
Warrior? Mage?

Will and his charges stood outside the Senbonken building waiting for his orders, "6 a.m. on the dot. Nice timing guys. Well, like I said last time, I will deal with the unfriendlies along with Ib and Taiga. The others will all take care of their target on their own like me as well. Any complaints?"

A cacophony of sounds rang from the group before anyone could say anything Alexa spoke up, "Everyone involved in yesterday's, ehem, lesson, feel your strength and compare it to yesterdays'."

Everyone involved in the beat down, of course, knew that they were much stronger than yesterday. Each of them only slept for a few hours, but when they woke up, they felt refreshed and stronger. Especially those who were on the verge of a breakthrough, like Woodsy. She had managed to enter Martial Harmony. This increased her abilities by many folds.

She had the greatest improvement, but she was not the only person who had entered Martial Harmony.

Merlin's improvement far outstripped her colleagues, except for Woodsy. Due to her superiority complex and anger from embarrassment, she put in more effort than anyone else yesterday. Not only that, throughout the night she was in deep meditation, solidifying her gains.

Martial Harmony applied not only to warriors but also to mages, except the effects were slightly different. In Mages, the focus was more on meridians and the brain. Normal humans could only consciously utilize less than 10 percent of their brains. Martial harmony increased that percentage depending on the person. For Mages, the percentage was even higher, allowing their abilities to skyrocket.

Because of that, a battle of wills was raging on inside Merlin. Should she be angry because Will embarrassed her? Or should she be grateful for this monumental gift that would undoubtedly change her life for the better going forward? There was no doubt that she would be supreme in at least 10 years if things continued at this rate... And it wasn't just martial harmony, even her application of spells had also changed a lot thanks to his advice.

'How does he know so much about mages when he…hold on, he is a Mage thanks to his water class but chooses to battle as a warrior!'

Merlin and co did not have a high enough clearance to learn about classified information like practitioners and yuan. According to her, Will was a powerful Mage.

That's even how he presented himself to Sicario. That meant that he had been fighting them in his weaker form! This revelation was one they all had after the events of yesterday, and it had made them shudder from head to toe. If Will used a wand, if he used chants, if he used AOE attacks…would they even have a chance?

Merlin's inner conflict caused her to remained quiet.

The others reacted as usual but there was a faint glimmer in their eyes.

Cookie, (the Username of the young Vector Knight), had a gleam of envy attached to his vision. Salty was lusty, while Gabby was disgusted: she was someone who did not take defeat well despite her harmless aura. Woodsy was tempted to drool: she had fallen in love with Will from the battering yesterday. Like Nzou and Karim, she respected the strong, but her respect manifested in a different form. The fact that she had achieved Martial Harmony from Will's assistance only furthered her intense emotions. How could Will not have noticed? Unfortunately, he already had a wife, so he had to shut this down quickly some day. Today he needed her at her best.

"All of you should be strong enough to take them all down and escape, I have had Duke and Letty draft some plans for the weaker ones."

Letty went around and passed some booklets to Salty, Cookie, Karim, Nzou, and Gabby. This was unpleasant but they had to admit they were in the lower tier of strength when compared to the others of the empire. Will was tempted to do the same to Merlin, just to spite that pompous princess. He changed his mind the moment he noticed her inner conflict and actually laughed on the inside.

Ah... Laughing like crazy on the inside and not revealing a single piece of it outside, a truly good use of Martial Harmony!

Will turned to Taiga and said, "Bro your eyes are more squinty than usual, you have something to share? It better be useful coz this ain't the AA buddy."

Taiga's eyes squinted until they were lines causing Will to laugh inside tremendously once more.

"Bro that was not racist because I know you're not Asian. So u trying to mimic them to that extent is actually racist. Look at me. Goldy Locks perfect."

Resisting the urge to shout and curse at Will and 9 generations of his ancestors, Taiga spoke up, "I have some intel. Aurora Phoenix will take action to hinder us. She will be there at Mein Kampf's territory. What should we do?"

Will didn't even need to think. "Easy. Ib and Taiga, you two use AOE skills at the right moment while I go kill the Nazi motherfucker. As for the rest of you, if you can't do this, you might as well return to the empire. I have no need for dead weight."

Will jumped into the air and headed towards his job, followed by Ib and Taiga. One handsome sand storm followed by a shifting Phantom headed west.

Letty and Duke went back into Senbonken, while Alexa said a few encouraging words before following after Will. Will didn't give her orders because he didn't have the right to. She would move as she saw fit. Will knew she would follow him anyway so he just mentioned his plan and went. Letty and Duke were continuing Duke's mission yesterday and were headed to room 45. According to Will, there was some help in there so the duo headed straight to the 3rd floor.

When they opened the door Letty was stupified, covering her mouth. Duke obscenely opened his mouth, forgetting to close it, but the interesting thing was, they were reacting for completely different reasons!

Author's Note: random fact: my favourite shows are Archer and trailer park boys the animated series

Cookie's Note: mmm, grand main character me feels something is off about this chapter...

~ Cookie

theonionjunktioncreators' thoughts