

Finally, The 10 arrives. The people in the island were all there to welcome them. Peter and Jo standing in front of all the people. Drinks were distributed out to them. They greeted Peter and Peter introduce Jo to them. "All are ready for you. Jo will show you to the cottages you are staying for the next 10 days. Have a short rest. Party starts at 7pm. Anything you need, feel free to let Jo know." Peter turn to Jo, "ok, your baby now." Jo nod her head and Peter gave her a kiss on her cheek and leave for the house. The 10 were astonished to see Peter's action towards Jo. They look at each other with question mark. Aunty Su says "Jo boss' girlfriend." The 10 smile.

Jo show them to their cottages, settle them and left them to rest. Jo reached the house and informed Peter that all has been done. "Later the party, I want you to wear the dress I place on your bed. And dress up beautifully." Jo smile and nod her head.

She went to her bed and saw a beautiful box. She open up and saw a beautiful knee length pink dress and a pair of shoes. She has a short rest, freshen up and dress up for the party. At 7pm, Peter knock at her door. She open and saw him in a matching suit with her dress. No wonder he insisted that she wears the dress for the party.

Hand in hand, they appear before the people, and the 10 greeted them. They have fun in the party and everyone was enjoying it. Jo stays beside Peter throughout the time. The party ends at 10pm for early tomorrow they have their meeting at 10am. Alot of info needed to be presented, so they end the party early.

The venue of the meeting is the house living room. For the next 10 days, nobody is allow near the house. All staffs meals collecting point has been relocated to Aunty Susan's house. It's a last minute change of location by Peter. Aunty Su got no choice but to confine to her house and busy cooking for the next 10 days. Everyday, Jo will have to send different people to collect from Aunty Su.

They have shown Peter all the data they brought with them and presented their plan to him too. "Boss, our plan is acquisition 1 company from the list of companies from each country and rebrand them. Have you decided which companies?" Dexter ask. Being the head of the 10. "I have a change of plans. Instead of acquisition, how about partnership? They must have someone there capable in something. How about developing some talents up for the futures?" The 10 were puzzle. "I want to spread wings. Like an eagle spreading it's wings as it soar to the sky." Peter explain. "Boss, you mean have this person take over the reign to re-spear the company to another level after raising from the crash?" Alan ask "You got it Alan." "Boss, lunch is ready." Jo interrupted their discussion.

"Let's have lunch first." All went to the dinning table and eat their lunch. After lunch they resume their discussion. "Dexter, can you come up with a projections of figures if we were to proceeds with my new plans?" "Yes boss." "Kelvin, you come up one for our acquisition plan. Let's make a comparison. I want this 10 people to bring in at least $20 billion dollars of business in 5 years time. "The rest will help in collating a redevelopment plans for the person. You will train and develop this person personally. Again, I'm invisible to these people too. I only have contact with you. No one else, and no mentioning of me or my name at all.

"Need any additional assistance, ask Jo to assist." Jo look at Peter. Peter look at her with challenge. "Yes boss." All answer, including Jo. The 10 look at Jo and she just smile at them. Everyone just laugh. "I want the projections and redevelopment plans in 3 days time. I'm going home and will be back by then. Family call." "So, you are flying back to Helsinki?" Dexter ask. Peter nod his head. "Send our regards to your parents." "Thanks all. Will do that." Peter add "Our company is growing healthily with a 25 percent profit this year. I'm giving out 2 percent from the profit for our new wings of business, 1 percent for the redevelopment, and 2 percent to be share amongst you." "Thank you boss" The 10 were so happy. That is a big fat bonus for them. "I'm setting off tonight, I need to prepare. Therefore, let's end the meeting for today now. See you guys in 3 days time."

"Dinner will be serve at 6pm. please meet at our party's venue. We will be having buffet for dinner." Jo announced before they left the house.

Peter left the rest for Jo to pack up and return to his room. A knock on Peter's room door 10 mins later. "enter." Jo walk in and saw Peter lying on the bed with eyes close. Jo: "Tired?"

Peter: "Headache."

Jo sit on the bed and gave Peter a head massage. Peter dose off in the midst of it. Jo cover him with comforter, left the bed and start doing packing for Peter's flight tonight. She has tried to be discreet and make no noise as best as she can so that Peter can have a good rest.

Peter open his eyes and the room is dark. He woke up from the bed, switch on the side table light and saw a luggage near the door. He smile because he knows who has pack for him. The table clock show 5.30pm. He got only 30 minutes to freshen up for dinner. He went to the bathroom and have a hot water bath. He was freshen, but the headache still there. On his study table, he saw a slip of headache pills. He pop 2 into his mouth and drink a glass of water to swallow the pills.

Peter went out to the dinner area. Dinner already started, Peter got hold of a plate and scoop a few types of food. He saw Jo sitting alone in a corner eating her dinner. Peter walk to her and sat down next to her to eat. Jo stood up, walk to beverage area and pour 2 glasses of drink. Walk back to Peter and place a drink on his table. "Thank you." Jo smile and both continue eating in silence. Peter finished his food at the same time as Jo. "Come with me, I've got some things for you to do while I'm gone." Both left the dinner and walk hand in hand towards the cave house.

