
Chapter 3: Trap and Negotiation

"Are ye hard of hearing? We need the lad not a lass!"

"The lass and lad were floating on the plank together. The lass might be his sister."

"Sister? Did ye loss yer sight as well? Look at the wee lass's clothes, she ain't from 'round 'ere, ye sausage brawn."

"What's all this brawling?" The first mate came down to inspect. He looked into the cell and was surprised to find a lass with the boy. Likewise pointing to her he asked the same question.

"I dinna ken. The lass refuses to let go of the lad."

The first mate breath out like a fury dragon. He ordered them to keep a close watch on them and have them brought to the Captain once they have awakened. The two grumbled as they followed him down the corridor.

Danielle slowly open her eyes to confirm they had truly left before sitting up and stretching her arms. She wringed her toes in her shoes as well to be glad her missing limb was just a dream.

That was a dream, yes, but not the boy. He lay asleep at the end of her foot.

"Wow. I travelled to another dimension to be a prisoner. How exciting." She rolled her eyes at her fate. She crawls her way to the iron bar caging them in. If she had any luck she could only wished the gate was not lock.

Tough luck, it was. She sighed. Then a thought struck her, why were they kept in the cell, did she not rescue the boy back to his people?

"Damon. Damon."

The boy behind her moaned in his sleep chanting the same name numerous times.

"Hey, Hey. Wake up." She taps his cheeks trying to get his attention. It was this moment she realized that his face felt warmer than hers. It must be his wet clothing along with the damp and cold cell causing him the chill.

"Oh gosh, I hope you are not burning up." She tested his temperature again by placed her forehead against him and it was definitely not normal. Looking around the cell, there was nothing she could use to bring him some warmth. Hence, she pulled the boy against her and tried to warm him up with whatever heat that she still had.

"Damon." He muttered the name again. This time she looked down to his sky-blue eyes staring up at her.

"Oh, you are finally awake. How do you feel?"

In a state of shock, he doesn't move nor respond to her

"I am Danielle, you can call me Danny."


Danielle's ear twitched when she heard the voice of the man who previously demanded for them to be brought up to the Captain once they have awakened. They appeared before the cell and it was too late for them to pretend that they were still unconscious.

"Wake at last. The Captain will see the lass first, leave the lad."

"Aye!" Two crew men appeared from behind the tall and shady man. One to open the cell door and the other to pull her away from the boy.

"Get your filthy hands off me, I am capable of walking on my own." Slamming the cell door shut behind her before the boy could run after her, she looked back at him.

"Don't worry I will be back soon."

"We ain't got all day, move along."

She offered him a smile of assurance before being dragged away. Escorted to the door of the Captain's quarters, the first man knocked on the door. Upon receiving a respond from the other side, he opened the door and harshly grab her arms and forced her in the room, on her knees. The door slam closed, and a roaring laughter echoed from within the four wooden walls.

Dusting the dirt off her knee, Danielle stood up to and took a quick glance at her surroundings. This quarter was in such a mess she could not believe her eyes. The sheets of the bed were messy, clothes hanging all over, empty bottles of rum, possibly, scattered on the ground, a desk with papers all over but a apparently clean shaved man who is the Captain of the ship sat behind.

He eyed her from head to toe making Danielle wrap her semi drenched jacket tighter around her.

"Have the sea swept your skirt away?"

Looking down at her outfit, she did realize her dressing seems out of the place but that is the least of her concern. She wanted to know why the boy was kept in the cell with her.

"Erm. I understand if you want to keep me in the cell, but why are you doing this to your brother as well."

"Brother?" The Captain burst out in a fit of laughter.

"What are you laughing at, have you no concern for his life? He might be sick."

"That child is the least of my concern. If he brings me to where I want to go, his death means nothing to me. You on the other hand have done a great job on kidnapping the boy to me. I should reward you for it."

Kidnapping the boy. Reality was slowly sinking in to her that she had not saved the boy's life but put him in danger.

"Don't look so remorseful for your actions. You have done well, but sadly I have no need for you." He now stood towering over her. Then making a tasking sound, he surveyed her. "I do not think you will fetch a high price for a face like that but it would still be a waste to sell you. After all, you could do a good job in keeping my bed warm."

Feeling insulted, Danielle spit on him. "I would rather die than be your lowly slave."

He slapped her hard on her right cheek and sent her crashing on the ground.

"We can talk this civilize or brutal, your choice."

The taste of blood in her mouth had her instantly regretting her action. She quickly thought of a way to remedy the situation.

"I am sorry if I have offended you sir. Bound to your ship you give me no choice but to listen to your command. In return, could you offer me something in return?"

"Uho, playing the victim already? I was expecting a little more from you." He knelt in front of her and squeeze her cheeks.

"And what is it that you seek?"

"Food and clothes for the boy. When he is recovered, I will be ready to serve you."

"Fair enough. Larry!" He called out. The man from before barged in. "Get her and the boy some stupid bread and water."
