
Wake Up!

Felicia moved into the room at a quick pace, practiced steps instantly took her to the bed. Her eyes scanned the room quickly as she made her way over to the resting form of Peter. Though she would have liked to look around just a bit more, she had scarcely been in the room, something about Peter not wanting her specifically to have access or so Jarvis said.

Her eyes couldn't help but linger on the small bedside picture of Peter's Aunt May before her eyes moved back onto Peter's still form. Trust him to be sprawled so ungracefully over the huge queen sized bed his room came with.

With the sheets in a mess and his body half out of the covers, Felicia enjoyed the eye candy of his rising and falling bare chest as she leaned over him. If she wasn't in a hurry she might have teased him a little, maybe slipping under the covers and taking off her shirt just to see his reaction. A girl could dream.

Her hands gently rested on Peters shoulder as she tried to shake him awake, but as she had already figured might happen, he stayed as still as a brick. Sleeping like a log, with an adorable face, after his nightly activities it looked like she would need to get a bit rougher to get him up.

So that's exactly what she did.

Fully straddling his body and leaning over his face, just because it was fun, she started to more roughly shake his shoulders, calling his name. "Peter, Peter." Peter started to shift in his sleep, as he started to rouse, his eyes starting to flutter.

Even though Felicia knew her time was running short, she couldn't help what she did next. Leaning down closely to his ear, she ran both her hands down his biceps and whispered in her most seductive voice as she felt him wake.

"Peter~ Come on, I need you awake to hold me down and..." Before more words could even slip from her lips she heard his quiet mumble back, half fueled by his sleep addled mind. "Mmnn. We'll continue a bit later Gwen, I'm a bit tired right now."

Felicia's whole body froze in shock as she instantly pulled her body away looking down at Peter in shock. It took her brain more than 2 seconds to reboot and see the smug, teasing grin plastered across peter's face, even if he did look dead tired.

Realizing that she had just been played she decided to cut her losses and slap him in the face, waking him up completely, smile quickly leaving his features. "Hey! I was only joking!" Peter tried to protest as Felicia pouted and moved off his body quickly, shaking her head to clear it.

She'd get him back for that one later.

Mind quickly remembering the reason that she came to his room, she snapped her fingers once or twice as Peter finished rambling a small amount of curse words at the unexpected wake-up call and slap!

He had been trying to get a nice sleep after the night he just had, the night patrol while refreshing and fulfilling, was almost a shock to the system after he had been out of the game for the last few weeks.

Even if the suit had made things sooo, sooooo, soooo much easier, it had still been a very long night. He had only just got back and had a little amount of sleep, thankfully not raising any alarms with Jarvis, when Laura had come to wake him up for breakfast. Thankfully she had stayed outside the room and only woke him up before leaving after a few sleep addled words.

But just after she had left and he had finally gotten back to sleep, Felicia had come in to ruin his hard earned sleep! She even straddled him; if she was a bit lower it might have been awkward. He was still a teenager, even after everything he had been through.

He had every right to get back at her, the slap was a little uncalled for!

Before he could verbalize this injustice to his feline companion she spoke up, her voice belaying the seriousness of the situation. "Sorry Peter no time to talk, the rest of the Avengers are waiting for me in the Quinjet, we've got trouble..."

"Is it Hydra?" Peters voice held a little concern as he spoke up, though he was coming to terms with Felicia working with the Avengers, his concern when they came up against hydra didn't lessen, well not compared to the other things the avengers dealt with. He knew Felicia could handle that.

Felicia held up her hand to quickly stop the flow of questions that she knew was coming. She had known Peter long enough to know what was going through his mind, 'He's such a worry wart sometimes....and a nerd', but that was what made him Peter.

"Wait don't get ahead of yourself. It's a problem down town, a specific problem that you know all too well, having lived in New York your whole life..." There was a small wink sent his way that made Peter sober up just that little bit quicker as he noticed the room camera facing away from Felecia.

"It looks like Shocker and Electro are terrorizing down town, probably raring for a fight from the web head. We know he can take care of it..." The pointed look sent his way almost brought a smile to his face, but he kept his emotions in check, being watched and all. "...But Steve and the others think it would be good if we finally started to help deal with the problems of the city. And that starts with super villains."

The was a short pause in the room as the information registered with Peter. 'How long has it been since I started fighting super villains? It took a while before the Defenders popped up and started to help, now even the avengers.'

He was only lost in his thoughts for a second as Felicia got up off the bed and made her way for the door, Peter tracking her. "Steve just wanted me to let you know, we might not be here when you wake up if this takes longer than we expected. He even thinks we might meet Spider-Man. Well I haven't see him in a while so it might be nice to catch up~."

There was a touch of sensuality in her voice that reminded him of the few times he had 'met' Black Cat in the past. She sent one last look his way, waving as she went out rushing back to the elevator. "I'll talk to you later Peter, see ya!"

Peter look at her retreating figure for a second before slowly lying back down on his bed. Fumbling with his bed side for a second, he reached for his trusty phone, before moving under the covers and tapping open the screen.

Quickly unlocking and flipping the screen up, a small spider symbol flashed in the dark covers as he double tapped the button. A small bar appeared for less than a second as it completed before he sprung to his feet out of the bed.

Crystal had just worked her magic and he was free to go.

Snatching his necklace from the same bedside table as his phone, Peter quickly clipped it around his neck and double tapped on the spider pendant in the middle. It was time to deal with some old friends.


Jean looked down from the small overlook into the food court as the sound of shattering glass and destroyed gravel continued to go off. Her eyes briefly shone red for a second as she peered over, down at the two people currently wreaking havoc on the masses.

Most had already abandoned the small food court area, not to mention the mall they were currently in, but there were still a few down there basically trapped in the small shops they were shopping in, not daring to go outside with the super villains waltzing around.

Rogue quickly zipped beside her, having quickly changed into her mission outfit on the way over. She sent a dismissive glance towards the man wearing the huge metal gauntlets and tight fitting body armour, before her gaze shifted to the man who wasn't even wearing armour.

He seemed instead to be wearing a sort of harness that covered his casual clothes, lightning shifting between the nodes running down the side and his finger tips. She observed the two for a few seconds before turning to Jean an unimpressed look on her face.

"They don't look so tough."

Well votes in, here's the chapter!

Like i said i do like what i did with the chapter, i'm just afraid it might feel like the story dragging a bit with the pace. I'll figure it out some othe time.

Enjoy the chapter guys!

Zevren out!

Zevrencreators' thoughts