentally shot the gun. He turned around to make sure no one was hurt.

He saw Captain America... Standing there with wide eyes. And Superman holding a bullet just a millimeter from the Captain's forehead. Both looking towards Spiderman in aghast expressions.

"Erm.... sorry about that..." Spiderman said very nervously.

"You see, normally one would expect that the safety is on, but it wasn't, so technically it's his fault!" Spiderman said as he pointed towards the webbed up goon.

Seeing no response from them. Spiderman just slowly put down the gun.

"Hey, crossbones, you did try to kill me! Shoot my head off, slay me and attack me. But now that it's over, and I can see the regret in your eyes, as the hero I am, I'm even willing to forgive you even if you are a villain. Think how easily I would forgive a teammate or a hero at that!" Spiderman said loudly towards crossbones!

Crossbones tried to say something back, he looked angry but couldn't speak because of the web around his mouth.
