
Chapter 3: Journey ahead

It had been a full day since I had happened to stumble into this world. As I opened my eyes to greet the day I was meet by the morning air, cool and calm. I got up from my resting spot, stretching my body thoroughly before jumping down from the tree I was resting in and set off.

I started my day by searching around for a river or other body of water to bathe in after getting dirty the day before. While calmly strolling around the forest I look at the item's I collect and couldn't help but see a new menu bearing the words 'crafting' above it, not caring too much about the details I opened the menu to see multiple sub-menus for different categories, including one that looked like a bottle, soap, clothes, weapons, books, wands, and cosmetics. I clicked on the icon that looked like soap in hopes of finding something to bathe with since I wasn't fond of just bathing in water itself. My hopes were realized when I saw a recipe called 'Cleansing Goo'. Excited at my findings I hurried to click it in hopes of making it, yet I had very little of the ingredients, frustrating me slightly since that meant more work, but brushing it off as the foraging would give me exp I needed, so not much to complain about in that way. After collecting all of the ingredients I needed as this was necessary to me, I set off once again with my newly acquired cleaning goo to find a proper bathing spot.

No farther than 10,000 miles away two men, one in a fiery crimson red, and the other in a royal navy blue sat together in an inn's restaurant chatting away as though no one was there. "Hey, elder brother? What do you think the hero will be like?" The man in red asked the other curiously. The man in the navy replied in an uninterested tone while looking agitated "Well Jimin how am I supposed to know? I assume he will be like the other heroes before him, but really what kind of a question is that!?" The man in red now known to be called Jimin looked at his older brother with a saddened face caused by his response, yet still saying clearly and with no sign of respect "Well Jin I thought you were smarter than this! No need to be so rude!" Jin looked at his younger brother Jimin, annoyance evident in his face, growling in response "At least I'm not a playboy prince whose dumb as rocks! Really how many girls have you been with!? Who would want such a no good!" Jimin looked at his older brother fury brimming in his eyes while spitting out his words "No good!? Ha! You make me laugh brother! At least I can get women! While look at you still shacked up over you darling angel! Can't you see how devious that woman you taken eyes for is!? Me an idiot? Why look at yourself!" These words sent Jin over the edge making him yell out while slamming his fist against the table, "Enough! You have no right to talk about Miako like that with those tramps you take home! Why did father even let you go on this trip? Oh right! To see if the hero can teach you some decancy! Don't tell me you forgot!" Jimin was speechless when facing his brother's words knowing that what Jin had said was true Jimin had no choice but to back down without saying a word. Jin took Jimin's silence as a victory and told the men standing gaurd on the side of the room "Well it seems we're ready to set off now. Please ready the carriage." The guard acted quickly after saying a fast "Yes my prince." while cupping his fist. Not long after the two princes set off while undenounced to them their hero was taking a well deserved bath in the middle of the forest unbothered even by the wild life.

Sorry this came out so late and is a bit short! Had a long day, but still wanted to write! ow<*

Kawaiitacocreators' thoughts