
Jeon Jungkook

"It's nothing, really. Let's not just talk about it "

Jennie and I had been friends ever since we were kids. I knew her inside out. I knew her favorite colours and her favorite food, her likes and dislikes.

She was tall and skinny while I was short and stout that's why she rejected me when I asked her out on our middle school years. At first I feel saddened but it did not last. My sadness changed to euphoria after she promised to date me once I become taller and skinnier.

How ever, as the time changes, people change. I think she had forgotten her promise to me completely. "I'm home!" I call out but no one responded. Strange. I whispered, shivering.

"Mom? Dad? Lisa?" I yelled as I walk into the kitchen. Did something happen? I asked myself. All the lights were on except the one in the kitchen.

"Damn it."

I slowly moved a step at a time, feeling my way as I went into the light switch. After I found it, I turned it on and was surprised by what I discover.

Saeng-il chuk ha ham ni da.

Saeng-il chuk ha ham ni da.

Sarang ha neun Jungkook-shi.

Saeng-il chuk ha ham ni da.

The three of them suddenly broke out in a familiar song. That's right, I'm turning 18 today. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday.

"Saaeng-il chukahaeyo oppa!" Lisa, my younger twin sister, went to me and greeted me. She has my favorite cake in her hands.

I closed my eyes as tight as I could and thought of good things to wish for. There were a lot of things that came through my mind but I only wished for one thing,


These past few days, it felt like everything in my life was changing and all I wanted was for things to stay.

"Blow out the candles!" My entire family screamed in excitement.

I was gonna blow the candle out when a special guest came. It was Jennie. "I hope it wasn't too late for me to come by." She bowed lightly then tuck some of her hair behind one of her ears.

"Oh no, dear, you are always welcome here." Mom said.

I smiled at her softly then lean forward to blow the candles out. "Saaeng-il chukahaeyo!" They all shouted in chorus as they clap their hands.

"Kamsahamnida." I said while bowing my head lightly.

"Happy birthday."

"Hey." I replied as I watched Jennie walk towards me. She smiled sweetly as she handed me my gift.

"Gomawo." I said then carefully remove the two staples from the top of the paper bag, wondering what it could be. "I'm going to keep this paper bagas a testament of my patience."

I pulled my gift out of the wrapper. It was my favorite comic book, smeraldo, which stands for 'emerald' in Italian. Jennie knows me too well.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"As a matter of fact, since you ask, no." i said in a serious tone. The smile on her face suddenly retreated and was replaced with a pathetic look. "Just kidding! I don't like it because i love it."

"You always joke around with me." She said as she hit me on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" I exclaimed, pretending to be hurt. "That hurts."
