

Will proceeded to the exit with steady steps, but the bloody trail of unidentifiable liquid he left in his wake put many people in a chaotic state of mind. No one in the crowd had ever seen the Frozen Asgard Mask behave in such a way.

Natasha and her sisters had deep frowns for they were also not sure what this meant. But there was one thing clear about the situation for all observers. Things did not look good for Will.

By the time Will had reached the exit, his originally straight posture had slightly wobbled. As Adelda had so rightly put it, Will was heavily injured.

It was an injury that would not heal easily as the damage was extreme and far reaching. Causing problems to his three vessels.

'I can feel it, I've lost some lifespan from this. Might not be much, but it's enough to affect my growth.'

Will struggled to even stay conscious. His mind was plagued by a copious amount of bestial killing intent. Becoming a Vanishing Point was not easy. Not just because of the difficulty of pulling Intent, but also because the Intent didn't simply just vanish. It went into Will's mind.

The mind was like a solution with a specific trait. The more homogeneous it was, the stronger it became. Will's mind was now flooded with thoughts that were not his.

A regal arrogance that made him feel as if he had the right to stand above others. A desire to hunt and crush anything that stands in his way and a desire to get stronger through any means necessary. It was not as if Will could not relate to such thoughts, but he was much more reserved and did not have much of a temper.

Will was someone who got disappointed easily but he was slow to anger. But now he could feel flames of fury within him burn with a fervor he did not understand.

'So this is what it's like to have a short temper. It's about pride.'

Will could feel that all the anger the Prince had stemmed from his pride. This brought him back in time, to one of the very few moments he had listened to his father's advice.

'I'm an ordinary man and I don't have much knowledge to pass on to you, but I can teach you a simple trick to keep your anger in check. You are blessed because of two things. You can easily forgive, which is a blessing that allows you to move on and not hang onto grudges, and you do not have a temper. Do not forget where these stem from.

You have intellectual pride which is understandable for a kid of your gifts, but you should never allow your pride to affect your state of mind. The reason you can forgive and remain calm despite your arrogance is because of a dormant humility within the recesses of your mind.

No matter how arrogant you become temporarily, you still understand that you are just an insignificant speck in an unforgiving universe. Without pride, it is impossible to get angry. There is no such thing as a humble man quick to anger. There is also no such thing as an empathic arrogant man. All anger stems from pride of some sort.

Do remember, son. You are human, you are nothing. You have no right to believe things should go your way because they will never do so.

Grudges are a burden that will simply erode your mind and waste your energy. So cast them aside and focus on improving your own life instead of mulling over what people did to you in the past. At the end of the day, forgiveness and a calm state of mind are selfish actions to take for your own mental benefit. In other words remember, the reason you should forgive others is for your own good.

Carrying a grudge for life is no different from walking with a boulder on your shoulders. The weight will always slow you down, it makes you an easy target, and it limits your ability to move forward. Never forget that.'

Growing up Will did not get along with his father much. He was not disobedient, but he could not connect with the man he only saw before 6 am and after 10 pm.

But he still respected his father because he had done nothing wrong and had done well to provide for the family. Will did not hide his respect for Andre Chamberlain. But despite the respect he had for the man, open communication was still difficult. Hence from time to time, Andre would request Will to listen to a lecture on certain things to note in life.

Will had seen his father's economic and social success and knew that the latter knew what he was talking about, but never in a million years did he think he would use that advice so soon. He spent a lot of effort trying to apply the advice his father gave him. But it wasn't easy.

'I didn't know being able to throw away grudges was such an important gift.'

It took Will some effort, but he managed to reign in his mind. Anger was not something Will allowed to control him. Lust, sorrow and pride perhaps but never anger or envy.

Will wobbled onto the bed facing the screen. He completely ignored the taciturn Adelda and the oddly cheerful Wodin.

Will sat on the bed cross-legged as he canceled the Frozen Asgard Mask. The mask turned into a thick red fog that dissipated into nothingness. But the stench of blood still permeated the room.

Wodin narrowed his eyes as he saw Will try to tough it out. It was amusing watching Will trying to not seem hurt. But what could escape the notice of the All-Father?

'The boy won't be able to keep quiet for more than a minute. His spirit should be flooded by external thoughts filled with killing intent. Were it not for him naturally possessing Bloodlust, the purest form of killing intent, he would have long gone mad.

But on the other hand, his mind is one of a killer. A Solitary Sword Sovereign who welcomes death and laughs in the face of adversity. If he can't even deal with a simple tournament in a tiny Branded Dungeon then he won't survive anywhere else. Because from here it only becomes harder.'

Will was already on the cusp of breaking down, but he was holding himself together as best as he could. He intended to master the Realms of Perspective to the fullest. Even if it meant he would receive a lot of damage.

'I will rely heavily on The Realms of Perspective, Anti Divinity, and my other higher senses in the future. I have no choice as they are my greatest weapons. If I'm able to combine The Realms of Perspective and Unbound Vector...'

Will did not believe his hard work would not pay off and still planned ahead as he tried to gather his wits about him. All users of the Realms of Perspective had one thing in common. They were very close to becoming mad, due to having absorbed too many thoughts from too many beings.

Odin had seen many beings go crazy while treading this misunderstood Dao. But only one man had managed to master it with Supreme completion. He was the first man Odin always thought of when he heard words like crazy, insane, mentally unbalanced and so on.

'A truly fitting disciple for Modus The Mad.'

An amusing thought crept up in Odin's mind as he pondered an unlikely yet possible outcome. Was Will the next Modus?

"Fantasy is silver and scarlet, indigo and azure, obsidian veined with gold and lapis lazuli. Reality is plywood and plastic, done up in mud brown and olive drab." - George R.R. Martin

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