Once inside, Peter gave Jo a kiss. "Thank you for packing for me. And the headache pills too." Jo shake her head and smile. "While I'm gone, beware of the enemy. Call me everyday and report to me the outcome of their development. After the 10 leave, let's have a holiday in your parents house." Jo jump for joy and give him a kiss. "You take good care of yourself too. I will miss you." Jo added. They hug for awhile and left the cave house.

Jo drive him to the private plane. It is waiting for him. Before Peter got out of the car, he give her a kiss and hug her again. He got out and wave goodbye to Jo. Not long later, the plane Departed. Jo return to the house. She was given a day off. Upon Peter's instructions, she lock her room door using KEY PAD LOCK.

Something unique about the house. This house was design for safety and protection purpose. Once a Key Pad Lock is use, the whole house automatically on the alarm. Without the owner's code, no one can harm the inhabitants inside the house. All materials around the house are bullet and fire proof. No one knows, not even Jo. She just obey Peter's instruction to turn on KPL when sleeping during he's absent. No further explanation was given.

Early next morning, Peter call her. Peter: "Good morning darling. Have a wonderful sleep?" Jo has not really wake up yet as the time only 5am.

Jo: "Hello," she answer in sleep. "Peter? What time is it?"

Peter: "5am."

Jo: "5am? You call me so early? Did something happen?" Peter smile.

Peter: "I'm in hospital now."

Jo: "What! Are you hurt?" Jo is fully awake now and worry.

Peter: "No, I'm not. I'm here for a small operation."

Jo: "What operation? Is it serious? Why didn't you tell me?" Jo is extremely worry now.

Peter: "It was scheduled before I know you. Nobody must know about this, understand?"

Jo: "Ok. I miss you."

Peter: "I miss you too, that's why I call... Ok, it's time to go. I spill you the details when I come back."

Jo: "Peter wait..." Peter wanted to end the call, but heard her stop him.

Peter: "What is it?"

Jo: "I love you. I will be at the landing area to receive you when you come back."

Peter: "I love you too. Ok. See you there."

Both end the call.

Ever since Jo received Peter's call, she was worry sick. But she put on a mask and continue with the assignment she has at hand. This is Peter's Company's project, and she has been assigned to help him build a new line of business. She must complete it no matter what. Though it's just 3 days that Peter will not be there, it seems like a year to Jo.

Dexter: "Jo, have the projection forecast base on $20 billion profit finished?"

Jo: "No. I'm left with 10 percent of the calculations to go."

Dexter: "That's fast. Normally it takes at least 6 hours to reach 90 percent of the calculations, you just used 2 hours." Dexter has never knew how competent Jo is, that's why he ask to find out.

Jo: "I used short cut to calculate." Dexter smile. Jo was about to finish when her phone ring. "Jo speaking."

"Darling, I'm out. I'm on my way back now. Office needed me. Don't come, I'm entering the office from another entrance. I will be back after midnight. Tell the 10 I'm delayed. The discussion will resume on the 5th day. Just act naturally." "Yes boss. Hahaha... enjoy your time with your family. I see you then." "Boss is held up with the family. Discussion awill resume on the 5th day. We got more time." " That's great. At least we can make sure it works." Grey added. Lucas was doing a small calculation and was surprise with the figure that appears on the calculator. "Boss has far sight." Lucas declared.

"Lucas, what do you mean?" Jo ask. Lucas answer "Assuming we go into partnership, our cost wouldn't be so high. With the target amount of $20 billion sales in 5 years, let's say we hold 51 percent of the share, with our usual practise of putting aside some for reinvestment, the projected profit margin we gain against our cost is substantial. We can get at least 30 percent profit annually. More than acquisition. And we have less worries too. Our redevelopment plan must be solid to reach that."

"Wow...!" The rest was shock. "Which means all of us can retire in 5 years time and our families have no worries for our living for even the next generation." Dexter added. "Yup. I think should be 3 generations." Lucas said.

Peter has promised them a profit-sharing of the company's profit in percentage for all the lives till they pass it on to their successor, as long as they are still with the company.

Example, if they retire from the forefront, and remain in the company as consultant, they still get what was promised to them. Unless they are totally out of the company, the benefits end the day they retire.

"So, all agree to boss' partnership idea?" Dexter asks. "Yes." All answer. "Let's come up with a solid redevelopment plan." Lucas ended.

All began to think and discuss to come up with the plan. They got 3 days to present their plan and the 10 crack their brains.

Jo left the cottage to do some errands. By the time she came back during dinner time, the 10 got half of their plan drafted. They ate dinner and went back to their respective cottages to rest. Jo went back to the house to rest too. Again, she turn on the KPL.

In the middle of the night, when she was turning to the other side of the bed, her right hand landed on a body and someone was holding her hand and was embracing her in bed. She opens her eyes and saw Peter sleeping next to her and holding her in their sleep. "Peter...!" He open his eyes, look at her and smile.

Jo: " When you got back?"

Peter: " Yesterday night. At 11pm."

Jo: "You been sleeping beside me?"

Peter: "Yup."

Jo: "Welcome back. I miss you."

Peter: "I love you."

Jo: "I love you too."
