

LUO YAN stared incredulously at the girl standing at the opened door of the private box.  Doesn't this girl, Nereid, like Shen Ji Yun?  At least that's the impression he got from the conversation she witnessed between her and her team mates a week ago.  So, why was she suddenly being so antagonistic towards Shen Ji Yun?

Right now, she was looking at Shen Ji Yun as if he was an ant under her foot.  Where was that blushing girl who was being all shy when being teased by her team mates?  Was that all just an act?  Or was the way she was acting right now the fake one?  If it was the former, was there really a need to deceive her friends?  Luo Yan didn't think so.  But if it was the latter, was this her way of getting Shen Ji Yun's attention?  If that was the case, he must say that's it's not really very effective.
