

Drake woke up at 8:00. He went to check on Deja, she was still asleep. He walked downstairs and entered the dining room, his parents were set at the table, they didn't look happy. "Who is the girl you brought home." His father looked angry. There was someone else at the table..."Alice, what are you doing here?" Drake was not happy.

"I'm here to protect my future husband." She had a devious smile on her face.

"What's going on why is she here?" He looked at his father.

His mother wanted him to marry for love, not money but his father demanded he marry Alice for her money and she was high class as well.

"I didn't expect you to stoop so low as to sleep with your own employees you are a disgrace to this family." His father said as he ate his breakfast.

"I haven't slept with any of my employees who told you this."

"Then who is the girl up in the guest bedroom?" Alice had an even bigger smile now.

"Her apartment was burned down by a freak fire and she didn't have anywhere to stay."

"Well if you haven't slept with her then why do you care for her so much?" His father had a serious face.

"Be-because I like her." He had a smile on his face now. Why do you make me smile every time I think of you?

"Maybe she could be the one for him!" His mother looked excited. His father looked at her and smiled.

"Well let's meet this girl you have taken such an interest in what is her name?"

"Her name is Deja, I'll go get her." Dred walked upstairs. Alice had an annoyed face. Drake opened the door to her room she was still asleep he really didn't want to wake her she looked so peaceful.

"Deja you need to get up my parents want to meet you."

Deja didn't stir. He leaned over her and touched her arm.

"Deja wake u-" She had grabbed his throat. And her eyes glowed. She realized who it was she let go.

"I'm so sorry I thought you where someone who was gonna kill

me." She sat up and rubbed her head.

"How did you'r...never mind, my parents want to meet you." He rubbed his neck. She got out of bed and combed her hair down, she followed him downstairs.

When she entered into the dining room Drakes parents were stunned. They expected an average looking girl but she was stunning, her hair shone from the rays of sun coming through the window and her eyes were almost shimmering like the ocean.

"She's beautiful." Both parents thought. The father was amazed. "Her beauty surpasses that of Alice." He thought to himself. He got up and greeted her.

"Good morning Ms.Deja It's good to meet you." He shook her hand.

"Good morning Mr., I'm sorry I don't know your name." She smiled at him.

"I am Mr.Walsh and this is Ms.Walsh.'' He helped his wife up and Deja shook her hand. "Your so beautiful and young you're perfect." Deja looked confused and blushed. Alice was in utter disbelief at what she was seeing.

"Please take a seat Ms.Deja." Mr.Walsh sat down.

Drake pulled a seat out for her, she sat down, he sat down right beside her.

Breakfast was served to them it was some sort of expensive porridge, It tasted good but she really would like some meat.

After breakfast was finished Alice invited Deja for a cup of tea in the living room. "I would like to get to know you a little come have a cup of tea with me." Alice had a pleasant smile on her face. Something was up. Deja sat down on one of the seats and Alice ordered the butler to get them a pot of tea.

He brought back a pot of tea. He poured Deja and Alice a cup each. "Cream or sugar mam?" He asked Deja. "Sugar." She smiled at him he kept a straight face and asked. "How much?" " One cube please." He put a cube in it and stirred it for her and gave it to her. He didn't even ask Alice she took a sip of her tea. Deja took a sip of the tea it tasted like mint.

"Is this mint tea." She took another sip.

"Why yes, you like it? it's my favorite tea." Alice just sipped her tea and smiled. Deja thought something was up but didn't feel any different. Drake walked in.

"Deja let's go find you a new apartment today." She stood up and sat her cup down.

"O'k let's go but first I want to go back to my old apartment to look for something in the ashes."

Alice had this calm demeanor about her Drake didn't like it.

They left shortly after Deja said goodbye to Drakes parents.

They arrived at the still smoldering rubble that was the apartments. Deja started digging in it and pulled out a long light blue object. She walked back to him.

"What's that?" It looked like a sword. She grabbed the hilt.

"It's my mother's sword Aqius." She pulled it out of the scabbard it shone in the sun.

"It's beautiful." He looked at Deja who had a little ash on her face. She paid no attention to him but was looking over the sword. He raised his hand and wiped the ash off her face.

She looked at him his hand was still on her face. He was about to lean in and kiss her.

"Why are you holding my face?" She looked confused.

"You had ash on your face and I was getting it off." he pulled his hand away.

"Oh ok so where are we gonna find me an apartment."

She dusted her pants and hands off before getting in his car.

She sat down and laid the sword down on her lap.

"I know of a good place that's not that much for rent and is in a good neighborhood that's on the way to my home so I can pick you up on my way to the office. He smiled and drove away. As they were driving she felt a sharp pain in her gut she thought it was because she's hungry so she ignored it, it went away. They arrived at a nice apartment complex. They got out and found the landlord's office Deja got herself a furnished apartment she still had some money left in her account. She walked up to her apartment and unlocked the door.

"It is a little smaller than my other one but at least it's not burned to a crisp, now I just need new clothes." She sighed.

"We can go shopping if you want to." *Wack* She hit Drake in the face with her hand. He had his hand to his face.

"I'm so sorry I didn't know you followed me." She had tears in her eyes she never wanted to hurt Drake. He took his hand off his face he was fine. "Don't worry it didn't hurt." He smiled.

He was holding back. "I hurt so much! I thought she broke my nose but it's not bleeding." He thought to himself.

"I'm just so sorry." She hung her head. "You don't have to go shopping with me I can do it myself." She smiled. He kind of deserved that for touching her face earlier.

"Well I'm your boss so I was gonna pick what you wear to work." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well....ok you can come along." They walked out and got in his car and drove over to the mall and did some shopping.

Drake got a plain white blouse and a checkered skirt for her.

"Your taste is very plain.....I like that about you." She was looking through some clothes. He smiled a little.

After they got done they went over to her apartment to put up her clothes.....but. Deja was hanging her clothes up when the pain came back, this was not hunger, it was... Deja fell to the floor she was holding her stomach Drake walked in.

He bent down. "What's wrong are you sick." She coughed and blood came out.

"We need to get you to a doctor right now." He was picking her up when she said. "Don't they can't help me I need Onyx here now." She was coughing up more blood.

"Why Onyx Is she a doctor?" He had her in his arms.

"Just give me your phone." Her eyes were not full of color now they were gray. He handed the phone to her, she dialed her number.

"Hello, who is it?" There was a laugh in the background.

"Onyx I-I'm coughing up blood I think I've been poisoned please come now." Her throat started closing she couldn't breathe.

Deja felt so sleepy she dropped the phone, She had tears in her eyes...everything faded to black.

To be continued.
