
New Liege

Wog led him back to his estate. His estate was basically just a humble wooden hut on the other side of the river. 

One wondered how the hell did the dwarf even  find him amid the heavy downpour. The humble wooden hut was surprisingly spacious and had a lot of furniture inside. 

The dwarf ushered him in and told him to sit down on one of the wooden chairs.

"Sit down, young man. You need to rest, I'll go and prepare a warm meal for you," Wog said. 

"I thank you for your hospitality," One said. The dwarf laughed and gave him a simple pat on the back and hurried to the other room.

Though spacious, the hut only had two rooms. A living room and what One assumed to be the kitchen, although it was in fact both the kitchen and Wog's bedroom.

Wog came back a few minutes later with a bowl of hot mushroom soup which he handed over to One. One, although not needed sustenance, took it.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
