
No Bail

"You go back inside! Now!" the police officer yelled to President Takashi. He was obviously furious and had completely lost his patience. When President Takashi entered the van, he was roughly close by the police officer. He sat in the front seat of the van so that they could leave promptly.

The limousine driver, who was waiting to drive them back to the hotel, had no idea what to do. He just thought that he should call the company he was working at to tell them what had happened, before deciding to return to the headquarters.

When the dispatcher of the limousine knew what had happened, he was worried and quickly finished the call with the driver. He then rang President Hanada's assistant.

The assistant couldn't believe what he had just heard. Immediately after he hung up the phone, he quickly called the lawyer of the THJ Group so that he could go to their boss in the police station.
